• Reference
  • Title
    Copy of Dispute between the Abbeys of Ely and Thorney, and the Abbey of Ramsey, as to rights at Kingsdelph (now in Cambridgeshire, SE of Whittlesea)
  • Date free text
    presumably end of 16th century
  • Production date
    From: 1575 To: 1599
  • Admin/biog history
    This came in two deposits and in four pieces – membrane1; membranes.2-6; membrane 11, membranes 12-14. It has been made up into one continuous roll, wanting the four membranes 7-10. It appears to have been copied, probably at the end of the 16th century, from some collection of “Evidences” as to the rights and claims of Ely or Thorney. It contains some material not to be found in the Cartulary of Ramsey [P.R.O. Exchange K.R. Miscellaneous Books I Vol.28; printed as Rolls Series no.79], nor in the Red book of Thorney Abbey. The latter was formerly in the possession of the Earl of Westmoreland (Mon.Angl.ii 579) and is now Add.MSS. 3020, 3021, of the Library of Cambridge University. The close connection between Thorney and Ely is due to the fact that both were re-founded by Ethelwold I Bishop of Winchester (963-984), acting for King Edgar; Ely in 970, Thorney in 972. In Domesday Book Ely held at Whittlesea 2 hides, and Thorney 4 hides, the soke of which lay with the Abbot of Ely.
  • Scope and Content
    Membranes 1-6, 11-14. Membrane 1 General declaration, reciting the restoration of Ely by King Edgar; the early claim on the adjoining marshes by Ely and Thorney Abbeys; the seizure of Hatfield by Earl Ailwin (Aethelwine) the founder of Ramsey Abbey, for the recovery of which they had to resign Hemmingford and Conington; the metes and bounds of the banlieu of Ramsey Abbey; the story of a storm on Whittlesea mere, which led Membrane 2 King Cnut to order the digging of “Sweresdelf” alias “Choutesdelf” alias “Kingesdelf”; its marsh belonged to Ely and Thorney, and lay in Cambridgeshire.(for which Domesday Book is cited as the “magnus Rotulus Wintonie”) till King Henry II afforested Huntingdonshire. Membrane 3 Perambulation of the forest of Huntingdonshire; verdict of 24 knights. Bounds of the forest of Weybridge (Wauberge), Sapley in Hartford (Sappele) and Harthay in Brampton (Herthey) 26 July 1218.[basis of the version of 1299 in Cartul. Rams.ii 300-2] Membrane 4 Perambulation of the forest of Huntingdonshire; verdict of 11 knights. Same places as above, 28 July 1220 Membrane 5 a) Verdict of 24 knights, given before Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln, between 1209 and 1235, and others, in the Chapter of the Canons. The afforestation of Huntingdonshire by Henry II. b) Robert Passelewe, then Justice of the Forest, afforested Kingsdelph, placing it in Huntingdonshire [c.1243] c) Inquisition of the boundaries of Huntingdonshire, Cambridgeshire and Northampton shire before “ill de Beauchamp, Robert Passelewe and others, 7 January 1244 Membrane 6 followed by comments on the inquisition a) Memorandum of Regard of the Forest, as to encroachment by men of Whittlesea on lands of Thorney Abbey, 1271/72 b) Memorandum of Record, made 25 March 1280, and commentary. c) Banlieu of Ramsey Abbey: as on memorandum 1. but with further detail. [not in Ramsey Cart. but in Red Book of Thorney ii f.372d] d) Venire facias to Sheriff of Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, for a jury to enquire of the boundaries between those counties, before John de Vallibus, John de Kyrkeby, Ralf de Hengham and Thomas de Weland. 20 Mar 1284 [cf. Ramsey Cart.i 197-8] Membrane 11 a) Settlement (latter part only) by the Abbot of Peterborough of a “jour d’amour” between the parties. b) Memorandum of breaches of the “jour d’amour” by the Abbot of Ramsey c) Agreement for the continuance of the truce up to Easter d) Meeting of the two Abbots [This membrane in Anglo-French] Membranes 12 and 13 a) Notification by Edward I touching a xv th citing the perambulation of the Forest before Roger de Brabazoun and others in 1299 b) and c) Writs of Edward I to the Sheriff as to maintenance of Forest charters Membranes 13 and 14 d) Inspeximus by Richard II (1390) of the appointments of Justices for perambulation – 1284, 1 January 1285, 12 June 1285 – and the verdict of the juries of Huntingdonshire and Cmbridgeshire in 1286 [Cartul. Ramsey I 197-201]; and order that they be exemplified, and sent to the Abbeys of Thorney and Ramsey at their request. Membrane 1 dorso [brought up by Ammonium Sulphide] “In quodam libro, nuper monasterio de Ramsy pertinente, in Scaccario existente ex parte Rememoratoris Regis, inter alia continetur ut sequitur”. Then follows what has been printed as the first fourteen lines of page 308 in the Cartul. Ramsey volume i.
  • Level of description