• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of title of Frederick Brown, esquire, M.D., to freehold messuage and leasehold orchard in St John’s, Bedford
  • Date free text
    Paper watermarked 1848
  • Production date
    From: 1848 To: 1848
  • Scope and Content
    Will of Ann Towersey (see ST1368). Proved (Prerogative Court of Canterbury) in April or May 1807 Conveyance of 29 August 1807 i) Mary Prichard, Greenwich, Kent, widow, Edward Shove, Queenborough, Isle of Sheppy, Kent, esquire and wife Ann ii) Samuel Whitbread, Southill, Jacob Whitbread, Lowdham Park, Suffolk, esquire iii) George Sharp, Bedford, musician iv) John Day, Bedford, esquire v) Theed Pearse, Bedford, gentleman with recitals as in ST1638 premises put up for sale by auction in Bedford and iii) declared purchaser £200 owing to ii) as executors of will of Samuel Whitbread dated 24 June 1795. Agreed that said £200 should be paid out of purchase money now, in consideration of £200 paid by iii) to ii) by direction of i), and in consideration of £400 (residue) paid by iii) to i), i) releases to iii) ...messuage in High Street, Bedford, in parish of St John’s, Bedford W. High Street E. leasehold premises held of St John’s Hospital N. Samuel Constant S. King’s Ditch late in occupation Ann Towersey, deceased, and then of iii) covenant to levy fine orchard is leased to Charles Purser also ii) by request of i) assigns to iii) for residue of term of 1000 years ... messuage as in indenture of mortgage of 21 October 1776 with intention that said term should be merged and extinguished i) have appointed v) as attorney to deliver seisin Fine of 4 George III i) George Sharp ii) Mary Prichard, Edward Shove and wife Ann ... messuage and one acre land in St John’s Lease and release of 20 and 21 December 1809 i) George Sharp ii) Isaac Anthony, Bedford, dissenting minister iii) Charles Bailey, Bedford, gentleman i) had agreed with ii) for sale to him of said freehold messuage etc. and also of said leasehold garden etc. for £900 in consideration of said £900 paid by ii) to i), i) by powers given in indenture of feoffment, appointed that said premises should remain and continue and be to the uses and upon trusts therein also i) released to ii) ... before mentioned premises on such trusts as ii) shall appoint iii) being trustee to preserve contingent remainders i) released also to ii) ... all premises as in lease of 31 August 1807 to hold to ii) during lives of George Henry Sharp, Eliza Ann Sharp and Louisa Sharp and the lives of the longest liver of them subject to payment of yearly rent of 15s Lease and release of 8 and 9 April 1816 (mortgage) i) Isaac Anthony ii) Thomas Wiles junior, Colesden, Roxton consideration £700 paid by ii) to i) i) releases to ii) ... before abstracted premises ... premises contained in lease of 31 August 1807 (subject to lease for lives) i) will pay rent of 15s Lease and release of 13 and 14 October 1822 i) Thomas Wiles ii) Mary Anthony, Bedford, widow, Isaac Anthony, Bedford, gentleman said £700 had not been repaid Isaac Anthony (party to lease and release of 13 and 14 October 1822) did convert N. end of said messuage into a separate dwelling house and fenced off so much of said leasehold ground as lies behind or on E. of said dwelling house, as a garden. Said separate house now in occupation Robert Savill by will of Isaac Anthony dated 10 April 1822 ...2 several freehold messuages etc. (part whereof said testator was entitled to under lease for several lives of Eliza Sharp and Louisa Sharp, who had survived said George Henry Sharp) to wife said Mary Anthony and son said Isaac Anthony, upon trust will proved (Prerogative Court of Canterbury) on 22 August 1822 trustees caused messuage and garden in occupation Robert Savill (part of said mortgaged premises) to be put up for sale by auction at King’s Arms Inn, Bedford, on 27 June 1822, when Robert Savill became purchaser for £500. Agreed that same £500 should be paid to Thomas Wiles in part payment of said £700 ii) have agreed with Master and Brethren of St John’s Hospital for renewal of lease of such part of said leasehold premises as were not sold to said Robert Savill, for certain other lives, by indenture of 10 July 1822. reciting lease and release of 12 and 13 October 1822 a) Thomas Wiles b) said Mary Anthony and Isaac Anthony c) said Robert Savill d) John Eagles, Ampthill, gentleman consideration £500 paid to a) by c) ...premises as sold to c) assured to him, freed from said mortgage money, and interest £200 still owed to Thomas Wiles which ii) had agreed to pay off now in consideration of £200 paid by ii) to i) i) released to ii) ... messuage or orchard as in lease and release of 8 and 9 April 1816 or demised by lease of 10 July 1822 (except such parts as had been sold to Robert Savill) to be held to trusts in will of Isaac Anthony, deceased Lease and release of 7 and 8 January 1824 i) Mary Anthony, Isaac Anthony ii) William Hodgson Brown, Bedford, Captain and Adjutant in the Bedfordshire Militia iii) Henry Leach, Bedford, Lieutenant and Paymaster of same Regiment consideration £760 paid by ii) to i) i) releases to ii) ... messuage or tenement etc. in High Street, Bedford, in St John’s W. said street E. leasehold premises of St John’s Hospital N. messuage, part of messuage lately sold to Robert Savill, since deceased S. King’s Ditch late in occupation Isaac Anthony, deceased and then ii) ... garden ground or orchard (once part of orchard belonging to said Hospital in St John’s) N.(part) leasehold ground lately demised by Master etc. to Robert Savill, deceased N.(remaining part) and E. said Hospital S. King’s Ditch W. premises therein before described to hold to ii) in trust ... freehold premises on such trusts etc. as ii) might appoint iii) to preserve contingent remainders ... garden ground to use of ii) during lives of Isaac Anthony (party) and Jacob Anthony and life of longer liver of them covenant by ii) to pay land tax of 15s and chief rent of 1s..4d per annum payable to Corporation of Bedford as chief lord of the fee memorandum endorsed on last abstracted indenture ... messuage and premises sold to late Mr Robert Savill were held under same title as premises intended to be conveyed by last abstracted indenture and in conveyance of said Robert Savill was contained a covenant for production of title deeds on his behalf regarding the leasehold reciting ST1641
  • Reference
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