• Reference
  • Title
    Abstract of the Title of Thomas Anderson Rudd esq. and Frances his wife and John Gibbard esq, and Mary his wife to divers Hereditaments at Bedford.
  • Date free text
    made c.1825
  • Production date
    From: 1825 To: 1825
  • Scope and Content
    25/26 November 1728 Marriage Settlement on marriage of Thomas Hawes & Judith Wilkes and in consideration £2000 to (i) secured by (ii) as marriage portion i) Thomas Hawes, Bedford, gentleman ii) Thomas Wilkes, Bedford, merchant, an alderman of the town, and Judith Wilkes, spinster, youngest daughter of Thomas iii) Frances Jessop of Bedford, gentleman Thomas Cave of Bedford, woollen draper being conveyance to (iii) in trust of: ... messuage or farm house called the Porch House in Bedford St. Paul with the Rickyard containing 1/2 acre ... closes called Forches Close, Square Close and Hill Close containing 30 acres ... close near Pest House in Bedford St. Paul 1 acre 1 rod ... pightle containing 3 rods in Parish of St. Paul abutting on Hill Close ... close containing 1 1/2 acres lying over against the Green Dragon in Bedford St. Paul ... all tithes of hay, grass, wool, lambs coming out of above premises ... 182 acres land in fields of town of Bedford formerly in occupance Isaac Smith, then or late of Thomas Randall, and all tithes ... New Close in St. Peter Merton near Putnoe Gate and tithes all of which in occupance Thomas Randall ...Gravel Leys 4acres in Bedford St. Paul late in tenure John Risely ... garden near the Porch House then in occupance one Groves (excepts specifically Prebend Close and St. Cuthbert's Close, not intended to be settled). 17/18 October 1737 Mortgage by Thomas Hawes for £200 to John Woodham, Standford, Southill, gentleman of: ... messuage with yards, gardens and appurtenance in Bedford St. Paul at the south end of Angel Street otherwise Sheeps Cheaping, the messuage of the Reverend Alexander Leith clerk deceased on south, and messuage of Thomas Woodward, gentleman, then or late in occupance of Austin Watton, north, fronting east on Angel Street and abutting west on garden mentioned below and a close late of the Reverend Alexander Leith, which was then late in occupance John Goodhall, since of Bithrey widow and then of Thomas Hawes ... piece of garden ground adj. containing 1 acre then or late in occupance William Freelove ... Farm Yard with barns and stables in Bedford St. Paul adj the said garden south and extending north to Well Street late in occupance John Risely since of Thomas Simpson ... cottage in Well Street late in occupance William Linford since of John Palmer then of William Freelove, the Great Gates belonging to the yard being on the west, the common street north, said Farm Yard south, and next cottage east ... cottage in Well Street adj last mentioned cottage then or late in occupance John Newman, common street, north, Farm Yard south and also other the messuages and hereditaments of Thomas Hawes which were the messuages and hereditaments of Elizabeth Carter widow of William Carter, deceased, Thomas Skevington, gentleman and wife Elizabeth, John Peers, gentleman and wife Ann, Mary Carter, spinster and Thomas Wade, gentleman and wife Temperance, formerly the estate of Robert Courtman, gentleman and late purchased by Thomas Hawes of Elizabeth Carter and the others. 7 May 1738. Will of Thomas Hawes (wife Judith now dead) leaving to use of his son John Hawes real estate not contained in Settlement subject to payment of £800 apiece to his daughters, Mary and Judith Hawes. Should children all die, then real estate to his sister Letitia wife of Richard Luke, gentleman and to his brother John Hawes. Executors and administrators: Francis Jessop, esq. Thomas Cave (brother in law) Humphrey Dell, Doctor of Physick. 30 December 1740. Codicil. Legacies of daughters changed to £500 each. 24/25 September 1742. Transfer of mortgage (17/18 October 1737 above) to Edward Cobden, Acton, Middlesex, D.D. 29/30 January 1752. Mortgage (Lease & Release) increased by further sum of £600. i) John Hawes, Baliol College, Oxford, gentleman, son of Thomas Hawes, deceased ii) Edward Cobden, Acton, Middlesex, D.D. reciting mortgage above and reciting other debts incurred by Thomas Hawes (Richard Luke £50; Thomas Woodward £200; Francis Walker of Bedford £160) and death of Thomas Hawes 24 March 1740 leaving debts unpaid, and desire of (i) to pay off these sums, property charged now to include: ... Prebends Close in St. Paul 11 acres, in occupance Thomas & John Field ... St. Cuthbert's Close in St. Cuthbert 4 acres now in occupance John Thompson ... John Hawes undivided moiety of ------- messuage with granaries, warehouse, wharf and conveniences in St. Paul late in occupance Thomas Cave, gentleman, deceased, and then of Mrs Elizabeth Cave, widow -------- messuage or Inn adj. to the last mentioned messuage as were then in occupance Mr James Chamberlin ------- wharf at the bottom of the yard of the said Inn as used by Elizabeth Cave (mention of an annuity of £30 payable out of premises in Covington granted to William Hawes and his heirs by Thomas Hawes' father by indenture 3 June 4 Charles 1; annuity £30 payable out of premises in Covington and out of Prebend Close and Cuthberts Close granted to George Hawes and heirs by Thomas Hawes' father by last mentioned indenture; charge of £500 each to Thomas Hawes' two daughters). 27/28 February. Conveyance of mortgage interest & equity of redemption. i) Edward Cobden, Portsmouth, Hampshire, gentleman (kinsman and heir at law of said Edward Cobden, deceased) ii) John Caryer, Potton, draper the Reverend William Lucas, late of Acton, then of Uxbridge, Middlesex, clerk the Reverend William Croucher, late of Merton College, Oxford, then of Quendon, Essex, clerk (executors of will of Edward Cobden, deceased) iii) John Hawes the Reverend William Smith, Barton, Bedford, clerk and wife Mary the Reverend Megison Newton, Wilstead, Bedford, clerk and wife Judith (Mary and Judith being daughters of John Hawes deceased by wife Judith) iv) William Webb of Bedford, draper v) John Simpson, Covington, Huntingdonshire, gentleman reciting as above and that Edward Cobden was lately dead having made will 1 February 1762 and codicil 14 November 1763, and that sum due to executors £843 10s, and that (v) willing to advance the money with a further sum. Conveyance by (i) and (ii) in consideration £843 10s ... hereditaments as above and further charge by (iii) of £156 10s. Easter 5 Geo II Indenture of Fine. 1/2 February 1781. Reciting that £1000 and interest not paid by John Hawes to John Simpson, and that after executing the mortgage ... the messuage with yards, gardens and appurtenance in Bedford St. Paul at the south end of Angel Street alias Sheeps Cheaping and several cottages in Bedford St. Paul had been sold by John Hawes to John Simpson, and that on 11 March 1772, William Smith paid John Simpson £300 and on 17 June 1773 John Hawes repaid the remaining £700 and all interest. Reconveyance by John Simpson of remainder of mortgaged premises. 11/12 March 1781 i) John Hawes ii) John Bradshaw, Nether Crowley Farm, Luton, yeoman. Mortgage by (i) to (iii) for £500 of ... such hereditaments as indentures of 25/26 November 1728 as were in Bedfordshire ... Prebend Close and St. Cuthbert's Close as in indentures of 29/30 January 1752. 6 April 1782 i) William Smith and wife Mary, late Mary Hawes, spinster, one of the two daughters of Thomas Hawes, deceased. Frances Smith of Barton in the Clay, spinster, daughter and only child of William Smith by wife Mary ii) John Hawes. Reciting as above, and reciting settlement on marriage of William Smith and Mary Hawes, which dealt with £500 left her by Thomas Hawes, which was to accumulate with interest until it reached sum of £1000, which sum Frances Smith would be entitled to receive on death of her parents reciting indentures of even date, between I) John Hawes II) William Smith and wife Mary Frances Smith III) Thomas Dove, clerk in which (I) had agreed to secure sum of £1000 to (II) according to their separate interests under will of Thomas Hawes being Grant by (I) to (III) of ... divers hereditaments in Hargrave and Raunds in Northants to secure payment of £1000 in trust. Release by (i) to (ii) of ... messuages tenements or real estate late of said Thomas Hawes deceased of all claims and charges especially the £500 and interest. 6 April 1782 i) John Newton, Great Newman Street, Oxfort Street, Middlesex, coachmaker, son and administrator of the goods of Megison Newton, deceased ii) John Hawes. Reciting will and codicil of Thomas Hawes, deceased, and reciting indenture of 3 October 1759 between I) Judith Hawes II) Megison Newton III) William Smith Richard Cave which mentioned legacy of £500 due to Judith Hawes and charged on estate of Thomas Hawes her late father, and that a marriage was intended between Megison Newton and Judith Hawes, being Assignment by (I) to (III) legacy of £500 bequeathed to her upon trust to uses of settlement, reciting death of Judith Newton, and that Megison Newton died intestate January 1780 leaving John Newton his eldest son who had obtained letters of administration. Release by (i) to (ii) in consideration of £500 of all ... lands and estates late Thomas Hawes from charge of legacy of £500. 30 April 1782. Letters of administration on effect of Megison Newton, deceased, granted to John Newton, P.C.C. 28/29 June 1786. i) John Hawes, Cardington, gentleman ii) Mary Smith, Cardington, widow, only surviving sister of John Hawes Frances Smith, Cardington, daughter and only child of Mary Smith by the Reverend William Smith, deceased iii) Leonard Hampson, Luton, Bedfordshire, gentleman iv) the Reverend John Smith, Mattishall, Norfolk Edward Hampson, Westwood, Abbotts Langley, Hertford, gentleman, reciting a marriage arranged between Leonard Hampson and Frances Smith with approval of (i) and (ii) and of William Hampson of Luton, gentleman, father of (iii), and reciting that (i) proposed to convey (subject to mortgages and incumbrances) property mentioned below to uses. Conveyance by (i) to (iv) in trust to uses, ... the hereditaments in the county of Bedford comprised in abstracted indentures of the 25/26 November 1728 ... Prebend Close and Cuthberts Close as in indentures of 29/30 January 1752 all by the following descriptions: ------ all that messuage or farm house called Porch House in Bedford St. Paul with ground nearby called the Rickyard containing about half an acre ------ several closes of pasture called Torches Close, Square Close, Hill Close, in Bedford St. Paul, contained by admeasurement 30 acres -------pasture close 1 acre 1 rod near the Pest House ------pightle of pasture containing 3 rods lying within parish of St. Paul and abutting on Hill Close ------pightle of pasture lying over against house sometimes called the Green Dragon 1 1/2 acres ------tithes of hay, grass, wool, lambs etc. arising from above ------ 182 acres arable lying in fields of Bedford and tithes from them ------New Close in St. Peter near the Pasture Gate and tithes ------Gravel Leys Close, pasture, in St. Paul, 4 acres ------ground used as a garden lying near the said messuage ------Prebend Close in Bedford St. Paul containing 11 acres all late in tenure of Thomas Field ----- St. Cuthbert Close in Bedford St. Cuthbert containing 4 acres, late in tenure John Thompson and then of Thomas Gadsby to use of John Hawes for life, Mary Smith for life, and then to (iii) for life, then Frances his wife, and their children. Various covenants as to charges. The marriage was solemnised and the issue was two daughters only, Frances now the wife of Thomas Anderson Rudd, esquire, and Mary the wife of John Gibbard esq. St. Cuthbert's Close was sold to George Livius esq., for £341 18s, and part of Hill Close (1 acre 3 rods) sold to Trustees of Bedford Charity for £160 17s 6d reserving a road or cart way of 22 feet leading out of Bromham Road to Hill Close. 11/12 March 1789 i) John Bradshaw ii) Leonard Hampson reciting Lease and Release 11/12 March 1781 and that default made in payment of £500. Assigmnment by (i) to (ii) for £500 of mortgage interest in premises. 16 July 1811. Appointment by Leonard Hampson by power given him in Release and Settlement of 29 June 1786 of property to Frances Hampson and Mary Hampson both of Luton, spinsters, his daughters and only children by Frances his late wife. 18 July 1811. Articles of Agreement between i) Leonard Hampson ii) Frances Hampson spinster the elder of the two daughters and only children of (i) by Frances his late wife deceased, late Frances Smith, spinster iii) Thomas Anderson Rudd, esq., Major in the Bedfordshire Militia iv) The Reverend Sir John Filmer of East Sutton Park, Kent, Bt. Richard Gilpin, the Grange, Hockliffe, esq., reciting that a marriage had been agreed on between (ii) and (iii). Agreement that undivided moiety which Frances is entitled to under settlement of 29 June 1786 and deed of appointment of 16 July last be settled to various uses (given) with, declaration of trust. 16 December 1812. Articles of Agreement made between i) Leonard Hampson Mary Hampson, spinster, younger of the two daughters, and only children of Leonard Hampson by Frances his late wife, late Frances Smith, spinster ii) John Gibbard of Sharmbrook, Bedford, esq. iii) The Reverend Sir John Filmer, East Sutton Park, Kent, bt (Baronet), Richard Gilpin, the Grange, Hockliffe, esq., reciting that a marriage had been agreed on between John Gibbard and Mary Hampson. Agreement that undivided moiety to which Mary entitled to as above, be settled to various uses (given) with opinion on title by Richard Preston, 8 Lincolns Inn, 20 December 1824, answers to Mr Preston's opinion, Still and Rackham Lincolns Inn 8 January 1825; Further opinion Richard Preston, 11 January 1825. (John Hawes died a bachelor in 1802, Mr Hampson died 5 March 1824, intestate).
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