• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll [membrane 1 of R8/62/1/1]
  • Date free text
    10 Oct , 4 Henry VI [1425]
  • Production date
    From: 1425 To: 1425
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 35 Welyngton. View of Frankpledge with Court held there the x [10th] day of October in the fourth Year of the reign of king Henry the sixth after the conquest[10th October 1425] Essoins: Walter Pekke of the community, by the beadle Tithing men, sworn men John Miton, Thomas Starlyng Robert Fesant John Gabriell, John Trekat,. John Bande the younger, John Redeland, John Palmer William Taillor William Starlyng, Robert Partrich WilliamWrigth [sic] the younger Fines xijs [12s] They present that on this day they gave xijs [12s] as fixed fines Tithings Thomas Wilteshire, Thomas Navesby, Thomas Shakston, John Palmer the younger and John Smyth the younger were put in tithings and sworn in. Fine iiijd Also that Robert Myton encroached upon the common below his holding next to the king’s road for a space of three feet for which the same Robert pays a fine to the lord. to provide a broom as payment for his encroachment, for the term of his life as in chief. Memorandum [illegible] Amercements iijs ixd [3s 9d] Also that John Rodland ijd [2d] has a tenement [annotated, well] with ruined wood for foundation beams and he has a pig-sty ijd [2d] which is not allowed, behind his tenement. John Rider ijd [2d] has a tenement well with defective thatch. And that the tenement lately belonging to John Brook [annotated, well repaired] is not well repaired because of negligence of Robert Partrich iiijd [4d]. John iSmyth ijd [2d] , a labourer has a hall with defective foundation-beams and thatch. John Bande ijd [2d] [annotated, well] the younger, William Taillour ijd [2d] [annotated, well], for his son, John Goffe ijd [2d] has one new [annotated. badly] bakehouse which is not tiled. John Yarwey ijd [2d] [annotated, badly] has a tenement with defective thatch and has made encroachment of a space of iiij [4] feet upon the common next to the king’s highway. [words erased here and illegible] John Smyth ijd [2d] [annotated, badly] has one Forge with defective thatch, John Goffe jd [1d] [annotated, illegible] for the same for the tenement called Sturgis. John Palmer ijd [2d] [annotated, well] has a tenement with defective timber. Richard Baudewyn jd [1] [annotated, badly] for his son, he was incapable and [it is] poor value. Robert Partrich ijd [2d] [annotated, well] has a tenement lately belonging to Matilda Partrich with defective thatch. Robert Fesant ijd [2d] [annotated, not well] for [his] son in the holding which he holds, and the same Robert ijd [2d] badly for the son, for the Shakstons holding, John Kempston iiijd [4d] [annotated, well] for his son, for the tenement lately belonging to Felicia Prentys, that is not roofed. John Rodeland ijd [2] annotated,badly] for his son for the holding lately belonging to John Hod William Wrigth [sic] ijd [2d] [annotated, badly] the younger for his son for a certain tenement for which he is answerable which has defective thatch. Robert Partrich iijd [3d] [annotated, well] for himself for a tenement lately belonging to Thomas Gibbe, in timber and straw John Bande ijd [2d] [annotated, not well] the elder, for his son, defective in timber and straw. Therefore they are amerced. Remaining Also that one messuage lately belonging to Thomas Tele remains in the hand of the lord and is defective in thatch therefore enforcement was relaxed Amerced iiijd [4d] Also that John Gostewyk ijd [2d] has stopped up the water course outside his gate and below his holding. John Abell ijd [2d] for his son, opposite his gate Amerced vjd [6d] Also it is presented that Thomas Stoughton vjd [6d] has taken unjust and excessive toll by unlawful measure without seal. Therefore he is amerced Amerced iiijd [4d] Also it is presented that Felicia iiijd [4d] wife of John Rider unjustly took one colt from the goods and chattels of John Rodland and is amerced Fine viijd [8d] Also that Walter Yarwey unjustly and against the peace and law of the our lord King took one sheep valued at xd [10d] from the goods and chattels of Thomas Starlyng for which Walter made a fine to the lord at the aforesaid term, as in chief. Strays surrendered and sold for xijd [12d] Also that certain swarms of bees came as strays about the Feast of St. John the Baptist [29th. August] in the aforesaid third year of the King, that is to say, this year ij [2] swarms came and were kept by John Taillor and were sold to the same John by Roger Hunte the steward, as in chief. Strays sold vjd [6d] Also that John Kempston has one swarm of bees [which] came as strays about the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist [24th. June] and they were sold by the steward to the said John, as in chief. [Title torn off Also that William Wrigth [sic] xxd [20d] the younger took down a dwelling which was lately on a croft on the holding which he held from the lord, and [did] without permission and without the view of the lord’s officials. Therefore he is amerced [Title torn off] Also they say that Robert Miton, John Marion and Robert Ren’, the vicar of the church there, have Dovecots within the lord’s demesne and that they do not have sufficient free land to occupy and keep the said Dovecots therefore etc. And that the said Robert Miton acknowledged he made his Dovecot in the first year of our said lord king [Henry VI 1st. Sept. 1422 to 31st August 1423] and that the said John made his Dovecot about the fourth year of the reign of the late king Henry IV [30th. September 1402 to 29th. September 1403] and that the said dovecote of the said Robert Ren, the vicar, was made by one of his predecessors about the 13th year of the reign of king Henry IV lately king of England [30th September 1411 to 29th September 1412] and the said Dovecots were placed in respite until Roger Hunte shall have spoken with the lord’s council etc. Amercement viijd [8d] Robert Partrich, the sworn constable, presents that John Taillour ijd [2d] broke into the house of John Gabriell and that the same John Gabriell justly [called] the hue. And that John Wrigth ijd [2d] assaulted and unlawfully drew blood from Thomas Suyneshed therefore he is amerced and the said Robert iiijd [4d] has not performed his office and therefore he is amerced. Brewing amercements ijs ijd [2s 2d] Also that John Miton ijd [2d] and John Bande ijd [2d] the younger have not performed their offices as tasters, so they are amerced. Also that John Rodland iiijd [4d] ij [2] times, John Rider ijd [2d] j [1] time, John Bande the elder ijd [2d] j [1] time, John Gostwyk the younger ijd [2d] j [1] time, John Goffe vjd [6d] constantly, and Thomas Starlyng vjd [6d] constantly, brewed and sold ale against the assize and therefore they are amerced. Also they say that John Goswyk has a headland called the hayhedlond in the Grovefield and one headland abutting on the Dene too wide by a space of vj [6] feet and more. And it was ordered by the tithing men and all the sworn men that he should inspect the said headlands and mend them before the next court under a penalty of xijd [12d]. overleaf [The end of this roll is missing. What follows overleaf is written as roll 36] [Translation: Dorothy Jamieson]
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