• Reference
  • Title
    Willington, view of court and court roll. Manor in the custody of Joan, Queen of England, [second wife of Henry IV] during the minority of John Mowbray [membrane 2]
  • Date free text
    26 Oct, 8 Henry IV [1406]
  • Production date
    From: 1406 To: 1406
  • Scope and Content
    Roll 8 Welyngton View with Court of Joan Queen of England, keeper of all the lands and tenements in common lately belonging to Thomas Mowbray. Rendered into the hands of the lady being Queen during the minority of John Mowbray, held there on the Tuesday next before the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude [28th October] in the eighth year of the reign of Henry the fourth after the conquest [26th October 1406] Essoins: Simon King and William Webbe, from ['of the community' deleted] the view by Robert Crowe Sworn tithing men: William Rydere John Bande John ['Carter the younger' deleted] Treket Thomas Rydere John Yarwey John Gaubryel Robert Myton Thomas Starlynge John Myton Henry Yarwey Walter Yarway John Goffe Common fines xijs [12s] amercements ijd [2d] They present that they gave xijs [12s] as common fines on this day and that William ijd [2d] Wymond and Roger a [illegible] Kemp made default Strays:j [1] colt valued at viijd [8d] paid to the bailiff And that one colt aged ij [2] years, worth viijd [8d] was taken into the liberty as a stray of the lady about the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross [3rd May] in the vijo [7th] year of the reign of the king. And a proclamation was made and none has claimed it. And it remains in the hand of William Rydere who is answerable [for it] to the lady. Fealty Robert Partryche, made fealty and was recognised as holding from the lady one cottage and j [1] acre of land, which had been demised by Elene Aylebryht, for military service and furthermore, rendering therefrom to the lady viijd [8d] a year. [A line of text has been rubbed out here and is absolutely illegible] Amercements ijd [2d] and penalty And that Richard ijd [2d] [annotated 'x mended'] Heyne dug and made one pit in the common, causing a nuisance. Therefore he is amerced and he is ordered to put it right before the next [court] under a penalty of xijd [12d] Amercements xd [10d] The tasters iiijd [4d] of ale have not diligently performed their office. Therefore they are amerced. And that John Myton justly called the hue on John iijd [3d] Goffe through the pledge of the constable and Emma wife of Nicholas Watte justly called the hue on Richard iijd [3d] Carter through the pledge of the constable. Amercements iiijs jd [4s 1d] The tasters of ale present that Thomas iijd [3d] Rydere iij, Nicholas ijd [2d] Tele j, William ijd [2d] Tele j, Isabell ijd [2d] Carter j, Nicholas ijd [2d] Thaxton j, Thomas ijd [2d] Tele j, John vjd [6d] Carter iij, Thomas ijd [2d] Tayllour j, John viijd [8d] Goffe vj, John ijd [2d] Prentys j, Adam viijd [8d] Warde vj, Thomas iiijd [4d] Heryng ij, John ijd [2d] Bande j, Richard ijd [2d] Starlyng j, John ijd [2d] Gostewyke j, brewed and sold ale and broke the assize. Therefore they are amerced. Various penalties: It was ordered that Thomas Tayllour [annotated 'mended'], Richard Starlyng [annotated 'mended'] and John Cras must make right their ruined houses which they held from the lady before Michaelmas [29th. September] next following, under a penalty for each of them of xld [40d] Grant, fine viijd [8d], fealty Roger Yotte came to this court and took j [1] Messuage and x [10] acres of land from the lady, formerly [belonging to] Thomas Amond. To be held by the same Roger by the Court roll, according to the custom of the Manor for the term of his life. Rendering therefrom to the lady xiijs iiijd [13s 4d] a year. And the said Roger will maintain and sufficiently repair the said holding at his own expense and for this he provided pledges, that is to say Thomas Heryng and John Rydere. He gave an entry fine of viijd [8d] to the lady and made fealty. Oaths John Carter, John Allice and John Yarwey presented their oaths. Therefore they entered a tithing The xij [12] sworn men present that the constable, tithing men and ale tasters presented well and faithfully and concealed nothing Assessors of fines: Thomas Rydere and Robert Myton Sum total xvijs xjd [17s 11d] viijd [8d] from the stray as above Therefrom in expenses of the steward this day iijs [3s] xviijs vijd [18s 7d, written below, in the margin]
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