• Reference
  • Title
    i) Thomas Carter, Kempston, gentleman, William Carter, Barford, gentleman, son and heir apparent of Thomas ii) Marie Spenser a daughter of Nicholas Spenser late of Cople, esquire deceased iib) Edward Wingate, Ampthill, esquire iic) Gavis Squyer, esquire, son and heir of Rowland Squyer of Eaton Socon, esquire iid) Anscell Carter, citizen and grocer of London SETTLEMENT in consideration of a marriage to be solemnized between William Carter and Marie Spenser and her portion of £500 (mention of an issue of William by a former wife)
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1639 To: 1639
  • Scope and Content
    ...Manor house in Kempston where Thomas Cater now lives ...cottage lying on other side of street from Manor house ...two closes adjoining manor house, and two closes adjoining cottage ...two closes called Great and Little Illands ...60 acres arable in Kempston, and 11 acres meadow ...capital messuage in Barford called Willoughbyes, now in tenure William Carter, and a cottage in tenure Ann Hodcroft, widow with yard etc. belonging to them ...4 closes adjoining capital messuage and another containing 5 acres called Eastend Cloas. 100 acres arable land, and 8 acres meadow in Barford Property in Barford to use William Carter for life, then to use Marie if she survived him, subject however to jointure of Jane, now wife of Thomas, and after death Marie and Jane to use heirs male of William and Marie, in default to use Thomas eldest son of William by his former wife and his heirs male, in default to heirs of William the younger son of William Property in Kempston to use Thomas for life, then William senior for life, then in case Jane wife of Thomas is still living, to be divided into three parts, two parts to Marie for life, then to Thomas the grandchild, in default to second grandchild William and heirs male, one part directly to Thomas the grandchild etc. Signed Thomas and William Carter Witnesses: Francis Cokayne, Elizabeth Anscell, Mary Anscell, Richard Allen, Edward Faux
  • Level of description