• Reference
  • Title
    booklet, 6 paper folios headed: “this Boke made at Byddenham... the 8th day of June .. [35 Henry VIII] Rental and outcharges of lands and tenements of William Butler of London, grocer and merchant of the Staple of Callais, in Byddenham, Bedford and Clapham”
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1543 To: 1544
  • Scope and Content
    John Dyve holds parsonage of Byddenham with Parsons close, 28 acres, rent £22 5s, charges £13 15s 1d, including to Crown for pensions of Newenham and Caldewell [John] [Tr]owghton: Caldewell close at 14s; 29 acres at 16s; charges 2s 7d John Barker: the Priory of Byddenham with 2 closes and 180 acres 3 roods arable, and 20 acres 3 roods meadow at £8 8s 8d; Richard Samson: 24 acres in Byddenham and 1 acre meadow at 16s 8d; John Poley: 39 acres and 6½ acres meadow at 20s; John How: house in Byddenham called the Tylyd house and close at 10s; Hugh Marram: cottage in Fordend 5s; Ang.. ..: messuage once Thowghtons and land 10s, charges to priory lordship 22½d; [by TW775 this is Agnes Barcolle] John Ansty: messuage in Byddenham Fordend and 2 acres at 12s 8d; charges to Kings certainty 2d; Thomas Mallcott: messuage with orchard and close in Byddenham; close in Fordend and 54½ acres arable, and 4½ acres ½ rood meadow (including land in Cundyfylde of Bedford 1 acre) etc. total of meadows and pasture 63 acres ½ rood 4 ft. rent 18s 2d. charges 3d; William Harper: messuage with 3 closes, 64 acres 3 roods, 8½ acres 4 ft meadow, rent £4 19s charges, including 3d for Wardone meadow, 4s 3d; William Fysher: messuage in Fordend late Faldeways, 11½ acres land 3 roods meadow, rent 20s, charges 10½d; John Sutton of Bedford: ½ messuage in Clopham with ½ acre close, 18 acres and 6 roods meadow, rent 19s 8d, charges 3s 5d to John Fyzhgefferey gentleman and the Lord Vawse; William Hallse of Byddenham: farm in Fordend by Biddenham called Kyrtons and Davys with messuage sometimeMowsys, Wymonds close, Davys close, Pyperys close, 130 acres 1 rood arable and 4½ acres 3 ft meadow (including 7 acres in Cundyt field of Bedford) rent £7 13s 4d, charges to Master of Prebend, to Bailiffs of Bedford, keeper of chapel by Biddenham bridge etc. 17s 5d; John Dyve: the Vowson ground, to the parsonage of Biddenham, 6 acres 1 rood; John Skote of Bedford holds 80 acres arable in the fields of Bedford, at £4; There is in the Kings Mead of Biddenham 20 acres belonging to William Butlar called Wardon Mead, and 5 acres called Caldwell rent £6 8s 10d paying no tithe.
  • Reference
  • Level of description