• Reference
  • Title
    Lease for 21 years (copy), rent £12 per annum: (i) The Dean and Chapter of Worcester (ii) Susannah Neale of Stamford, Lincolnshire, spinster. The rectory of Dean, with glebe lands and tithes thereto appertaining, excepting only the vicar's house and a garden and the advowson. The lessee is to pay the vicar's stipend of £50 per annum, and to carry out necessary repairs to the chancel. Recites similar lease, same parties, 25 November 1737. Witnesses: Thomas Inett, Edwin Sandys. Endorsed: '18 June 1751 delivered to Mr Haycock the original lease ... to be left with Mr Oliver, chapter clerk at Worcester, in order to have this lease renewed to N Curtis.'
  • Date free text
    23 Jun 1744
  • Production date
    From: 1737 To: 1751
  • Admin/biog history
    BRA Stamp 328 from Messrs Farrer & Co
  • Level of description