- ReferenceQSR1887/4/5/1b
- TitleDepositions of William Chamberlain, Elizabeth Lawrence and William Lawrence and Henry James Duck of Luton. In the case of William Toyer accused of breaking & entering a property and stealing a blocking iron.
- Date free text9 July 1887
- Production dateFrom: 1887 To: 1887
- Scope and ContentElizabeth Lawrence: a widow and manufacturer of 19 Dudley Street, Luton. William Lawrence was a blocker working for her and he was her grandson. She had the iron for years and it was kept in the blocking house in the yard. She had seen it safe on the Monday night about 10pm. About 6am on the Tuesday she found the door open by a few inches and William Lawrence missed the iron about 7am. She told the police and saw it again in the possession of Chamberlain. William Lawrence: resided at 1 Kings Road and worked for his grandmother. He was able to identify the iron produced as the one he always used. The saw the iron safe on Monday, around midday and the next morning about 7.30am he missed the iron. He found the pad he had left in the iron outside the window. Henry James Duck: assistant to Mr Butcher the pawnbroker of Bute Street, Luton. On 5 July prisoner Toyer brought the iron to pawn about 9am. He advanced him 2s 6d on it. Toyer said it was his own. William Chamberlain: having received information regarding the robbery and charged the prisoners, who were already in custody, with stealing the iron from Mrs Lawrence. Toyer repeated his statement of the previous charge that they had stolen the iron together. Milemore said he knew nothing about it as he was at home. Statement of the accused: Milemore got the key and unlocked the door before he had got down the corridor. Milemore carried the key about with him.
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