• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions and examination - Benjamin Cox, John Sharp and James Brown
  • Date free text
    18 September 1838
  • Production date
    From: 1838 To: 1838
  • Scope and Content
    Richard Walton of Dunstable - he is one of the constables of Dunstable. Yesterday, about 1 o’clock he was informed that there was a great mob assembled, that the police constable (Lees) had been knocked about very much, and that a prisoner he had taken had escaped. He went into the street and saw Benjamin Cox running away. He pursued him, laid hold of him and he attempted to get away. In the struggle they both fell. Cox took his staff and struck him a violent blow on the shoulder with it. With assistance from others he secured Cox. He then went with Lees to apprehend John Sharp and James Brown, who Lees said had been active in rescuing Cox from his custody. He saw them standing at the Nags Head door. They laid hold of them and were taking them to the cage. Sharp and Brown went quietly for a time, then Sharp seized his staff and took it from him. Brown had a knobbed stick in his hand which he shook in his face and threatened to strike him with it. The stick was taken from Brown and he conveyed him to the cage. Robert Goosey of Dunstable, grocer - yesterday about 1 o’clock he was at his door in the High Street Dunstable. He saw Robert Less the police constable conveying a man to the cage .There was a great mob and he saw Sharp and Brown trying to rescue the man from Lees’ custody. He saw Sharp strike him several times with his fists and Brown once. The man was rescued and escaped. The man was later retaken and he saw him put into the cage. Robert Lees of Dunstable, police constable - he was on duty in the High Street yesterday and saw two men fighting. One of them was Cox. He parted them and advised Cox to go away. Cox would not, and struck him several times and also kicked him. Sharp came up and laid hold of him and tried to take him from Cox. Sharp struck him and kicked him several times, and also attempted to bite him. Sharp used his utmost exertions to rescue Cox out of his custody. Brown was also present and attempted to rescue Cox. Brown struck him repeatedly and kicked him. They caused a great riot and about 200 people were assembled. He was obliged to let Cox go. With the help of Richard Walton and others he retook Cox and also Sharp and Brown. Thomas Willoughby of Dunstable - yesterday at about 1pm he saw PC Robert Lees with Cox and Sharp in his custody. He saw Sharp kick Lees. Lees was obliged to let him go. Lees kept hold of Cox and he assisted him. Cox tried to get away and struck at them and kicked at them several times. Cox also tried to bite him. They caused a great disturbance in the market and a great mob was assembled. “Prisoners' account of themselves”: - Benjamin Cox - he is a butcher of london and is going to Birmingham for work. He met his companions at Barnet. - James Brown - he was going from London to Birmingham for work and met Sharp at St Albans who said he came from Cambridge. He thinks Sharp said he was a smith. He met Cox on this side of St Albans. - John Sharp, whitesmith, going to Birmingham, came from Cambridge - he and Cox came across from Cambridge together. He met Brown at St Albans. Cox is a pipe maker.
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