• Reference
  • Title
  • Date free text
    16 Dec 1844
  • Production date
    From: 1844 To: 1844
  • Scope and Content
    Mortgage Parties: (i) George Mellor of Woburn, draper; (ii) James Warr of Caddington, yeoman; (iii) Thomas Higgins of Wotton [Hampshire], farmer Reciting: - MN36/26-27; - (iii) was the surviving trustee in MN36/13; Operative Part: - (iii) lent £2,145/4/7 to (i), with the consent of (ii), at 4% interest secured on (a)-(o) Property: (a) farmhouse lately erected by James Warr on part of Hillside Close and a small part of Cutts Close; (b) two cottages adjoining (a) also lately erected by James Warr on part of Hillside Close and in the occupation of George Fensom and John Samm; (c) Close formerly called Hillside Close of 2 acres part forming (a) and the residue is now called Little Hillside Close; (d) close of arable called Hillside Close of 7 acres, 1 rood adjoining (c) to the S; (e) close of arable called Home Close of 7 acres adjoining (d) and (f) S and on premises of James Warr retained by him; (f) close of pasture of 4 acres called Cow Pasture abutting (e) N, premises retained by James Warr E and the road from Chaul End to Dunstable S and W; (g) close of pasture called Upper Well Piece adjoining (a) E and containing 2 acres; (h) close of arable called Lower Well Piece of 8 acres, 2 roods abutting (g) S; (i) close of arable called Fogtail of 11 acres abutting (h)S, and (j) E; (j) close of arable land called Eight Acres of 8 acres abutting (i) W and (k) and (l) E; (k) close of arable called Nine Acres Close of 9 acres abutting (j), land of George James Sullivan and premises lately sold by James Warr to Benjamin Bennett [the Balloon see MN42] W, land of George Simons E and (l) S and the road from Luton to Dunstable and premises sold by James Warr to Benjamin Bennett N; (l) close of arable called Barn Close of 7 acres, 2 roods abutting on Eight Acres W, (k) N, land of Samuel Crawley, esquire E and land of Samuel Crawley and (m) S; (m) close of arable called Cutts Close of 7 acres, 1 rood abutting land of Samuel Crawley E and part S, (a) part S, (n) W; (n) close of pasture lately parts of Cutts Close of 3 acres, 2 roods abutting (m) E, (a) S, Well Piece W and (j) N; (o) two closes of arable joined together called Pittings Down and Pignut Hill of 23 acres abutting the road from Chaul End to Dunstable H, NE and E, land of Arthur Macnamara, esquire S and W (a)-(o) in the occupation of Charles Gale as tenant of George Mellor Witnesses: - John Green of Woburn, solicitor; - William Harland, clerk to John Green
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