• Reference
  • Title
    Apprenticeship Indenture for Henry George Reynolds Robinson of Ridgmont to George Potton of Woburn, master tailor. Term of four years.
  • Date free text
    22 July 1881 - 16 Feb 1883
  • Production date
    From: 1881 To: 1883
  • Scope and Content
    This Indenture witnesseth that Henry George Reynolds Robinson a poor boy belonging to and having a settlement in the Parish of Ridgmont in the County of Bedford with the consent of his mother Selma Caroline Robinson, widow and also of George Matthias Hipwell and John Tacchi Churchwardens of the parish of Ridgmont aforesaid doth put himself apprentice to George Potton of Woburn, master tailor to learn the art or trade of a tailor and with him after the manner of an apprentice to serve him from the 20th day of the June last for the term of four years thence next ensuing during which term the said apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful businesses according to his power skill and ability and behave himself towards his said Master in all matters and concerns honestly orderly and obediently. And in consideration of such faithful service and of the sum of fifteen pounds sterling to be paid to him the said George Potter by the said Churchwardens in manner following (that is to say) the sum of seven pounds ten shillings on the execution of these presents and the remaining sum of seven pounds ten shillings on the 20th day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty three if the said apprentice shall then be living and in the service of the said George Potter the receipt of which said first mentioned sum of seven pounds ten shillings is hereby acknowledged (which said sum of fifteen pounds is part and parcel of certain charity monies or interest arising therefrom left by the will of Arthur Whitchelsea for the putting out annually poor children of the parish of Ridgmont and other villages therein mentioned apprentices) he the said George Potter doth hereby accept and take the said HGR Robinson as his apprentice and shall and will teach and instruct the said HGR Robinson in the art or calling of a tailor which he useth by the best means that he can during the said term of four years and the said George Potter doth hereby agree during the continuance of the said term to find and provide for his said apprentice sufficient and proper food drink lodging clothes washing and all other necessaries except medicine surgery and nursing in case of sickness. And to pay his said apprentice the sum of 1 shilling per week weekly every week during the first three years of the said term and the sum of 1/6 per week weekly every week during the last year. And the said Selma Caroline Robinson agrees to find and provide for her said son medicine surgery and bursing in case of sickness during the said term. And lastly for the true performance of all several agreements hereinbefore contained either of them the said Selma Caroline Robinson (for herself and for and on behalf of her said son) and the said George Potter bindeth himself unto the other by these presents. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hand and seals the twenty second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty one. Signed: H G R Robinson; S C Robinson; G Potter; Henry Thomas Hall, Clerk to Mr Green, Woburn. With receipt for £7.10.0 signed by George Potter. With note: The within indentures have this day been cancelled by the mutual consent of all the within named parties upon payment of the sum of three pounds to the within named Churchwardens, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge. As witnessed the hands of the parties this day 16th February 1883. Signed Henry G R Robinson, S C Robinson, G Potter. Overwritten in pencil as HN4/1/43/24b.
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