• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Gostwick and his wife Elizabeth [membrane also includes Rolls 69, 70 and 72]
  • Date free text
    6 Oct, 5 and 6 Philip and Mary [1558]
  • Production date
    From: 1558 To: 1558
  • Scope and Content
    Wyllyngton View of Frankpledge with Court of John Gostwick Esquire, son and heir of William Gostwick, deceased, and Elizabeth wife of the same John, first daughter of the above-named William Petre, Knight, held there on the vj [6th] day of October in the fifth and sixth years of the reigns of the aforesaid King and Queen (1558). Essoins none The Homage or the xij [12] Sworn Men John Risely Robert Osmond Thomas Clerke Edward Warner John Yarwey Walter Byngham Christopher Myton Thomas Myton John Cleyton Thomas Kempson(?) Thomas Fyssher Edward Cleyton Suit of Court Who say on their oaths that Nicholas ijd [2d] Luke esquire, first Baron of the Exchequer to the Queen made [default] and John ijd [2d] Aleyn esquire, John ijd [2d] Gostwycke, son of Edward (?) Gostwicke owed suit of Court Decayed buildings Also they present that the buildings in the Messuage lately held by John Fyscher [illegible] lately held at will were in decay because of neglect of repairs either of timber or thatch. The estimate of the Sworn Men for repairs is vij li [£7]. Penalty put Also they present that the buildings in the Messuage in the holding of William Byngham is in decay because of the neglect of repairs of either timber or thatch to the value of ten shillings. Therefore it was ordered to the same William that he should sufficiently repair the aforesaid Messuage before the next Court, under the penalty of forfeiting xxs [20s] to the lord. Penalty put for [illegible] Also they present that the Stable in the holding in which Edmund Warner lives, is decayed because of neglect of repairs. Therefore it is ordered to the same Edmund that he should sufficiently repair [it] before the next Court, under the penalty of forfeiting xs [10s] to the lord. Strays Also they present that a certain Sow, called a Sowe, came as a stray within the [illegible] of the View of Frankpledge and has stayed for a year and has been valued by the Sworn Men at vd [5d?] [illegible] in the wood [illegible] present that Newman iiijd [4d] of Cople trespassed twice in the wood and cut down and carried away withies [illegible] Therefore he is amerced twice. Overloading, penalty put Also they present that Thomas Foster overloaded his common pasture in the Manor with his animals. Therefore it was ordered to the same Thomas that he should not overload his Common pasture in the manor, under a penalty of forfeiting xxd [20d] to the lord Land silver vs iijd [5s 8d] Common Fine xiiijd [14d] Also the aforesaid Sworn Men present that they gave vs viijd [5s 8d] as land silver to the lord this day with ix [9] pieces of land held by Thomas Foster. Also the aforesaid Sworn Men present that they gave xiiijd [14d] to the lord as Common Fine on this day. [illegible] Also they present that John iiijd [4d] Couper of the town of Bedford was a common baker of bread and broke the assize. Therefore he is amerced. [illegible] Foster is the common brewer of ale. Election of Constable Thomas Clerke was elected into the office of Constable and was sworn in to exercise his office. Sum of the perquisites of this Court etc [blank] Assessors of fines, John Ryseley, Robert Osmond, Sworn Men
  • Level of description