Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll
[membrane 4]
Date free text
23 Oct, 11 Edward IV [1471]
Production date
From: 1471 To: 1471
Scope and Content
54a Wyllyngton
View of Frankpledge with Court of Katherine Duchess of Norfolk, held there on Wednesday xxiijo [23rd] day of October in the eleventh year of the reign of Edward fourth [1471]
Constables John Flaundres, John Yerwey the younger
Tithing men
John Yerwey the elder John Bardolfe John Waren’ Thomas Tayllour
Randolph Bawdewyn Nicholas Cruce Richard Flowre
Walter Yerwey Nicholas Waren’ John Stones
Common fine vijs jd [7s 1d] amercement xjd [11d]
The sworn men present that they gave vijs jd [7s 1d] as common fine on this day.
Also they present that the Prior of of Newnham iiijd [4d] should have come and has not come. Therefore he is amerced. And that John Benet ijd [2d] has not come to guarantee the essoin. Therefore he is amerced. And that the said John ijd [2d] causes nuisance and has not come. Therefore he is amerced. Also they present that Lady Elisabeth Marion iijd [3d] has not cleared her ditch just as she was ordered. Therefore she was amerced. And it was ordered that she should mend it before the reaping under a penalty of xijd. [12d]
Amercement viijd [8d]
Also they presented that Elisabeth Redy iiijd [4d] and Elisabeth Langton iiijd [4d] were common cut-throats and disturbers of the lord King’s peace. Therefore they are amerced.
Amercement xijd [12d]
Also they present that Isolda, wife xijd [12d] of Christopher Malton took and carried away the purse of Robert Gostwyke and vijd [7d] and one silver ring in the said purse. Therefore she is amerced.
Stray not kept for a year xviijd [18d] as received
Also it is presented that one pig will belong as a stray. That is to say one pig was there for half a year by the x [tenth] day of October in the aforesaid year, valued at xviijd [18d], [and] remains in the hand of the bailiff. Therefore it was ordered to be kept within the demesne.
[Long gap here, before the record begins again.]
Tasters amercement xviijd [18d]
John Flaundres, John Yerwey the younger, the Tasters, present that William Pares vjd [6d] constantly, John Sterlyng vjd [6d] constantly, John Morbourne vjd [6d] constantly, brewed and broke the Assize. Therefore they are amerced.
Election of constables
John Flaundres and John Yerwey Thomas Tayllour were out of the office of constable and in place of them John Bardolfe and Thomas Tayllour were elected and took the oath.
Xij [12] sworn men
Robert Gostwyke William Passewater Nicholas Meger’
John Cooke Henry Parkere Thomas Baylemont
John Myton’ John Sterlyng Thomas Huet
John Warner William Fesaunt William Smyth
The sworn and charged men present that the above Constables, Tithing Men and Tasters presented well and faithfully and concealed nothing.
Proceedings of the little court
The homage present that John Waren’ has mended his barn but not the hall in his holding. Therefore he has a day until the next [court] under a penalty of xijd. [12d]
Amercement iiijd [4d]
Also they present that Randolph Bawdewyn ijd [2d] and Christopher Malton ijd [2d] have not repaired their holdings. Therefore they are amerced. And they have a day until the next, under a penalty for each of them of xijd. [12d]
Deliveries of timber
The Bailiff was ordered to deliver to Nicholas Waren’ timber from the Grove and other places and half acres of withies there to make a new bakehouse. And from him [that is, the bailiff] laths and spars to repair one Dwelling in the holding of John Flaundres. And from him one rood of withies and piles out of Sherehache for repairs of the Dam of the mill. And the bailiff has from Sherehache x [10] perches of withies to make wattled hurdles to turn the water.
Assessors of fines John Myton, Thomas Tayllour, sworn men.
Sum of this View with Court xjs vjd [11s 6d]
Therefrom in steward’s expenses vs iiijd [5s 4d]
Level of description