• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll [membrane 13d]
  • Date free text
    2 Oct, 13 Edward IV [1473]
  • Production date
    From: 1473 To: 1473
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 54c Welyngton View with Frankpledge with Court of Katherine Duchess of Norfolk held there on Friday ijo [second] day of October in the xiijo [thirteenth] of Edward iiijti [fourth] [1473] Essoins Nicholas Wareyn’, John Style, Thomas Barly Tithing men sworn men John Yarwey the elder Randolph Bawdewyn Thomas Taillour William Smyth John Flaunders John Bardolph John Wareyn’ John Stonys Henry Parcar William Flaunders Thomas Baylemont John Norys Common fine vijs ijd [7s 2d] amercements vjd [6d] They present that they gave common fine as appears in the heading. And that the Prior of iiijd [4d] Neuham [sic], [and] Simon ijd [2d] Benett owed suit of Court and made default. Therefore they are amerced. Penalty forfeited vjs [6s] penalty pending And that the Shippon of John ijs [2s] Coke, lately Mytons, and that the barn and bakehouse in the holding of John ijs [2s] Odehill, and the barn in the holding of Katherine ijs [2s] Morburn, and the Hall of the said Katherine are all defective in their tiling. Therefore they forfeit the penalty made at the last court, that is to say, for each of them ijs. [2s] And they were ordered to mend them before the feast of Saint Michael after the date under a penalty of xld [40d] for each of them. Repairs made And that John Coke and Christopher Malton have made their repairs. Therefore they do not forfeit their penalties. Amercement vjd [6d] And that John iiijd [4d] Odehill caused nuisance by taking sheep by cart at xij o’clock in the night. Thomas Baylemont assaulted him with a pole of no value [contractions not legible]. And that the said John ijd [2d] broke ij [2] gates being on his holding. Penalty pending And he was ordered to do new repairs at his own expense before the aforesaid feast under a penalty of vjs viijd [6s 8d] Amercement viijd [8d] And that William ijd [2d] Myton assaulted John Yarwey, the Clerk, Thomas Yarwey and William Yarwey. And that the said John ijd [2d], Thomas ijd [2d] and William ijd [2d] assaulted the said William. Therefore each of them is amerced. Tasters of Ale Amercement xijd [12d] John Warner and William Fesaunt present that William vjd [6d] constantly Parays, Robert iiijd [4d. twice) Coke, John ijd [2d] Yarwey, were brewers and broke the assize. Therefore they are each amerced. Xij [12] sworn men Robert Gostwyk John Warner Robert Partriche Richard Flowre John Myton William Passewater William Paryse William Dyott Robert Coke Richard Wode William Fesaunt Thomas Huett Amercements viijd [8d sic] They present that the aforesaid tithing men and Constables presented well and faithfully and furthermore they said that Robert iiijd [4d] Wareyn’, Thomas iiijd [4d] Mores, servants of Nicholas iiijd [4d] Cruce all played tennis against the statute. Therefore they are amerced. Sum xvjs vjd [16s 6d sic] Assessors of fines John Flaunders, John Warner, sworn men In the expenses of the Steward with others xvjs vijd in bread, ale, and meat iiijs jd [4s 1d] For parchment iiijd [4d]
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