• Reference
  • Title
    Bedford and Ampthill Wesleyan Circuit
  • Admin/biog history
    Established by 1829 (previously Bedford Wesleyan Circuit, MB1/BW). Divided in 1875 to form Bedford St.Paul's (MB1/BSP), Bedford St.Mary's (MB1/BSM) and Ampthill (MB1/AM) Circuits Churches with date chapel built or meeting known to be established, with subsequent circuit from 1875: - Ampthill (1813), AM - Bedford St.Mary's (1866), BSM - Bedford St Paul's (1804), BSP - Bedford Southend (1873), BSM - Biddenham (on 1837 schedule, disappears by 1860) - Bromham (preaching place from 1818), BSP - Cardington (1823), BSM - Clapham (on 1837 schedule, built 1854), BSP - Clophill (1814) , AM - Elstow (on 1839 plan, disappears before 1875) - Eversholt (on 1839 plan, built 1849), AM - Felmersham, Radwell (1807), BSP - Flitwick (1873), AM - Haynes (1826), BSM - Houghton Conquest (by 1805), AM - Kempston West (1852), BSM - Lidlington, High Street (1805), AM - Marston Moretaine, Shelton (1813 or 1815), BSM - Maulden (on 1839 plan, disappears before 1875) - Millbrook (on 1839 plan, preaching place), AM - Milton Ernest (established by 1819, built 1839), BSP - * Pavenham (deed 1830, built 1858), BSP - Pulloxhill (on 1839 plan, disappears before 1875) - Ravensden (on 1837 schedule, disappears before 1875) - Ridgmont (built c.1835), AM - Stagsden West (preaching place), BSP - Stagsden Wick (preaching place), BSP - Steppingley (registered 1861), AM - Turvey (1828), BSP - Willington (established by 1868), MBST - Wilstead (1807), BSM - Wootton (1811), BSM Churches in 1865: Ampthill, Bedford, Bromham, Cardington, Clapham, Clophill, Eversholt, Haynes, Houghton Conquest, Kempston, Lidlington, Marston, Millbrook, Milton, Pavenham, Radwell, Ridgmount, Stagsden West End, Stagsden Wick End, Steppingley, Turvey, Willington, Wilshamstead, Wootton
  • Reference
  • Level of description