• Reference
  • Title
    i) Maria Catherina Gell, late of John Street, Berkeley Square, spinster ii) Francis Biddulph, James Cocks, Thomas Somers Cocks iii) George, Earl Pomfret iv) John Everitt, Hitchin, haberdasher of hats CONVEYANCE (Lease and Release) to iv) in consideration £8452..12s to i) and £3452..8s to ii)
  • Date free text
    20/21 Jul 1767
  • Production date
    From: 1767 To: 1767
  • Scope and Content
    ...manor or lordship of Westoning ...advowson of vicarage of Westoning ...capital messuage or manor house and scite of manor of Westoning with the moat, moatbanks etc. with: meadow of Lammas land commonly called Broad mead 29 acres, save two lots being about 3 acres reserved for tithe, the capital messuage N. and customs piece and Broad mead furlong SE.; piece of Low Meadow or Turf Ground with the Mill Dam in Putchock corner containing 12 poles; pasture called Cock Pasture close 16 acres; 1 acre 3 roods part of Youngs Mead, the Lordship Moor N; Cat Close 6 acres; 3 closes of pasture called Home Close 5 acres, Furthermore Church Hill Close 7 acres, Hithermore Church Hill 8 acres, all once Church Hill Close; Bury Orchard, a close of pasture 1 acre, bounding the Innings Piece NE. and the Church way SW.; 2 pieces pasture called the Holts adjoining together containing 11 acres, Westoning Brook SW. and Cock Pasture NE.; grove of wood in Sampshillend called Parkers Grove 1½ acres; 20 acres low meadow called the Lordship Moores surrounded by the brook which divides Flitwick and Tingrith from the Moores; all of which are now in the tenure of Edward Burr. ...a freeboard of turf ground containing 1 acre 1rood 12 perches being seven furlongs in length and about 14 feet broad, the brook running on the NE., in Tingrith ...right of freeboard belonging to Westoning Manor in Wood called Daventry Wood near Washroods Wood in breadth 18 feet, and the length of the wood on the Tingrith side ...[lands in the common fields: East or Wheat Field alias Armitorie Field; Cubbins Wood Hill; Youngs corner, Puddings Piece, Innings in Easr Rye or Windmill Field, Middle Field, Hat Croft Green Furlong, Customs Piece, Outermoore Lee furlong, Gallows Furlong] in tenure Edward Burr. ... messuage and farm with buildings in tenure Richard Harbot and Home Close 5 acres Vicars Lane E. and Canns Close W.; Woodalls Close 1 acre the Tithe Barn N., and the Town Pound S.; Winches Close 4 acres Edward Burr’s Home Close S.; close near Westoning Church containing 2 roods widow Burr’s house NW. and Paynes orchard SE.; small close near Dovehouse containing 2 roods, the Vicars Close NE. and widow Burr’s orchard SW.; small pightle part converted into a garden containing 2 roods opposite the farm house; Parkers Grove containing 3 roods, Edward Burr’s spinney abutting E., and Caius College Close W.; close called Worthend Grove with spinney and hedge next Hanger Lane containing 3 roods abutting E. on the lane; part of close called Spring Close with the N. hedge containing 1 acre, Hock Moores N.; 3 pieces of meadow i.e. the Little Meadow 1 acre, piece in Cranford meadow 1 acre, 2 acres in Broad Mead; 20 acres low meadow or moor ground in Westoning Moors [arable lands called the Lotts in Outermore Lee Furlong in West Field 21 acres], all in tenure Richard Harbot; two cottages held and enjoyed with three roods of garden ground now in tenure Richard Barister and Thomas Cook as undertenants of Richard Harbot; [arable and meadow in common fields Broom Close 8 acres or Every Years Land; Worthing Meadows alias Hockmoores 14 acres with a freeboard headland, Customs piece Leys, Broad Mead, lots of arable in East Worthing Field, West Worthing Field in Flitton] also in tenure Richard Harbot; ...messuage and farm with barns etc. in tenure John Felts at Sampshill in Westoning; Home Close 6 acres Sampshill Green NW. and Spinney Close SE.; Spinney Close with the little wood adjoining 9 acres Harleys Close SE.; Lay Close 6 acres Long Lane SW. and the widow Stranges Close NE; Long Close 1 acre, Patch Furlong NW. and Sampshill Green SE.; Colts Close and the spinney containing 2 acres, land belonging to the Mathematical Professor of Cambridge lying SE.; close called Grays alias Canns Close 3 acres, Richard Harbot’s Home Close NE. and Pennistons Close SW.; Pound Close 1 acre, Winches Close N. and Caius College Close S.; Cowleys Close 1 acre, Paynes Orchard W., Gwyns Close and Harbots Close NE. piece of Lammas Meadow in Broad Mead containing 2 acre Winches Close N. and Caius College Land S.; a ley of meadow in Customs Piece and other land in the common fields [Broad Mead, Cranford Meadow, Low Meadow] all above in Westoning in tenure John Felts. ...messuage or tenement and farm with barns etc. in tenure Francis White in Westoning and Tingrith; Home pightle with spinney 4 acres, the Hill Close of Edward Willaume, esquire N., and further home pightle S.; Further Home pightle with spinney 6 acres, the farm house N. and Lord Straffords Close S.; Give Stocking close 4 acres, Woodend Lane N. and Lord Strafford’s Close S.; Wheathouse pightle, an orchard adjoining farm yard 1 acre abutting E. on Give Stocking Close; Home Close with spinney 9 acres; Tingrith Close 3 acres, Stocking Field E. and Broome Close W.; Barn Close 4 acres, Lord Straffords What Close N. and Mr Pennistone’s close S.; Greys Close 6 acres, Blackmore Moor E. and Wooburn Lane W.; Keetches Pightle 2 roods, Brightnells Cottage SE. and Paynes Orchard NW. Ley of meadow in Customs Piece Leys shooting on Broad Mead ½ acre; cottage with orchard and garden 1 acre in occupation Joseph Thompson as undertenant to Francis White; all the above being in the tenure Francis White in Westoning and Tingrith; ...[ land in the open fields, place names: East Field alias Wheat or Armitorie Field; Rush Furlong, Watts Bush Furlong, Armitorie Furlong, Bostocking Furlong, Ridgeway Furlong, Haynes Cross Hedge, furlong shooting along Ridgeway and towards Haynes Cross] in tenure Richard Harbot, John Felts, Francis White ...[ land in open fields, place names: East Rye field alias Windmill Field; Rigg Furlong alias Shefford Way furlong, Gravel Pit furlong, Middle Furlong, Sand pit furlong, Hollingdon furlong, Little Broomhill furlong, Great Broomhill furlong, Tyburn furlong, Innings Furlong] in tenures John Felts, Richard Harbot and Francis White ..[ land in Middle Field: in Haycroft Green furlong, Cross Furlong at the Howe, the Ladys Piece, Howe Furlong, Nether Howe Furlong, Street Furlong alias Cross Furlong, Sheeps Meer Furlong, Gogg Hedge Furlong, Patch Furlong, Windmill Hill or Pennyfold Furlong] in tenures Richard Harbot, John Felts and Francis White ...[ in Westfield: Grove Furlong, Broad Mead Furlong, Innermore Lee, Cross Furlong, Outermore Ley, Gallows Furlong, Short Cross Hedge Furlong shooting on the Highway leading toward Toddington; Long Furlong called Linches, Brockill pond furlong. Nether Furlong, Pignell Close, Pignel Slade, furlong on W. side of Cranford meadow, lot meadow next Cranford meadow, meadow between Lot meadow and the Hookses] in tenures of Richard Harbot, John Felts and Francis White in Westoning and Tingrith ...[ in Woodend Field on Northill Furlong near messuage and close belonging to Mr Pennystone now in tenure Mary Cleeton, meadow plot or Flake containing 2 acres next Tingrith Moores, Kings Hill Furlong, Stocking Field, and meadow, Blackmore Mead, Kingshill Mead, the Leets shooting to Gumbridge, Wicke mead, Clack Gate, Clack mead, Church mead, Rush mead] in tenures Francis White in Westoning and Tingrith ...tenement or cottage with garden in holding Samuel Brightnell and orchard ½ acre in tenure James Payne ...6 tenements with appurtenances erected on part of waste belonging to the Manor of Westoning in tenures John Hickman, Widow Gobbey, Oliver Bunker, William Hopkins, Thomas Harley and Henry Keller
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