Documents/deeds relating to Carlton, Chellington, Turvey.
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From: 1603 To: 1839
Scope and Content
Some of these deeds relate to various properties in Carlton. One bundle bears the label ""Deeds relating to the late Mr. Thomas Battams' estates at Carlton"". They show the gradual acquisition in the 17th century of small portions of land by the Bithrey family, who finally purchased Staysmore Manor in 1709 and retained it through the greater part of the 18th century. ""According to Harvey it next passed to Mr. Palmer, an American merchant, who sold it to Thomas Battams (who) pulled down the old house and erected a new one about 1805"" (V.C.H.iii,52"").
With them were 9 deeds relating to Yardley Hastings which have been passed to the Northants Record Society, 1660-86; they appeared to contain no references to Bedfordshire places or persons."
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