• Reference
  • Title
    File regarding Rainbow Special School, Chestnut Avenue, Bromham, including information as follows:
  • Date free text
    1976 - 1987
  • Production date
    From: 1976 To: 1987
  • Scope and Content
    - requirement for new Bromham Hospital school being for 40 places only, due to reduction in numbers of Hospital inmates [1976]; - Local Education Authority (LEA) officer’s subterfuge to keep details of the new school secret from governors of the old school [1976]; - report on the current position regarding language development [1976]; - unsatisfactory cleaning facilities at school being highlighted following LEA officer’s briefcase being put into a dustbin [1976]; - brief notes by LEA staff and advisers visiting the school [1976-1981]; - request for LEA to overlook its regulations forbidding animals on school premises due to educational usefulness of introducing pupils to animals, with LEA response [1976]; - correspondence regarding introduction of extended year arrangements [see E/SE2/2/3] including attitudes amongst staff members [1977]; - summary of duties of Nursery Assistants [1977]; - request for return to previous year’s, higher, establishment figure [1977]; - notes of a meeting to discuss development of school [1977]; - examples of extra responsibilities sometimes required of senior teachers [1978]; - agendas and minutes of Governors’ Meetings, including headteacher’s report and other matters [1979-1987]; - conclusions of inter-disciplinary committee, established following the visitation by Department of Health & Social Security Development Team, to discuss transfers in and out and other matters, conclusions including that there may not be a need for a school at Bromham Hospital in the future [1978]; - provision for 16-19 year olds at school [1979]; - debate regarding new name for school, including input by County Archivist and information that school buildings occupied, inter alia, the former Salem (or Salome) Thrift, Sands Piece and Grange Field [1979]; - notes of meeting to discuss the way ahead for the new school [1980]; - report to Education Management Team on new school and its function [1980]; - notes on paper for Special Adult Learning Programme Liaison Committee Meeting discussing work with the mentally handicapped [1980]; - LEA view that Area Health Authority (AHA) should supply nursing needs of school [1981]; - draft programme, guest list etc. regarding official opening of the school by Bridget, Lady Plowden [1981]; - need for an additional teacher [1981]; - replacement of the two AHA governors by one from North Bedfordshire District Health Authority and by one North Bedfordshire Borough Council governor [1981-1982]; - notes of a meeting to discuss the fit between children and facilities at the school [1982]; - request by headteacher for LEA to allow two non-teaching and one teaching vacancy to be filled instead of one of each, failure to comply meaning that the Summer playscheme would probably be cancelled [1982]; - completion of Adventure Playground at school, paid for by Bedford Round Table and to be opened by Lord Luke [1982]; - correspondence, notes of meetings etc. regarding differences of opinion between LEA and Parents & Friends of Bromham Hospital Association regarding provision for adults at school [1982-1984]; - damage to staff members’ spectacles and watch by pupils [1983-1986]; - information for broadcasts regarding jumble sale in aid of school funds and St.Valentine’s Day disco [1984]; - notes on pupil:teacher ratio 1984/85; - request for increased staff to cope with two new psychotic pupils [1984]; - disagreement between LEA and AHA over responsibility for transporting two school leavers to Bedford Adult Training Centre [1984]; - parents’ and headteacher’s concern over rumours of school closure [1986].
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