• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions of Amelia Gatward, wife of Thomas Gatward, butcher of Luton and Samuel Pope, superintendent of police of Luton. In the case of Harriet Negus, accused of stealing a piece of salt pork and a piece of fresh pork.
  • Date free text
    11 June 1855
  • Production date
    From: 1855 To: 1855
  • Scope and Content
    Amelia Gatward: wife of Thomas, a Luton butcher. On 9 June the prisoner came to her husband’s shop about 4pm. Negus bought a pigs head, paid half a crown and then left the shop. She then missed a piece of salt leg of pork. Before Negus had left the shop she had been looking at the pork but had laid it down again. No other person had been in the shop. She went after Negus and found her in George Street. She told her she wanted the pork and Negus said she would give it to her. She took Negus back to the shop and on examining her basket found the piece of salt meat. She also found a piece of knuckle of pork in the basket. On the way back to the shop the prisoner asked for forgiveness as she had several children and offered to pay for the meat. She sent for Superintendent Pope and gave Negus into his custody. Superintendent Pope: on 9 June he took the prisoner into custody and charged her with stealing the meat. The prisoner asked Mrs Gatward to forgive her as she had a family of 5 children. Statement of the accused: nothing to say.
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