Annual Reports (3rd – 11th), 1850-1858, and papers read before the society back to 1848.
Book in locked cupboard in searchroom.
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Production date
From: 1848 To: 1858
Scope and Content
This volume is made up from the Bedfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society's reports and papers from what was originally intended to be volumes containing the reports and papers of multiple societies including, for example, Worcester Diocesan Architectural Society and St Albans Archaeological and Architectural Society, Louth Society (pages from these societies appear on the reverse of the end or beginning of the Bedfordshire reports and papers). The title under which the complete publication was issued is not known. The reports are numbered with Roman numerals and the papers with Arabic numbers. When the volumes of just Bedfordshire papers were put together, in the late 19th or possibly early 20th century, the pages were over stamped with a single sequence of numbers across three volumes from 1-970. This volume is pages 1-257.
The papers are:
- On the Ecclesiastical Architecture of the northern portion of the County of Bedford by Rev. W. Airy, 1848. (pp.8-18)
- On Ancient Relics collected in Bedfordshire by late T. Inskip, 1848 (pp.29-36)
- Lombardic Inscriptions on monuments in Bedfordshire by Rev H.J. Rose, 1849 (pp.57-61)
- [Bedford] Tradesmens’ Tokens by Capt W.H. Smyth, 1852 (pp.74-94)
- Memoirs of the Corporation of Bedford by James Wyatt, 1852 (pp136-151).
- Risinghoe Castle, Goldington, and Howbury, in Renhold, by William Monkhouse, 1854 (pp.151-161).
- On The Church and Conventual Establishment of Elstow, by George Hurst. Includes line drawings of church exterior, interior and features, (pp.190-203).
- John Milton and Isaac Barrow papers at Houghton Conquest, by Rev. H.J. Rose. (pp.203-215).
- Biddenham well, by Rev. W. Monkhouse, 1857. Includes sectional drawings and pictures of finds. (pp.248-257).
Open access book in searchroom
Level of description
- Bedfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society Reports and papers read to the society 3-11 (Kept in locked cupboard)
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