• Reference
  • Title
    Removal order for Elizabeth Emmoney lately residing in St Paul, Bedford with her eight children to Thorney Abbey, Isle of Ely in the County of Cambridge.
  • Date free text
    12 June 1844
  • Production date
    From: 1844 To: 1844
  • Scope and Content
    Removal order. Examination of Thomas Clifton, Overseer of St Paul, Bedford as to and concerning the last legal settlement of Elizabeth Emmoney, widow, and her eight children. Examination of Alice Holliday, wifeof Robert Holliday of the parish of Eye in the County of Northampton, labourer: I am about the age of 56 years and am the eldest child living of William Emmoney and Ann his wife who are both dead. May parents resided in the parish of Thorney Abbey in the Isle of Ely in the County of Cambridge where they both died and were buried. My father died about the year 1823 and my mother about the year 1831. William Adam Emmoney the late husband of Elizabeth Emmoney now present was my youngest brother. I recollect him when a baby and in the nurses arms. I was then about 10 years of age. My mother was delivered of my said brother William Adam Emmoney deceased and he was born at the house of my father in the parish of Thorney Abbey in the isle of Ely in the County of Cambridge. Settlement examination of Elizabeth Emmoney residing in the parish of St Paul, Bedford: I am the widow of William Adam Emmoney who died at the parish of St Paul in this Borough on or about the 23 February last in this present year. I was married to him atthe parish churchof the parish of St Paul in this Borough after Banns on the first day of August 1826 by my then maiden name of Elizabeth Mackness, by whom I have eight children namely Ann aged 16 years, Sarah aged 13 years, Louisa aged 12 years, Harris aged 10 years William aged 9 years, Rose Hannah aged 6 years, John aged 4 years and Charles aged 2 years. I and my said chidlren are residing and inhabiting in the parishof St Paul in this Borough and I am relieeved by Mr James Stickton one of the Relieveing Officers of the Bedford Union with six shillings and eight loaves of bread per week and have been so relieved from about the 7th day of March last at the charge of the said parish of St Paul. I and my said children are the persons mentioned in the certificate marked A now produced.by Mr Samuel Wing bearing date 8th June instant. Objection by the Overseers and Churchwardens of Thorney Abbey addressed to the Churchwardens and Overseers of St Paul, Bedford: We do intend at the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden at Bedford to enter, persecute and try an appeal against an order under the hands and seals of George Peter Livius, and Thomas Davies, two of Her Majesty's JP's acting for the Borough of Bedford bearing date 12th June 1844 and concerning the removal of Elizabeth Emmoney (widow) and her eight children Ann, Sarah, Louisa, Harris, William, Rose Hannah, John and Charles from the said Parisgh of St Paul to our parishof Thorney Abbey. The grounds of such appeal are: That the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children are not nor any or either of them settled in our said parish of Thorney Abbey. That William Adam Emmoney (the late husband of Elizabeth Emmoney) was never settled in our said parish of Thorney Abbey. That the said Justices had not at the time of making the said Order legal evidence before them that the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said Children were settled in the parish of Thorney Abbey. That the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children were not nor were or was any or either of them at the time the said Order was made chargeable to and relieved by the said parish of St paul, nor was there any legal evidence before the said justices of such chargeability and relief at the time of making the said order. That the said Justices had no jurisdiction to remove the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said children. That the said Elizabeth Emmoney was not then resident in th e yor said parish of St Paul nor removeable. That the Churchwardens and Overseers of the said Parish of St Paul did not nor did any or eitehr of them send a true or complete copy or counterpart of the said Order of Removal and a true and complete copy of the examination upon which the said Order was made with the notice of chargeability to the churchwardens and Overseers of the said parish of Thorney Abbey. That the said William Adam Emmoney in the year 1824 being an unmarried person and not having any child or children was hired by Mrs Mary Bradshaw of the Red Lion Inn in the said parish of St Paul in the said Borough of Bedford, then a widow but now deceased as her servant for a year and that the said William Adam Emmoney duly enetered upon the said service accordingly to the said hiring and served the said Mary Bradshaw one whole year under such hiring and resided during all that time in the parish of St Paul and thereby acquired a settlementin that parish and the said ELizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children are settled in the said parish of St Paul. That the said William Adam Emmoney in the year 1825 being then an unmarried person and not having any child or children was hired by Mrs Mary Bradshaw of the Red Lion Inn in the said parish of St Paul in the said Borough of Bedford, then a widow but now deceased as her servant for a year and that the said William Adam Emmoney duly enetered upon the said service accordingly to the said hiring and served the said Mary Bradshaw one whole year under such hiring and resided during all that time in the parish of St Paul and thereby acquired a settlementin that parish and the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children are settled in the said parish of St Paul. That the said William Adam Emmoney in the year 1826 being then an unmarried person and not having any child or children was hired by Mrs Mary Bradshaw of the Red Lion Inn in the said parish of St Paul in the said Borough of Bedford, then a widow but now deceased as her servant for a year and that the said William Adam Emmoney duly enetered upon the said service accordingly to the said hiring and served the said Mary Bradshaw one whole year under such hiring and resided during all that time in the parish of St Paul and thereby acquired a settlementin that parish and the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children are settled in the said parish of St Paul. And further take notice that we hereby require you to produce at the hearing of this Appeal the order for the removal of the said Elizabeth Emmoney and her said eight children from the parish of St Paul to the ssaid parish of Thorney Abbey and the original examinations and certificate upon which the said order of removal was made together with this notice of appeal. And we further give you notice that on the hearing of this Appeal we on behalf of the appellant parishmean to avail ourselves of all or some one or more of the grounds in support of the said appeal. James Watson (Churchwarden), Miller Wiggington, Wright Eau Crane, Overseers of Thorney Abbey.
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