Date free text
14 Jun 1792
Production date
From: 1792 To: 1792
Scope and Content
(i) George Birch of Essex Street [Middlesex], esquire;
(ii) Sarah Birch of Greenwich [Kent], widow, devisee in the will of Charles Birch of Lime Street, Dionis Backchurch, London, merchant then of Woodford [Essex], esquire, deceased;
(iii) Elizabeth Birch, Ann Birch and Penelope Birch of Hatton Street, Saint Andrew, Holborn, spinsters and John Birch of New Street, Spring Gardens, Saint-Martin-in-the-Fields, Westminster, surgeon;
(iv) Robert Campbell, late of Charlton [Kent], now of Greenwich [Kent], esquire;
(v) William Jones of Woburn, gentleman
- release of 9th June 1769 between (1) Thomas Birch and Elizabeth, his wife; (2) Charles Birch and Sarah, his wife; (3) Edward Montague and George Birch;
(4) Thomas Farr and Robert Campbell in which (1)-(4) covenanted that two common recoveries should be suffered in which Thomas Farr would be demandant and Edward Montague and George Birch tenants with Charles Birch as vouchee and that the recoveries should be: to the use of Thomas Birch for his life without impeachment of waste; remainder to the use of Elizabeth Birch for her life; remainder to the use of (4) for 200 years upon trusts; to the use of Charles Birch for his life without impeachment of waste; remainder to the use (3) during the life of Charles Birch upon trust to preserve contingent remainders; remainder after the death of (2) to the use of their first son in tail male; remainder to the successive sons in tail male; remainder to the daughters of (2) as tenants in common; remainder to the use of Sarah Birch for ever; the term for 200 years to (4) was in trust after the decease of Thomas and Elizabeth Birch to secure £2,000 for the children of Thomas and Elizabeth Birch except Charles Birch as directed in Thomas Birch’s will, in default to be divided equally.
- will of Thomas Birch of 17 July 1769 dividing £2,000 equally between (iii);
- deed to lead to the uses of a fine of 7th September 1769 between (1) Charles Birch and Sarah, his wife and (2) Thomas Farr in which (1) agreed to levy two or more fines sur conizance de droit come ceo etc. in Trinity or Michaelmas Terms 1769 to (2);
- Thomas Birch died on 29th July 1774 and Elizabeth his wife on 11th September 1790;
- MN36/1;
- Thomas Farr died on 13th August 1791;
- (v) had contracted to buy (a) from (ii) for £2,200
Operative Part:
- (v) paid 10/- to (i);
- (v) paid £2,200 to (ii);
- (i), by direction of (ii), and (ii) herself released (a) to (v)
Property – Chaul End Farm containing:
(a) pightle adjoining the farmhouse containing 4 acres;
(b) several pightles of arable, pasture and meadow containing 138 acres in Caddington in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire including: Home Close of 6 acres; Seven Acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds, widow N and E; Beech Acre adjoining Seven Acres and abutting on Beech Lane E; Bellamore Acre on the same hillside with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds N; a pightle of two acres on the same hillside with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds N; a piece called Luton Acre on the same hillside, highway from Luton to Dunstable N; a piece of land on the same hillside containing 3 acres; Bride Close of 4 acres abutting on Bride Lane N; close in North Field called Eight Acres with way to Southes N; a close in North Field called Twelve Acres of thirteen acres abutting on a close formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds called Hill Close N and on the way to Southes N; close in North Field called Peters Park abutting on a furlong called Park Furlong S; close called Calves Close of 1 acre; Grove Close of 2 acres abutting the Bellamore Acre W; close called Ravenswick of 3 acres abutting Chaul End Lane E; close called Crabtree Close of 6 acres abutting Chaul End Lane W; close in Middle Field of 3½ acres abutting the highway from Luton to Dunstable S; eleven pieces of arable land in The Hills near Dunstable containing 14½ acres (4 acres abuts on a way from Dunstable to Luton N, lands formerly of Jonas Briggs W; 1½ acres formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds W; 1 acre formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds E; 1 acre abutting on land formerly in the occupation of Edward Taylor W and land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds N; ½ acre abutting on Luton-Dunstable by N and land of Edward Taylor W; ½ acre in Further Shott abutting on Bound Way W and land formerly of Susan Symonds N; a head acre with land formerly in the occupation of William Bridgeman W; 1½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds W; 1 acre under The Downs; 2 acres abutting on The Downs S; ½ acre abutting The Downs S); two pieces of arable in Street Field containing 4 acres (2 acres abutting on Houghton Way E; 2 acres lying by Houghton Way W); eleven pieces of arable land in North Field containing 19½ acres (2 acres near High Bush abutting on land formerly in the occupation of John East S; 2 acres in Middle Shott Furlong abutting on the Bound Way E; 2 acres in Middle Shott with land formerly of Samuel Gasley S; 2½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds N; 4 acres in Greenland Shott Furlong abutting on Chaul End Close N; 2 acres in Greenland Shott Furlong abutting on Chaul End Close N and land formerly in the occupation of Edward Taylor W; 2 acres in Greenland Shott abutting Chaul End Close N and land formerly of Edward Taylor E; ½ acre adjoining the hedge of Eight Acres; 1 acre abutting on close formerly in the occupation of William Thebridge called Peters Park W; 1 acre abutting on close formerly of Thomas Man called Peters Park W and land formerly in the occupation of Mr. Blow N; 1 acre in Farley Furlong abutting Middle Shott E); piece of arable land at Pittins Corner containing 2 acres; three pieces of arable land beneath The Hill near Luton containing 7 acres (2½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds S; ½ acre with land formerly in the occupation of John Wynch lying W; 4 acres abutting Gelling Hedge with land formerly of Thomas Albright N); fifteen pieces of arable land in Rushmore Field containing 16 acres (5 acres abutting Five Acre Close formerly in the occupation of William Bridgeman N; 1 rood with land formerly of Mr. Bigg W; 1½ acres in Hargamate Shott abutting Wicket Lane N; 1 acre lying under Crabtree Close Hedge; ½ acre with land formerly of Samuel Gasley W; ½ acre with land formerly in the occupation of Edward Taylor E; 2 acres abutting on close formerly in the occupation of William Bridgeman called Fourteen Acres; 3 roods abutting S on Fourteen Acres; a long acre abutting on land formerly in the occupation of Edward Taylor N; 1½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Mr. Bigg E; two single roods abutting on land formerly of Mr. Parrott N; ½ acre abutting on Fourteen Acres S; ½ acre to S; ½ acre abutting on closes of William Pedder called New Closes N); four pieces of arable land in Middle Field beneath The Hills containing 11 acres (3½ acres abutting on Dunstable Way S; 2½ acres with land formerly of Thomas Neale N; 2½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds W; 2½ acres with land formerly in the occupation of Susan Symonds W); several pieces of arable dispersed in the common field called North Field; New Close of 3 acres, 1 rood, 20 perches; Whitleys Land of 1 rood, 22 perches; Middle Shott Furlong of 1 acre.
Note: this differs in ways from the abstract of the release at MN42/2.
- John Gotobed of Norfolk Street;
- John Hanson of Chancery Lane
Level of description