• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John, Viscount Beaumont, and Katherine, Duchess of Norfolk [membrane 6d]
  • Date free text
    11 Oct, 32 Henry VI [1453]
  • Production date
    From: 1453 To: 1453
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 42a [This document has ‘Willington’ written vertically, in a ‘copper-plate’ script, about two-thirds of the way down the LH margin] Wylyton View of Frankpledge with Court of lord John, Viscount Beaumond and Katherine Duchess of Northfolk held there on the Thursday next after the feast of Saint Dennis [9th October] in the xxxijo [32nd] year of the reign of Henry Vlo [11th October 1453] Essoins none Constables John Taylour, Randolph Bawdywyn, Tithing men John Yarwey the elder John Salt Richard Judde John Horn John Yarwey the younger John Farthyng Walter Yarwey John Waryner William Legge John Tyler John Flanders of the Court Fine vijs iijd [7s 3d], amercements xiiijd [14d], a stray They present that they gave vijs iijd [7s 3d] as common fine this day. And that Edmund Grey vjd [6d] , knight, the Prior of Newnham iiijd [4d] , Thomas Gybon ijd [2d] owed suit and did not come. Therefore they are amerced. And that the same Thomas ijd [2d] took excessive toll, therefore he is at mercy to the lord. And that a certain heifer aged one year, worth [blank] came as a stray, which is in the keeping of John Flaunders. He was ordered to make a proclamation. And afterwards Reginald Bonn came and claimed the aforesaid heifer and on this day [came] to prove it and it was proved. And she was handed over to him. Amercements jd [1d], ijd [2d], forfeited jd [1d], amercement ijd [2d] And that Robert Partryche jd [1d] has pigs at pasture and digging in the several pastures of the lord and the tenants. Therefore he is amerced. And that Robert Partryche ijd [2d] assaulted Thomas Gybon, against the peace, with a pitchfork valued at jd [1d]. Therefore he is amerced with the pledge of the bailiff. And that the same Thomas Gybon ijd [2d] assaulted William, his servant, and struck him with a stick of no value. Therefore he is at the mercy of the lord. Amercement xvjd [16d] John Yarwey, taster of ale there, presents that Alicia Stoughton vjd [6d] brewed and broke the assize of ale. Therefore she is amerced. And that John Redy iijd [3d] once, Robert Cook iijd [3d] twice , William Couper ijd [2d] once, Nicholas Judde ijd [2d] once, broke the assize. Therefore they are amerced. All repairs quit And as for the repairs of John Rodland’s tenement in [annotated, which] Robert Cook stays, the aforesaid John and Robert submitted to the above tenants who then and there acknowledged that the aforesaid John Rodland paid vjs viijd [6s 8d] to the aforesaid Robert to make the aforesaid repairs before the next Hallmoot. And so he should have been quit of the aforesaid repairs on that day . The aforesaid Robert acknowledged the aforesaid vjs viijd [6s 8d]. And so the said Robert stands charged with the repairs to the said tenement. And the said John Rodland is quit Amercement jd [1d], penalty Also they present that Nicholas jd [1d] Cruce has one hall not sufficiently repaired. Therefore he is amerced. And he was ordered to put it right before the next Court under a penalty of xld [40d] etc Was ordered Also they present that the hall in the tenement that John Tyler holds and the room, are ruined and need large timbers. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to provide for putting them right. And the malt-kiln in the same tenement was in need of repairs therefore because of the neglect of the said John Tyler. Therefore he is at mercy and which, it was hoped , he would put right. Was ordered to be seized And that Robert Partryche has not sufficiently repaired his holding, as above . Therefore it was taken. Therefore the bailiff was ordered to take possession of all his goods and chattels whatsoever being in the said holding [until] the buildings of the holding [were] sufficiently repaired. And that the holding called The Legge, in the lord’s hand, has not been repaired. One plea is with the lord’s Council. And that William Launcelyn holds one hall in the holding called Wryghtes, to repair. Strays And that two oxen arrived as strays and were not proclaimed. And the bailiff was ordered to proclaim them. And afterwards a certain Richard Okham came and claimed and [it was] sufficiently proved. And they were handed over to him. Entry fine xijd [12d] To this View came William Legge and surrendered one Messuage and x [10] acres of land lately held by John Palmere, into the hand of the lord for the use Richard Wyneld’. For which he was accustomed to render xs [10s] a year, and nothing fell due to the lord as heriott, except a capon. And following this the aforesaid Richard Wynyld came and took the aforesaid Messuage and land from the lord, to be held by himself and Agnes his wife for the terms of their lives and whichever of them lives longest, rendering therefrom xs [10s] a year. And the aforesaid Richard will well and competently repair and sustain all the buildings being in the said Messuage and at the end of his term will sufficiently repair the aforesaid to hand over and demise [them]. And each of them is answerable for an examination of the said Messuage and land at the middle of the term and it will be entered and will be divided , for which the lord will provide timber for the same Richard [and] necessary laths and withies for making repairs as often as were needed during the aforesaid term. And he gave xijd [12d] to the lord as entry fine and heriot, and made fealty to the lord. And he was admitted as tenant, by a copy and no heriot after his death or withdrawal. And he owed suit twice a year etc. Richard Whythove , Clerk, complains against John Waryn’ in a plea of debt, the pledge for the prosecution is the bailiff, in which it was said that on the eighth day of October in the xxxijo [32nd] year of the reign of king Henry Vlo [6th], at Willington above etc’ the same Richard demised to the aforesaid John Waryn’ iij [3] acres of land for iijs vjd [3s 6d] payable at the feast of Saint Michael the archangel thereafter next following. And an enquiry was allowed into the loss of xxd [20d] etc. On account of this the aforesaid John came and defended himself to the vicar and the Sworn Men that the aforesaid Richard had only demised to him two acres of land for xijd [12d] the acre, which he paid to the same Richard through the hand of John Clerk, and for [illegible] he said that he owes him nothing. And for this he placed himself upon the xij [12] Sworn Men present in Court. And afterwards the aforesaid John [illegible] was at mercy of the lord with permission to agree with the aforesaid Richard. Taking of land To this Court came Matilda Palmer and took one Messuage and x [10] acres of land with its appertinences, lately held by John Palmer her late husband, from the lord, to be held by her and her sons for the term of her life and of whichever of them lives longest, rendering therefrom xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] a year to the lord, paid at the usual terms there. And the aforesaid Matilda and her sons will well and competently repair and sustain all the buildings being on the tenement at their own expense. And they were admitted as tenants by a copy and made fealty and owed suit twice a year. Taking of land At this View the Lord granted to John Clerk one toft with adjacent land and tenement, lately in the holding of John Myton [torn edge] by himself and his his [sic] wife and their sons for the terms of their lives and whichever of them lives longest, rendering therefrom to the lord a year [torn edge] as the aforesaid John Myton customarily rendered, paying at the usual terms there. And they will have one rood of underwood to make an enclosure [torn edge] there that [when] it lay in the hand of the lord [was] not enclosed. And the said toft, at the end of their term, should be surrendered sufficiently enclosed [torn edge]. And he owes suit twice a year and was admitted as tenant by a copy, and he made fealty to the lord. Taking of land To this Court came John Stone and took one Cottage lately belonging to the Juddes, to be held from the lord by himself for the term of his life [torn edge] and his wife for the terms of his life and of his wife and their sons and of whichever of them lives the longest, rendering annually therefrom vs [5s] to the lord, to be paid at the usual terms there and making [torn edge] Court twice a year. And they will make [illegible] repairs to the said Cottage [illegible] that the lord will provide large timber and withies, and laths for making the said repairs for use as often as the tenants need them. And the lord will make repairs to one malt-kiln in the aforesaid cottage, next to the king’s way once in the principal term. The aforesaid John took from the lord all the land called Jakes land for himself, his wife and their sons for the terms of their lives and of whichever of them lives the longest rendering therefrom iijs iiijd [3s 4d] a year to the lord, paid at the usual terms there and no heriot after their death or withdrawal from the Cottage. And he made fealty to the lord and owed suit twice a year. Assessors of fines: John Taylour, John Redy In the expenses of the steward and other tenants and visitors iiijs viijd [4s 8d] Allowance of underwood Also the bailiff was ordered to deliver to John Yarwe [sic] half a rood of underwood to make repairs to his malt-kiln Sum of this court;xijs vjd [12s 6d]
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