• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge with court baron. Manor of William Gostwick, esquire
  • Date free text
    4 Oct, 3 James I of England [1605]
  • Production date
    From: 1605 To: 1605
  • Scope and Content
    Willington View of Frankpledge With Court Baron held there by William Gostwick esquire on the fourth day of October in the thirty-ninth year of the reign of our Lord James, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland,France and Ireland, defender of the the faith of the church, that is to say, the third year as king of England, France and Ireland, and of Scotland, 1605. Essoins, none. Plaintiffs, none [illegible] before the Lord Roger[?] and it is The Homage there: William Balle Edward Cleyton Richard Rossell George Fadlett William Mason John Manton Michael Weast Thomas Hilles Thomas Bacon Thomas Shatbolt Thomas Cleyton Robert Crofte William Silbye John Richardson Thomas Rossell William Osmond Common fines viijs xjd [8s 11d] Who say on their oath that they gave viijs xjd [8s 11d] as common fine to the Lord on this day for Land-silver and head-silver viijs xjd [8s 11d] Also the above mentioned said that Nicholas xijd [12d] Luke esquire, Stephen ijd [2d] Momford, Reginald ijd [2d] Newolde, Thomas ijd [2d] Osmond, Herman ijd [2d] Branklyn, William ijd [2d] Brase, John ijd [2d] Goodwyn owed Suit at this Court on this day and have not Appeared at this , and made default. Therefore each of them is amerced as appears above, on their separate Heads. Amercement iijs iiijd [3s 4d]. Also the aforesaid jurors present upon their Oath that William Yarway has hewed down (in English from Hatchwood, and carried off branches and shoots of certain willows (in English willowes, growing on the land of the aforesaid Lord’s Manor next to William Yarway’s own land. Therefore he is amerced iijs iiijd [3s 4d]. Amercement xijd [12d] Also, furthermore, they presented on their Oaths that Henry Faber of Moggerhanger, With his plough has encroached on the land of the Lord of this Manor lying on the the Common Baulk abutting on the Milleyes. He ploughed three furrows (andlice Furrowes, on the aforesaid Baulk, being the land of the Lord of the Manor. Therefore he is amerced xijd [12d] Amercemnt xijd [12d] And a day is given to the aforesaid Henry Faber to completely put right the aforesaid encroachment by the next following Feast of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary , under the penalty of forfeiting xxd [20d] to the Lord of this Manor for the default xxd [20d] Also at this CourtThomas Cleyton and William Mason, Constables, presented that John Baldoke made affray and drew blood on a certain Thomas Cowper. Therefore he is amerced iijs iiijd [3s 4d] At this Court Thomas Cleyton and William Mason, are discharged from their offices of Constable of the aforesaid Demesne and in their place Thomas Hilles and William Silby are appointed and sworn in. Robert Crofte was elected to the office of Common Heward (in English the Common Heward, within the Manor and is sworn in. At this Court Robert Crofte and Arthur Tytford are elected to the office of Fieldreeves of this Manor (in English Fieldreeves, and were sworn etc Penalties put at the same court [the following are written in English in the document.] 1. xs [10s] Firste yt is ordered and agreed uppon by the homage that no Tenante or Inhabitante within this Mannor shall stake or keepe any oxen or beaste in the fields followinge, (that is to say) Dadmore, Chambres Willowes, Michaelmas, Thirty Leas, Goulde furlonge, the Grove Heydons and Conduyte Leyes untill the Common Parade drive uppon payne of forfeyture for every defaulte made to the contrary xs [10s] 2 xijd [12d] Item that no Tenant or Inhabitant shall keepe any Cattle in the brooke field or the Deanes before the feast of Pentecoste nexte (except horses to be tyed or staked on their owne ground, uppon paine of forteyture for every dfault made to the Contrary. xijd [12d] Provided that yt shalbe Lawfull for William Yarway to keepe any Cattle uppon his Walleheade (arranged not to obstruct 3 xijd [12d] Item yt is ordered by the homage That no Tenant or inhabitant within this Mannor shall keepe or putte any greate Cattle in the Brookfyelde from any after the feast of Andrew thapostle untill the xxvo [25th] day of Marche nexte folowinge upon payne of forfeiture for every defaulte therein xijd [12d] 4 iijs iiijd [3s 4d] Item that no Tenant or Inhabitant in this Mannor shall keepe or putte any sheepe in the Stubble Fyelds before St. Mathew’s Daye , and from St. Mathew’s day untill St. Edwards Day then next followinge they shall goe no further then the Deanes, upon payne of fofeyture for every default iijs iiijd [3s 4d] 5 iiijd [4d] Item ys ordered by the homage That every Tenant and Inhabitant in this Mannor shall well and sufficyently Ringe his hogges before St. Edwards Day nexte Comminge And shall keepe the same so ringed until the xxiijo [23rd] day of February nexte followinge upon payne of forfeiture for every hogge that shalbe unringed iiijd [4d] 6 ijd [2d] Item yt is ordered by the homage afforesaid that no Tenante or inhabitante within this Mannor or any of their servants shall drawe theire Rolles uppon any wheate or Rye upon payne of forfeyture for every offence made to the Contrary ijd [2d] 7 xijd [12d] Item yt is ordered and agreed uppon by the homage aforesaid that no tenante or inhabitante shall keepe or putt any Cattle in the brookefyelds after harvest is ynned untill such tyme as yt is or shalbe agreed on by the moste parte of the parishe uppon [pain] of forfeyture unto the Lord for every such offence to the contrary made. xijd [2d] 8 Item yt is further ordered and agreed uppon by the homage that Lambes shall be accompted as sheepe every yeare at the feaste of St. Michael Tharchangel as they have usually beene att the feast of St. Martyn heretofore and so shalbe rated and accompted in Number vacat Item yt is agreed uppon by the homage aforesaid that noe Tenante or inhabitante in this Mannor shall keepe upon the Commons or fallow fyelds of Willington any more Cattle, sheepe or Lambes then [sic] is allowed and mentioned. in theyre Last leasses, upon payne of forfeiyure for every offence founde to be made to the Contrary xijd [12d] Item yt is further ordered by the homage that every tenante and inhabitante within this Mannor shall from tyme to tyme sufficyently Ditch and Trench, or cause to be Ditched and Trenched, his Lands Ends (as need shalle require, uppon warninge given by his neighboure or fyeldreeve uppon payne of forfeyture for every Lande that shall not be Ditched as aforesaid xijd [12d] Item yt is ordered and agreed uppon by the homage That Jane Day, widowe, shall not putt or suffer her Cattle or hogges to goe uppon the Commons about the Mill from the feast of thannunciation of St. Mary the Virgin untill the feast of St. John Baptist then following uppon payne of forfeyture for every default made to the contrary vjd [6d] Item yt is ordered and agreed uppon by the homage that no Tenante or Inhabitante within this Mannor shall keepe any geese at all (except uppon their owne grounde) after the feast of Thannunciation of our Lady St. Mary nexte comminge, uppon payne of forfeiture for every ffence made to the Contrary xijd [12d] Assessors of fines: William Balle, William Silby, Sworn Men
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