• Reference
  • Title
    Apprenticeship Indenture: John Price, son of Ruth Price of Leighton Buzzard, widow, apprentice to Robert Feake Nixon of Woburn, carpenter.
  • Date free text
    28 March 1826
  • Production date
    From: 1826 To: 1826
  • Scope and Content
    Apprenticeship Indenture: John Price, son of Ruth Price of Leighton Buzzard, widow, apprentice to Robert Feake Nixon of Woburn, carpenter. From the date hereof for the term of three years. Robert Feake Nixon in consideration of the service of the said John Price to be done and performed by him for the term of three years or until he shall arrive at the age of twenty one years doth hereby accept and take the said John Price as his apprentice in the trade or business of carpenter and joiner which he now uses and carries on….and doth covenant and agree to find and provide for the said John Price all and whatsoever tools and implements shall be necessary or requisite to be used by the said John Price…and also to allow and pay to the said John Price in lieu of board and lodging clothes washing and other necessaries of him the said John Price the wages or salary following… the sum of nine shillings lawful money of Great Britain weekly and every week during the first year of the said term and the sum of ten shillings of the lawful money weekly and every week for and during the second and third years of the said term. Provided that if it shall happen that the said John Price shall at any time or times during the said term from illness or on any account whatsoever be absent from the business and employment of the said Robert Feake Nixon without the consent of him the said Robert Feake Nixon for that purpose had and obtained then the said respective weekly payments of nine shillings and ten shillings shall cease. Ruth Price doth hereby agree with Robert Feake Nixon his executors and administrators that he the said John Price shall and will during all the said term well and truly serve the said Robert Feake Nixon as an apprentice in the trade or business of carpenter and joiner diligently attending to the business or concerns of his Master doing no damage or injury to his said Master nor knowingly suffering the same to be done without acquainting his said Master thereof but shall and will in all respects acquit and demean himself as an honest and faithful apprentice ought to do and shall and will take and accept the sums of nine and ten shillings weekly in lieu and full satisfaction for board & lodging etc. Ruth Price shall and will find and provide for her said son fit and proper clothing and necessaries during all the said term. Robert Feake Nixon according to the best of his power skill and knowledge shall and will during all the said term teach and instruct or cause to be taught & instructed the said John Price in the business of a carpenter & joiner. Signed: Ruth Price; John price; Robert Feake Nixon. Witnesses: William Harland, clerk to Mr Green, Solicitor of Woburn.
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