• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John, Viscount Beaumont, and Katherine, Duchess of Norfolk [membrane 5]
  • Date free text
    15 Oct, 33 Henry VI [1454]
  • Production date
    From: 1454 To: 1454
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 43a Wylyton View of Frankpledge with Court of Lord John Viscount Beaumond and Katherine Duchess of Norfolk held there on Tuesday next before the feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist [18th October] in the xxxiijo [33rd] year of the reign of King Henry Vlo [6th] [15th October 1454] Essoins none John Taylour, Randolph Bawdewyn, Constables John Yarwey the elder John Salt John Stones John Norman John Yarwey the younger John Ferthyng Walter Yarwey Sworn men Richard Wynyld John Tyler’ John Flaundre, tithing man [or men?] Fine vijs vjd [7s 6d] amercements vjd [6d] They present that they give vijs vjd [7s 6d] as common fine this [day]. And that the Prior of Newnham iiijd [4d] and Thomas Maryon ijd [2d] made default and therefore were at mercy to the lord. And that John Gostwyk has one ditch not draining, causing nuisance, therefore he is at mercy of the lord. And he is ordered to put it right before the feast of the Nativity of the Lord [Christmas Day, December 25th] under a penalty of xld [40d]. And that the same John has branches growing and hanging above the common way below his tenement. Therefore he is at mercy. And that Robert Partrych has branches growing over the common way next to the Rabbit Warren. Therefore he is at mercy and they were ordered to put them right before the next [court] under a penalty of xijd [12d]. And that the Lord’s tenants should repair and put right the branches growing and hanging over the common way next to the Rabbit Warren. And that the Vicar should enclose the Glesedrip’ between the Vicarage and the lord’s holding in which John Clerk lives. And he was ordered to put it right before the next under a penalty of xld [40d]. Also they present that the malt kiln in John Redy’s holding has not been repaired because of the neglect of William Launcelyn. One plea is with the aforesaid William. And that the tenement held by John Clerk, that the lord ordered him to repair, is ruined and lies in the hand of the lord. And that the holding called The Legge was ruined and made totally devastated and he is dead, and it has lain in the hand of the lord for a long time. And now it is demised to John Morborn as put above in the last preceding Court, and the lord’s tenant should repair it. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to provide for putting right the said tenement. And that John Stones has a ruined malt-kiln and the lord obliges him to repair it. Therefore etc. And that Robert Partrych is obliged to repair the tenement in which he lately lived. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to take possession of all the goods and chattels of the said Robert being within the demesne to provide sufficient security for him to make suitable repairs. Also they present that John Yarwey the younger has a barn, needing large timbers and wattling. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to allow him timber for making spars and also half an acre of underwood. And that John Yarwey the elder has a ruined malt-kiln and the bailiff was ordered to allow him one rood of underwood for Winding and Wattling of the same. And they present that Randolph Bawdewyn has walls [which are] fallen down and broken because of his neglect. Therefore he was ordered to put them right before the next under a penalty of xld [40d]. And he asked for one foundation beam and the bailiff was ordered to hand it over. Amercement iijd [3d] forfeited ijd [2d] John Taylour and Randolph Bawdewyn, the Constables, present that Robert Partrych iijd [3d] assaulted John Taylour against the peace with a dagger valued at ijd [2d] and it remains in the bailiff’s keeping and the bailiff is answerable for it to the lord. To this View came William Starlyng and surrendered one Messuage and x [10] acres of land into the hand of the lord, from which he was accustomed to render xiiijs [14s] a year to the lord, before the next feast of Saint Michael the archangel next in the future. [before September 29th. 1455?] And it was taken by the bailiff and the said tenement should all be well and competently repaired. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to provide for the said holding and no herriot, and the said holding was taken by the bailiff outside the court and without a copy. Amercement xvjd [16d] amercement xvijd [17d] John Yarwey, John Gostewyk, ale tasters there, present that Alicia Stoughton vjd [6d] brewed constantly and broke the assize of ale, John Redy vjd [6d] constantly, Robert Cook iiijd [4d] iij [3] times. One brewing by the vicar xijd [12d]. And that John Redy iijd [3d] has not brewed sufficiently so that the tenants will lack ale and that Alicia Stoughton ijd [2d] did not wish to have a shortage of ale under the new brewings. Therefore they were at mercy to the lord. John Flaunder’ and Robert Cook were elected as Constables and took the oath. John Cook and John Myton were elected as tasters of ale and took the oath. Xij [12] sworn men, that is to say John Cook John Rodland Robert Partrych Robert Cook John Myton Robert Warner Geoffrey Palmer William Taylour John Clerk William Starlyng Nicholas Cruce Robert Taylour They present that the Tithing Men, Constables and tasters of ale well and faithfully presented and concealed nothing. Sum xjs ijd [11s 2d] Assessors of fines John Flaunder’ John Taylour sworn men In expenses of the Steward and other tenants [and] visitors vijs viijd [7s 8d]
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