• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of Katherine Duchess of Norfolk [membrane 10d]
  • Date free text
    3 Oct, 4 Edward IV [1464]
  • Production date
    From: 1464 To: 1464
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 51a Wyllyngton View of Frankpledge with Court of Katherine Duchess of Norfolk held there on Wednesday the iijo [3rd] day of October in the fourth year of the reign of Edward the fourth [1464] Essoins Elisabeth Maryon, John Benet have been essoined on this day Tithing men John Yerwey the elder Randolph Bawdewyn Nicholas Cruce John Tayllour Walter Yerwey John Stones John Flandrys John Rydy John Mourborne John Tylere Simon Usshere Henry Parkere Common fines vijs iiijd [7s 4d] The sworn men present that this day they gave vijs iiijd [7s 4d] as common fine. amercement vjd [6d] fealty Also they present that the prior of Newenham iiijd [4d] owes suit of court and did not come. Therefore he is amerced. Also they present that Geoffrey Palmer who held certain lands in the fields of Willington,[annotated lately belonging to John Gostewyk], from the lady, they do not know how much, has died. After whose death the said lands should have descended to Margerie his wife for the term of her life. And it was presented that she should show her evidence at the next court held here after the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel, [September 29th} under penalty of ijs [2s] And the said Margery made fealty and was therefore admitted as tenant. And that William Couper ijd [2d] has broken hedges in the holding of John Tylere and he carried them away. Therefore he is amerced. And it was presented that he should put right the said hedges before the feast of All Saints [November 1st] under penalty of xijd [12d]. fealty , note for tenure of Passewaters lands [added in English in a different ink] Also it is presented that John Passewater, who held certain lands from the lady within this demesne, died after the last court. After whose death the said lands should descend to William Passewater son and heir of the said John, [annotated as by] hereditary right and the said William is fully of age. And the said lands are to be held by knight's service wherefrom there falls due to the lady a relief according to the size. And he made fealty and therefore was admitted as tenant. Ale Tasters, amercements iijs ijd [3s 2d] John Myton and John Cooke, the Tasters of ale present that Alicia Stoughton vjd [6d] constantly, John Rydy vjd [6d] constantly, John Sterling vjd [6d] constantly, John Morbourne vjd [6d] constantly, Simon Ussher ijd [2d] once, Robert Key iiijd [4d] twice, Robert Partryche ijd [2d] once, Nicholas Waren' ijd [2d] once, John Mond ijd [2d] once, Thomas Gebon ijd [2d] once, brewed and broke the assize. Therefore they are amerced. xij [12] sworn men John Myton Robert Partryche Richard Fyll John Warner John Sterlyng John Bawdewyn’ William Passewater John Waren’ William Couper William Tayllour Nicholas Waren’ Hugh Garnann The sworn men present that the above Constables, Tithing Men and Tasters came and faithfully presented, and have concealed nothing. Election of Constable John Yerwey the elder is leaving the office of Constable and in his place was elected Henry Parker and he took the oath. John Cooke and John Myton were leaving the office of Tasters of Ale and in their place were elected John Warner and Henry Parke and they took the oath. The Little Court held there on the above day and year penalty pending The Homage presents that the barn in the holding of John Tyler and the pigsty in the holding of Randolph Bawdewyn, in laths and wattles, also the width of in the holding John Roper's barn in John Rydy’s holding were all of them repaired but not competently. Therefore a day was presented that they should be repaired competently before the next court under penalty for each of them of vjs viijd [6s. 8d.]. penalty pending and that Nicholas Waren has not mended the end of the room above the hall in his holding. Therefore he incurred the penalty put on him at the last court. penalty pending And it was presented that it should be repaired before the feast of the Nativity of our Lord [25th December] next in the future under penalty of xld [40d] to be forfeited to the Lady. fealty John Bawdewyn came into the court and took from the Lady one messuage and x [10] acres of land and meadow with their appurtenances lately in the tenure of John Clerk and afterwards in the tenure of William Dylerton, to be held by himself, and one following, and to whichever of them lives longest, at the will of the Lady according to the custom of the manor; rendering therefrom xs [10s] shillings a year to the Lady at the usual terms there and customary suit of court {illegible]. And during the aforesaid terms they will well and faithfully repair, sustain and maintain, and whichever of them will sustain and maintain the said messuage at their own expense except that the Lady will provide timber for them as becomes necessary, that is to say large timber, laths and withies. And he gave the entry fine to the Lady , made fealty, and was thus admitted as tenant. It was presented that the bailliff should deliver x [10] perches of withies for the repair of the holding of Nicholas Waren’ and half a rood towards making a new door for the barn in the holding of Henry Parkere and half a rood for repairs of the holding of Walter Yerwey and x [10] perches for repairing the holding of John Tayllour. Allowances from rents The Lady grants xxs [20s] to the tenants from the rent of the Ovry land in allowance this year. For the assessors, John Myton and John Flandrys, sworn men. Total of this view xjs [11s] Therefrom, in steward's expenses and other officials of the lady iiijs iiijd [4s 4d]
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