• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions of John Dorrington, police constable of Luton and William Brimley, police constable of Luton. In the case of William Wiseman accused of being unlawfully armed with a dangerous and offensive weapon, that is bludgeons, with intent to break and enter a certain dyehouse and Henry Ward accused of being found in possession of certain Piclock Keys, implements of housebreaking, with intent to break and entering into a certain building.
  • Date free text
    23 May 1859
  • Production date
    From: 1859 To: 1859
  • Scope and Content
    PC John Dorrington: on the night of 20 May he was on duty in the company of PC Brimley. They were watching Mr Samuel Goujons house in High Town, Luton. He had been watching it for some weeks. About 11.30pm he saw 3 men against Mr Goujon’s dye house door. 2 of the men got over the fence and were trying to undo the door. He heard the noise of keys. He and Brimley were watching from behind a cart near the door. The third man ran away but they saw Ward with a bunch of keys and Wiseman standing against the door with a large stick in his hand. As he approached Wiseman, Wiseman struck him with force about the head. He warded off the blow with his left arm. Wisemans truck him several times with the stick and he was obliged to use his staff to protect himself. The struggled last about 5 minutes until he stuck Wiseman about the head and knocked him down. He took Wiseman into custody and charged him. He felt the effects of the blow and his thumb had been knocked out of joint. He was obliged to consult a doctor. They had been watching as the place had been broken into before. PC Brimley went after Ward and took him into custody. PC William Brimley: on the night of 20 May he had been on duty with PC Dorrington watching Mr Goujon’s dye house. He saw 3 men about 11.30pm and 2 of them got over the fence. Ward was trying the door with a bunch of keys. He and PC Dorrington went to the dye house door and found the 2 prisoners. The third man ran away as he did not get over the fence. Ward had a bunch of keys and Wiseman was standing with a large stick in his hand. He was Wiseman hold up the stick in the act of striking Dorrington. Ward ran away and he caught him and took him into custody. he took the key from Ward’s hand and found another 5 keys in his pocket. He picked up another key by the dye house door. 2 of the keys were skeleton keys. He heard Dorrington and Wiseman struggling together and heard blowes. He could not get near them as he had care of Ward. They had been watching the place for some weeks as it had been broken into before. Statement of the accused: nothing to say [both]
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