• Reference
  • Title
    Salford Charity Assignment of Indenture of Apprenticeship. Edward Willam Boon apprenticed to William Summerford of Salford, carpenter & joiner. Term of three years.
  • Date free text
    2 - 21 June 1887
  • Production date
    From: 1887 To: 1887
  • Scope and Content
    This Indenture witnesseth that Edward William Boon a poor child born in and having a settlement in the Parish of Salford in the County of Bedford by and with consent of his father Eli Boon of Salford aforesaid labourer and by and with the consent of Boteler Chernocke Smith vicar of the Parish of Salford aforesaid and of William Juggins and Maria Dale Smith Churchwardens and George Frederick Bosworth and Barnard Chernocke Sturges Overseers of the Poor of the same parish (testified by their severally executing these presents) doth put himself apprentice to William Summerford of Salford aforesaid, carpenter & joiner to learn his art or trade and with him after the manner of an Apprentice to serve from the first day of June one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven for the term of three years during which term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully and diligently shall serve in the said art or trade of carpenter and joiner and in all lawful concerns according to the best of his power skill and ability and behave himself towards his said Master and all his honestly orderly and obediently in all things And in consideration of such faithful service and of the sum of Twenty Pounds sterling to be paid to the said William Summerford by the said Vicar Churchwardens and Overseers of the said Parish of Salford in manner following that is to say the sum of Ten Pounds on the execution of these presents and the sum of Ten Pounds on the first day of December one thousand eight hundred and eighty eight if the said Apprentice shall then be living and in the service of the said William Summerford. The receipt of which first mentioned sum of Ten Pounds is hereby acknowledged (which said sum of Twenty Pounds is part of certain Charity moneys charged in lands in the parish of Brightwell by the Will of Dr Woodward and payable to the Vicar Churchwarden and Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Salford aforesaid for the placing out of Poor Children born in the Parish of Salford Apprentices). He the said William Summerford doth hereby accept and take the said Edward William Boon as his apprentice in the said art or trade of a carpenter and joiner which he useth and by the best means that he can shall and will teach and instruct the or cause to be taught or instructed the said Edward William Boon during the said term. And the said William Summerford doth hereby agree to pay to his said Apprentice the sum of four shillings weekly and every week during the first year of the said Apprenticeship the sum of five shillings weekly and every week during the second year of the said Apprenticeship the sum of six shillings weekly and every week during the third and last year of the said Apprenticeship.. And the said Eli Boon in consideration of the weekly payments so to be made as last aforesaid doth hereby covenant and agree with the said William Summerford to find and provide for the said Edward William Boon during his apprenticeship good & sufficient food clothes lodging washing and all other necessaries and medicine nursing and surgery in case of sickness or accident. Provided always and it is hereby agreed between the parties hereto that if the said Apprentice shall be absent from his said Masters service from any cause whatever without the consent of his said Master for that purpose first obtained in writing then that such of the respective weekly payments as would in Pursuance of the covenants in that behalf accrue or become due during such time as the said apprentice shall be so absent shall not be payable or a proportion thereof for the time of such absence and the next and every future yearly increase of weekly payments shall not commence until the time he may have been absent shall have been made up. And lastly for the true performance of all and every Agreements herein contained each of the said parties bindeth himself to the to the other by these presents. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals the 21st day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty seven. Signed: Edward William Boon; Eli Boon; B C Smith; William Juggins; Maria Dale Smith; G F Bosworth; B C Sturges; William Summerford witnessed by Louisa Laxley and Charlotte Summerford. Receipt signed by William Summerford for £10 21st June 1887. Enclosed statement: I hereby agree to take Edward William Boon, son of Eli Boon of Salford for a term of three years from the first of June 1887, to learn him the trade of carpenter and joiner and to do such other work as I may require of him for a premium of twenty pounds in consideration of which I agree to pay him wages viz four shillings weekly for the first, five shillings for the second and 6 shillings for the third year. Signed by William Summerford June 2nd 1887 Enclosed letter to Rev B C Smith: Dear Sir, I do not know if the enclosed will be sufficient to guide Mr Tanqueray in preparing the Indentures , if not I will see you again about it sometime. I may mention that the boy and his father are perfectly satisfied with the terms. Yours truly, W Summerford. 2 June 1887. Enclosed letter to Frederick Tanqueray from B Chernocke Smith: 4 June 1887: Is the enclosed sufficient to enable you to prepare the Indentures? The Parish is prepared to pay, as in former cases £10 down & £1 expenses and the second £10 when half the three years has expired. If Higgs has not been to you, I should be much obliged if you would, when you write to me about the Indentures, tell me I think I shall have to get you to adopt peremptory steps with him. Edward Boon (not Boone) was 14 years old on the 24th March last.
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