• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of frankpledge and court roll. Manor of John Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham and Earl Marshal of England [membrane 2 & 2d]
  • Date free text
    2 Oct, 7 Henry V [1419]
  • Production date
    From: 1419 To: 1419
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 27 Welyngton View of Frankpledge with Court of John Mowbray earl of Nottingham and Marshall of England held there on the Monday next after the feast of Saint Michael the Archangel in the seventh year of the reign of Henry the fifth after the conquest [2nd October 1419 Bekingham Essoin Thomas Stoughton of the community, by John Crane Tithing men sworn men John Myton Thomas Tele William Starlyng John Gaubryel Robert Partrych William Tayllour John Treket John Bande the elder William Wryght the younger John Yarwey William Wryght the elder Thomas Starlyng As fine xijs [12s] amercement xijd [12d] penalty They present that they gave xijs [12s] as common fine on this day. And that the Prior of Newnham [annotated a day], Walter Pecke ijd [2d], John Frelove ijd [2d] made default. Therefore they are amerced. And that John Ussher the miller iiijd [4d] took excessive toll against the statute. Therefore he is amerced. And that John Gostwyk ijd [2d] [annotated 'put right'] has one overflowing ditch below his site , causing nuisance. Therefore he is amerced. And that Richard Lyhtfot ijd [2d] has one stopped up ditch below his holding causing nuisance. Therefore he is amerced. And they are ordered to make right the said ditches before the next [court] under a penalty for each of them of xijd [12d]. Amercement ijs iiijd [2s 4d] William Ryder and Robert Myton, the tasters of ale, present that John Wodewarde vjd [6d} iiij [4], John Bande the younger ijd [2d] j [1], Geoffrey Palmer ijd [2d] j [1], Robert Fesound ijd [2d] j [1], John Abel ijd [2d] j [1], John Gostwyk ijd [2d] j [1], William Starlyng ijd [2d] j [1], John Bande the elder ijd [2d] j [1], John Yarwey ijd [2d] j [1], John Goffe vjd [6d] constantly, brewed and sold ale and broke the assize. Therefore they are amerced. Oaths Henry Maydewell and Robert Cras presented oaths and were admitted into tithings. Amercement iiijd [4d] adjourned until Bedford Adam Warde who from Thomas Stoughton has a plea of debt; pledge for the prosecution, by the bailiff. And the said Thomas was attached, with the pledges of William Ryder and John Palmer and did not come. Therefore he himself and his pledges are at mercy. And nothing was presented to the said Thomas and he has a day to respond to the same Adam at the next day of the Court held at Bedford, to prosecute the aforesaid. Grant premium xld [40d] At this court the Lord granted to John Kempston the Wodewarde one Messuage and j [1] quarter of land and meadow which lately was held by Thomas Ryder. To be held by the same John and Joan his wife for the terms of their lives, according to the custom of the Manor, Rendering and making therefrom to the lord a year just as the aforesaid Thomas customarily rendered and made. And the said John and Joan will maintain, sustain, repair and put right the said Messuage and quarter of land and meadow at their own cost and expense and that the lord will provide sufficient large timber as becomes necessary for the repairs of their aforesaid holding. And he provided pledges for maintaining and sustaining the said Messuage, that is to say John Gostwyk and John Maryan. And there is no permission for same John and Joan to hand over or divide the said holding without permission from the lord. And they gave xld [40d] to the lord as premeium and made fealty. Grant fealty At this court the Lord granted to John Sangyle the Smith one Cottage which lately was held by Robert Tele. To be held by the same John for the term of his life according to the custom of the Manor, Rendering and making therefrom to the lord a year just as the aforesaid Robert customarily rendered and made. And the said John will well and adequately sustain, repair and put right the said cottage at his own coat and expense with the pledges of John Gostwyk and John Myton, with large timber that the lord will provide to the same John to repair the aforesaid Cottage as becomes necessary. And [after] an inspection the head steward granted to the said John one rood of underwood for a fence round the aforesaid Cottage. And the entry fine was cancelled by the steward because the buildings on the Cottage were very ruined. And he made fealty. Defective buildings days penalties Also the aforesaid sworn men present that John Wodwarde, William Wryght the younger, John Goffe, John Treket, Robert Fesound, Thomas Thresshere, William Starlyng, Robert Partrych, Joan Yarwey, Richard Baudewene, Thomas Tele, John Rydere have divers ruined and defective buildings as appears above in the last view. Therefore they were all given days [annotated, the first word illegible, for repairs of the aforesaid buildings] by the steward until the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist {24th June] next in the future under a penalty for each of them of xls [40s] put to each of them in full court. And nothing has been made or mended or well and faithfully repaired to all the his buildings in the specified holdings at will the lord will recover from them the total aforesaid penalties to be raised as fines for his use. Election into office John Bande the younger and John Myton were elected into the office of tasters of ale in place of William Ryder and Robert Myton and were sworn in. The xij [12] sworn men present that the tithing men, the constable and tasters of ale well and faithfully presented and concealed nothing Assessors of fines, Robert Myton and Robert Partrych Sum xixs [19s] [annotated, sum of entry fines received this year vs viijd [5s 8d]] Therefrom in the expenses of the [annotated, in the account in the eighth year of the reign of Henry Vth] head steward there, of the above fifth , and other visitors, and being there for one day [annotated, allocated in the aforesaid account] vs iiijd [5s 4d]
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