• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, court roll [membrane 10d]
  • Date free text
    1 Jun, 1 Henry VI [1423]
  • Production date
    From: 1423 To: 1423
  • Scope and Content
    Court of the aforesaid earl held there on Tuesday after the feast of Saint Petronilla the virgin [31st May] in the first year of the reign of Henry the sixth after the Conquest. [1st June 1423] Bekyngham Sworn men John Myton John Rodland John Treket John Bande the younger Thomas Smyth John Fesound William Starlyng’ John Rydere Robert Fesound John Palmere John Yarwey John Goffe Day he closed his existence, heriot of one cow valued at vjs viijd [6s 8d] the bailiff is answerable remaining They present that John Crook who held one Cottage with an adjacent croft from the lord by service and vs [5s] and other services, according to the custom of the manor, closed his existence after the day of the last court. After whose death a new heriot of one cow valued at vjs viijd [6s 8d] fell due to the lord. And so it was sold to William Starlyng in full court. And the said holding remains in the hand of the lord because of lack of a tenant. Loss for their repairs of buildings xld [40d] the bailiff is answerable At the last Court days were given to John Myton and his sokeman to enquire and certify the holding for damage and for repairs of one Messuage called Paysys which lately was held by Richard Lygtfot who said on his oath that the said messuage was ruined and defective at a loss to the lord of xld [40d] which was ordered to be raised for the use of the lord etc. [The following text is from roll 31a] Amercement ijd [2d] was ordered Also they present that John Bande the younger ijd [2d] who held from the lord half a rood of land in Brookfeld in Smalewey furlong of the holding lately belonging to Felicia Prentys, has ploughed the said half rood at the same time as another half a rood of land from the lands of Thomas Herynge, disinheriting the lord. Which half rood of land was within the holding of John Gostwyk. And the said John Bande was amerced. And the same John was ordered to plough the said land as it formerly was. Amercement ijd [2d] Also they present that John Gostwyk took agistment of ‘foreign’ animals and overstocked the same at a great loss to all the tenants. Therefore he is at mercy. Amercement xijd [12d] Also they present that William Starlyng has pleaded against John Rydere the lord’s villein in the Court of the lord of Grey at Blunham against the proclamation made by the head steward. Therefore he is amerced. Holdings in the hand of the lord. No exit fine Also they present that Richard Baudewene who held from the Lord one Messuage and half a virgate of land by service and xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] is incapable and not able to hold the aforesaid tenement.. Therefore the said tenement remains in the hand of the lord. And the income this year was only vs xjd [5s 11d] and so the loss was vijs vd [7s 5d] Grant Heriot one cow valued at xs [10s], premeium xld [40d] fealty To this court came John Kempston, the Wodeward, who held one Messuage and half a virgate of land with appurtenances from the lord by service and xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] [annotated, and other services for the aforesaid, according to the custom of the manor] and he surrendered the aforesaid holding into the hand of the lord. After whose surrender a new heriot of one cow valued at xs [10s] fell due to the lord. And on this John Rudland came and took the aforesaid holding from the lord. To be held by the same John and Felicia his wife for the terms of their lives, according to the custom of the Manor. Rendering and making therefrom to the lord a year just as the aforesaid John Kempston customarily rendered and made. And the said John and Felicia will maintain, sustain, repair and put right the said holding at their own cost and expense. And they will not be allowed to sublet the said holding, nor any part of it, without permission from the lord. And they gave xld [40d] to the lord as premium and they made fealty. Holdings in the hand of the lord Still the two Messuages and two half-virgates of land which were lately held by Thomas Tele the lord’s villein, according to the custom of the manor, remain in the lord’s hand for the want of an offer by tenants . Which Messuages and half-virgates of land were answerable for xxvjs viijd [26s 8d] a year and income from the same this year is only worth xs [10s]. And the loss is xvjs viijd [16s 8d]. And one quarter share which was lately was held by the said Thomas rendering viijs [8s] and a half-penny remains in the hand of the lord for the want of an offer by tenants and the income from the same part is only worth xvjd [16d] this year. And so the loss is vs viijd [5s 8d] half penny. Also one Messuage and half a virgate of land, lately held by Felicia Prentys according to the custom of the manor, remains in the land of the lord. Which messuage and half a virgate of land is answerable for xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] a year. And value of the income this year for the same is only xjs [11s]. And the loss is ijs iiijd [2s 4d]. And j [1] quarter share of demesne land which [was] lately in the holding of Richard Baudewene [and] rendered viijs [8s] and a half pence a year remains in the hand of the lord. And the income from the same share this year is only worth xvjd [16d]. And so the loss is vjs viijd ob [6s 81/2d]. Also one Messuage and half a virgate of land, which lately was held by John Rydere the younger, remains in the hand of the lord. For which was answerable from the Messuage and half virgate of land, for xiijs iiijd [13s 4d]. And the income this year is only worth ijs iiijd [2s 4d] and so the loss is xjs [11s]. Also one Messuage and half a virgate of land which was lately held by John Yarwey remains in the hand of the lord, for which he was answerable, from the said Messuage and half virgate of land, for xiijs iiijd [13s 4d]. And the income this year was only worth xvjd [16d] And so the loss is xijs [12s]. Also the one quarter share which was lately held by John Bande by rendering viijs [8s] and a half-penny remains in the hand of the lord and the income from the same to the lord this year is only worth xvjd [16d] and so the loss is vjs viijd [6s 8d] and a half-penny. Also one Messuage and half a virgate of land which lately was held by Richard Lygtfot remains in the hand of the lord; for which he was answerable, from the said messuage and half virgate of land, for xiijs iiijd [13s 4d]. And the income from the same to the lord this year is only worth ijs vs iijs vd [2s 5d] and so the loss was xs xjd jxs xjd [9s 11d] [annotated, on the oath of the Assessors]. Allocated in the account of the second year of the reign of Henry vjo [6th] [illegible] the Mill Also the aforesaid Sworn Men present that the water mill there is ruined and defective because of the lord’s neglect. And the said mill was put in the possession of John Boteler and John Woketon and it is ruined and defective. And it was agreed between them and Richard Lygtfot, the carpenter, that the said Richard will make and repair all the defects [annotated, in the buildings] pertaining to the same mill, the foundation beams and studs for the walls and roof to be repaired by the aforesaid carpenter. Also taking the laths from the lord. [Cost] in full xxvjs viijd [26s 8d]. And for John Usher constructing the laths for the walls, and the dawbing and binding for the same building, in full vijs vjd [7s 6d] with vjd [6d] for shredding for dawbing etc. Also that John Kempston, the keeper of Shirewode, is to allow foundation beams for the said mill. Assessors of fines John Bande John Myton Sum xxvs [25s] Therefrom in the expenses of the steward and others being there for j [1] day for holding the lords Court, and all the visitors to the manor, in cash ijs vijd ob is offered [2s 71/2d halfpenny]. Xxvs [25s] the value of offal of the mill whatever and the grain and coppicing of trees still to be sold On the back Wylyton in the ijo [2nd] [illegible] The account due at Michaelmas in the second year of the reign of Henry vjo [6th] [29th September 1423] Also they present that William Wryght the younger has one ruined and defective grange on land lately of Robert Reve ruined [sic], William Deye has one ruined and defective grange both with [defective] roofs, therefore they are amerced and they are given days to well and suitably put right the said buildings before the next [court] under a penalty for each of xld [40d]. Also they present that j [1] Insethouse and one grange and one pair of timbers on the holding lately belonging to John Rydere the younger were ruinous and defective. And the bailiff was ordered to repair them. And the said Messuage remains in the hand of the lord because of no tenants. And that Richard Lygtfot has one Insethouse and one grange, and one malt kiln, ruined and defective. And that the holding that was lately held by Felicia Prentys is ruined and is degenerated and remains in the hand of the lord. And that the holding which lately was held by Thomas Tele is ruined and defective and remains in the hand of the lord. And that Richard Lygtfot has a day to repair his holding until the feast of Michael next in the future. Also none of them were sentenced at this court and they were ordered to repair their said holdings before the said feast, under the penalties appearing in the aforesaid view. And the bailiff was ordered to make repairs to all other holdings being in the hand of the lord [illegible] under penalty.
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