Scope and Content
Deed poll by Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher esq., (see Z 590/42) now residing at Chalêt Rose at Bex in Switzerland, a customary or copyhold tenant of the Manor of Biggleswade, constituting and appointing Frederick Conder of Bedford, auctioneer and estate agent his attorney.
To surrender at the next or any subsequent Court of the Manor, or out of Court into the hands of the Lord or Lady of the manor by the hands and acceptance of the Steward or Deputy Steward or two customary or copyhold tenants by the rod according to the custom of the Manor, as undivided moiety or half part or share in the following copyhold lands in Biggleswade:
(a) Farm yard or yards with the agricultural buildings and close of pasture situated in Brewery Lane, to which it has a frontage of 59’, now in the occupation of Frederick Kitchiner bounded in the N by Windsor Terrace Lane, on the W by property belonging to James Pope and on the E by properties belonging to Charles Thynne Newbery and Robert Denny.(William Page)
(b) Enclosure of arable land or ground known as ‘Little Town Field’ containing 4acres 2roods 20 poles now in the occupation of Timothy Garner bounded on the N by (c), on the W by property belonging to James Pope and others, and on the S by Sun Street and the E by Potton Road. (Ellis Piggott Jenkins)
(c) Plot or building land or ground containing 33 poles formerly part of ‘Little Town Field’ now in the occupation of Timothy Garner bounded on the N by Potton Road, on the W by property belonging to Thomas Handley and others and on the S by (b), and the E by the New Church. (Frederick Endersby)
(d) Piece of arable land or ground containing 1 rood and 27 poles now in the occupation of the said Timothy Garner, bounded on the N,S and E and part of W by property belonging to the Great Northern Railway Company and on the remaining part by the Potton Road. (Henry Rutherford)
(e) Piece of arable land or ground containing 2 roods 13 poles now in the occupation of Frederick Wallis bounded on the N by (g), on the W and S by property of the Great Northern Railway Company and on the E by property belonging to the Trustees of John William Tebbutt deceased. (Henry Rutherford)
(f) Allotment of arable land or ground containing 2 acres and 2 roods known as ‘Lower Furlong Field’ situate in Hitchmead, now in the occupation of Frederick Kitchiner, bounded on the N by property belonging to John Barber Lindsell, on the W by (j), and on the S and E by property belonging to Edward John Foster. (Henry Rutherford)
(g) Piece of arable land or ground containing 6 acres 3 roods and 20 poles known as ‘Town Field’ now in the occupation of Frederick Kitchiner, bounded on the N by Potton Road, on the W by the Great Northern Railway Company, on the S partly by (e) and property belonging to the Trustees of John William Tebbutt deceased, and on the E by property belonging to John Barber Lindsell and John Bond Senior, (Frederick Bond)
(h) Piece of arable land or ground containing 6 acres known as ‘Little Hunger Hill’, now in the occupation of Frederick Kitchiner, bounded on the N by property belonging to John Bond Senior, on the W by property belonging to John Barber Lindsell, on the S by the road leading to Sunderland Farm, and on the E by property belonging to Edward John Foster. (John Bond Junior)
(j) Piece of arable land or ground containing 4 acres and 2 roods known as ‘Middle Furlong Field’ situate in Hitchmead now in the occupation of Frederick Kitchiner, bounded on the N and part of the W by property belonging to George Race, on the remaining part of the W, the S and part of the E by property belonging to Edward John Foster, and on the remaining part of the E by property described in (f). (James Page)
(To which (a) -(j) Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher was admitted tenant out of court at the office of and by Samuel Day at St.Neots [Hunts], gent, Steward of the said manor on 21 October 1878 as devisee under the will of his late father Jeremiah Burch Rosher deceased) To the use of William Page, Ellis Piggott Jeakings, Frederick Endersby, Henry Rutherford, Frederick Bond, John Bond Junior and James Page, their respective heirs and assigns for ever according to their several and respective purchases from him of the same hereditaments and premises and according to the custom of the manor. (Frederick Conder to execute all such deeds, matters and things as shall be needful and expedient for making such surrenders and enable the admission of the several tenants to the respective premises purchased by them)
...and to execute for Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher and in his name such deeds as shall be necessary for conveying all undivided moiety or half part or share of or in the customary freehold lands situate in the Parish of Biggleswade:
(k) enclosure of arable land or ground known as ‘Great Simon Piece’, containing 6 acres, 1 rood and 21 poles now in the occupation of Widow Holmes, bounded on the N by Potton Road, on the W and part of the S by property belonging to John Barber Lindsell, on the remaining part of the S by Biggleswade Hospital, on the E by the Common lands of the Parish of Biggleswade known as the New Pasture.
(Timothy Garner)
(l) Enclosure of arable land or ground known as ‘Little Simon Piece’ containing 4 acres, 2 roods and 27 poles now in the occupation of Widow Holmes bounded on the N and W by the Estate of the said Charles Willes Wilshere, on the E by property belonging to Wells Hogge & Company and on the S by Potton Road. (Charles Willes Wilshere)
To the use of Timothy Garner and Charles Willes Wilshere, their respective heirs and assigns for ever according to their respective purchases from Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher of the same.
Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher to give effectual receipts and discharges for the respective purchase moneys of the said hereditaments and premises as Frederick Conder thinks fit.
Signed, Sealed and delivered by Jeremiah Lilburn Rosher in the presence of Léon Perret (Notaire Public a Montreux, Suisse)
Note of the examination with the original and attestment of this as a true copy by Arthur Brookes & Joseph D Larman, Clerks to Messrs Chapman & Chaundler of Biggleswade, Solicitors. [29 Dec 1892]