- ReferenceZ41/LB9/5/21
- TitlePhorpres News, ‘The Organ of The London Brick Company Limited Welfare & Sports Association.’ Bound copies of Nos. 1 – 52. Includes reports on sports and social events, health & safety advice and advertisements from local tradespeople. Volume 21
- Date free textJan - Dec 1956
- Production dateFrom: 1956 To: 1956
- Scope and ContentBound copies of Nos. 1 – 52. Includes reports on sports and social events, health & safety advice and advertisements from local tradespeople. Volume 21 No 1 January 1956 Cover photograph – the Company Stand at Olympia. Pages 2-3 Phorpres Technical Society presentation to the President (pictured – Mr V Hackney makes the presentation to Mr A.T. Worboys) and report of a talk. Page 4 Report and photograph from the Building Exhibition 1955. Page 7 Photograph of flats built using Tuscan Facing bricks. Pages 8-10 Report and photographs from a series of visits by foreign parties to the works. Page 11 Deaths of Mr W Gillett and Mr A Rakvics. Page 12 Retirement of Mr W Wright. Page 14 Retirement of Mr S Lowe – photographed with colleagues. Page 17 Death of Mr William Beck. Page 18 Marriage of Mr M Drobac and Miss Mary Conin. Death of Mr Albert William Stephenson. No 2 February 1956 Pages 2-4 Report and photographs from the Long Service awards. Page 9 Retirements of Mr S.J. Moulton, Mr E.A. Gaylor, Mr C.D. Parrott, Mr Bert Odell, Mr S Markham and Mr Charles Murless. Page 10 Death of Mr P.J. Coles. Retirement of Mr W Wright. Page 13 Deaths of Mr Fred Welford Senior and Maurice Wilkins. Page 16 Death of Mr Arthur William Butler. Page 17 Photograph of Mr E Hillier & Son raising money for the blind. No 3 March 1956 Page 8 Death of Mr Ernest Brinklow. Marriage of Brian James Adams and Laura Hill (pictured) Page 10 Photograph of Mr V Hackney making a presentation to Laura Hill and Brian Adams on the occasion of their wedding. Page 11 Photograph from the BDO dinner. Page 14 Deaths of Mr Herbert Houghton and Mr Fred Osborne. Page 14 Photograph of children at the Elstow Christmas party. Page 16 Deaths of Mr E.J. Hazlewood and Mr Pita Putica. Page 17 Photograph of the Continentals Dance Orchestra who played at the Phorpres Club. Page 18 Death of Mr R Nelson. No 4 April 1956 Pages 2-3 Report given to the Phorpres Technical Society on Atomic Energy. Pages 5-7 Report on production and accident prevention over the previous 12 months. Page 8 Christenings of Jonathan Charles Johnston and Peter Michael Nowitzky. Marriage of Miss Olive Martin and Mr K Hyde (pictured) Page 9 Mr Ronald Newbold leaving the Company. Page 10 Retirement of Mr Robert James Grief – photographed with colleagues. Page 12 Photographs of the Phorpres Rifle Club – named are Mr V.J. Rowe, Mr Watkins, Mr Jeremy Rowe and Mrs Rowe. Page 13 Diamond wedding of Mr and Mrs Ernest Speechley (pictured) Page 14 Deaths of Mr Charles Maile, Mr George William Sawyer and Mr Arthur Mayes. Page 15 Photograph showing LBC vehicles and staff helping after an accident. No 5 May 1956 Front cover shows a photograph of a house built using Phorpres bricks on display at the Ideal Home Exhibition at Olympia. Page 4 Report and photograph from the Marston Hall Dinner. Page 5 Profile and picture of J Rusdale. Page 6 Deaths of Mr E.W. Milton and Edwin Chandler. Page 7 Marriage of Norman James Pratt and Kathleen Cook (pictured) Pages 9-14 Accounts and report of the Management Committee of the London Brick Company Limited Employees’ Sick Benefit Society. Page 16 deaths of Mr William Clark and Mr Ernest K Goodwin. Page 19 Deaths of Mr Horace Garton and Mr Frederich Haas. No 6 June 1956 Page 2 Photograph showing the winners of the Safety Shield. Page 7 Photograph from the Dedication of the new organ at Stewartby – pictured are Rev W.F. Taylor, Sir R Stewart, Lady Stewart, Mrs Worboys, Mr A.T. Worboys and Mr M Cirket. Page 8 Wedding of Miss Eve Monica Lowe and John Stanley Skevington (pictured) Page 9 Photograph of the Stewartby Women’s Institute Choir. Photograph of the Stewartby Bowls Club Prizewinners – Mr J.B. Ireland, Mr G.H. Forbes, Mrs Noble, Mr H.W. Ames and Mr L Milton. Page 10 Death of Ronald Houghton. Page 12 Marriage of Alan Francis Cook and Miss Ivy Rose Hills (pictured) Page 13 Photograph of Ted Galland holding the cup won by the Marston Hall Football team. Photograph and profile of R Blackman. Page 15 Deaths of Hubert Arthur Green, George Frederick Hall, James William English and Joseph Tatman. No 7 July 1956 Cover pictures shows the inscription, in bronze, over the portals of the Communal Centre of the new Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes. Pages 1-6 Points from the Address to Stockholders by the Chairman at the AGM. Page 9 Christening of Victor Roy Hawkins. Death of Mr T.J. Copperwheat. Appointment of Mr B Gentry as Personnel and Welfare Officer for Bedford District. Page 10 Golden wedding celebrations of Mr and Mrs J Hailstone. Page 13 Photograph showing “Pigeon” Lowe and “Mac” Harris. Photograph and profile of H Frith. Page 14 Deaths of Mr L.F. Brunning, Mr John Wright, Mr James Brailsford and Mr Sidney Stanford. Page 19 Death of Herbert Pattinson. Photograph of some of the crowd outside the Communal Centre at the opening of the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes May 23rd 1956. No 8 August 1956 Cover photograph shows a view of the Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes. Page 3 Christenings of David Johnson and Kevin Milton. Death of Mr R Woodland. Retirement of Mr W Cottrell. Page 4 Photograph of Mr W Cottrell with Mr E Walter at his retirement presentation. Page 5 Photograph and report from the Calvert family day. Page 7 Mr A.J. Wilding leaving company to work for London County Council. Pages 8-13 Report and accounts of the Council of the London Brick Company Limited Social and Sports Association 1955/56. Page 14 Photograph of the Night Maintenance Shift at Stewartby. Page 15 Photograph and profile of S Corby. Page 19 Photograph of Mr and Mrs J Hailstone (see page 10 No 7 July 1956) No 9 September 1956 Page 7 Photograph and profile of Bernard Heady. Page 8 Death of Mrs Titmas. Marriage of Mr Terence A Nash and Miss Pauline Anne Longland. Page 10 Photograph and profile of Mr George Goodman. Deaths of Mr H Hill and Mr G.A. Hall. Page 12 Death of Mr J Nichols. No 10 October 1956 Page 4 Photograph of telephone switchboard operators Audrey Savage and Margaret Spriggs. Page 7 Photograph of Mr and Mrs Nash (see page 8 No 9 September 1956) Page 8 Christenings of Nicola Shingler and Robert William Britton. Marriages of Mr William J Adams to Miss Pauline Claridge and Mr Peter Almond to Miss Patricia Margaret Lymer. Page 9 Deaths of Edmund Spencer and Mrs M Steers. Page 11 Report and photograph from the Bletchley Family Day. Page 12 Photograph of Alfie Rayner loading a food van at Peterborough. Page 13 Photograph of the Transport Tug-of-War team winning the inter-works competition at Bletchley Sports Day – W Stokes, B Cox, G Garner, C Allen, A Jackson and R Christie. Photograph and profile of J Rowley. Page 16 Death of Mr T.A. Holton. Page 17 Death of Mr G.T.C. Fuller. Page 19 Photograph of the Stewartby Water Polo Team. No 11 November 1956 Cover photograph shows one of the fire brigades in action at Calvert. Pages 2-3 Photographs and report from the Inter-works Fire Brigade Competitions. Photograph from a visit to the Stewartby Welfare Clinic by Lady Stewart. Children pictured are Robert Britton, David Johnson, Robert Brookfield and Stephen Keep. Page 6 Photograph of F Gough. Page 7 Photograph and profile of Sid Haywood. Page 8 Christenings of Robert Allan Campbell and Robin Aubrey Ping. Wedding of Hilda Maud Chapman and S/Sgt B.L. Dietz. Death of Mr E Ball. Page 10 Photograph of Mr and Mrs P Almond (see page 8 No 10 October 1956) Page 12 Report and photographs from the annual sports day at Bletchley. Page 15 Death of Mr Brian William Downs. Page 16 Wedding of Ian Baker and Miss Rosemary Kate Turner. Page 21 Death of Mr F.C. Lee. No 12 December 1956 Page 7 Photograph of the Peterborough Area Fire Brigade – Ldg. F/M E Clark, SO J Jennings, CO V.J. Rowe, Ldg. F/M A.E. Hunter, F/M J Scarr, F/M J James, R Chambers, R Burnham, A Scattergood, G Sismey, D Strangward, A Haynes, D Mason, T Jennings, Engr. R Christian and F/M V. Cranfield. Page 9 Photograph and profile of Albert J Parris. Page 10 Christening of Janice Ann Suanders. Page 13 Retirement of Mr H Allen. Page 14 Retirement of Mr Len Baker. Page 15 Deaths of Mr Arthur Phillip Sergeant and Mr Horace James Wright. Page 20 Retirement of Mr Robert Scotney – pictured with wife and grandchild. Death of Mr G.T.C. Fuller – pictured. Page 22 Photograph of the Stewartby Women’s Institute. Photograph of Mr Peter H Newell awarded a Scholarship at Leeds University.
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordLondon Brick Company,
Hackney, V,
Warboys, A T,
Gillett, W,
Rakvics, A,
Wright, W,
Lowe, S,
Beck, William,
Drobac, M,
Conin, Mary,
Stephenson, Albert William,
Moulton, S J,
Gaylor, E A,
Parrott, C D,
Odell, Bert,
Markham, S,
Murless, Charles,
Coles, P J,
Welford, Frederick,
Wilkins, Maurice,
Butler, Arthur William,
Hillier, E,
Brinklow, Ernest,
Adams, Brian James,
Hill, Laura,
Houghton, Herbert,
Osborne, Fred.,
Hazlewood, E J,
Putica, Pita,
Nelson, R,
Johnston, Jonathan Charles,
Nowitzky, Peter Michael,
Martin, Olive,
Hyde, K,
Newbold, Ronald,
Grief, Robert James,
Rowe, V.J.,
Rowe, Jeremy,
Speechley, Ernest,
Maile, Charles,
Sawyer, George William,
Mayes, Arthur,
Rusdale, J,
Milton, E W,
Chandler, Edwin,
Pratt, Norman James,
Cook, Kathleen,
Clark, William,
Goodwin, Ernest K,
Garton, Horace,
Haas, Frederich,
Taylor, W F,
Stewart, Ronald,
Stewart, Lady,
Worboys, A.T.,
Cirket, M,
Lowe, Eve Monica,
Skevington, John Stanley,
Ireland, J B,
Forbes, G H,
Ames, H W,
Milton, L.,
Houghton, Ronald,
Cook, Alan Francis,
Hills, Ivy Rose,
Galland, Ted,
Blackman, R,
Green, Hubert Arthur,
Hall, George Frederick,
English, James William,
Tatman, Joseph,
Hawkins, Victor Roy,
Copperwheat, T J,
Gentry, B,
Hailstone, J.,
Frith, H,
Lowe, Pigeon,
Harris, Mac,
Brunning, L F,
Wright, John,
Brailsford, James,
Stanford, Sidney,
Pattinson, Herbert,
Johnson, David,
Milton, Kevin,
Cottrell, W,
Woodland, R.,
Walter, E,
Wilding, A J,
Corby, S,
Hailstone, J.,
Heady, Bernard,
Nash, Terence A,
Longland, Pauline Anne,
Goodman, George,
Hill, H,
Hall, G A,
Nichols, J,
Savage, Audrey,
Spriggs, Margaret,
Shingler, Nicola,
Britton, Robert William,
Adams, William J,
Claridge, Pauline,
Almond, Peter,
Lymer, Patricia Margaret,
Spencer, Edmund,
Steers, M,
Rayner, Alfie,
Stokes, W,
Cox, B,
Garner, G,
Allen, C.,
Jackson, A,
Christie, R,
Rowley, J.,
Holton, T A,
Fuller, G T C,
Brookfield, Robert,
Keep, Stephen,
Gough, F.,
Haywood, Sid,
Campbell, Robert Allan,
Ping, Robin Aubrey,
Chapman, Hilda Maud,
Dietz, B L,
Ball, E.,
Downs, Brian William,
Baker, Ian,
Turner, Rosemary Kate,
Lee, F C,
Clark, E,
Jennings, H,
Rowe, V.J.,
Hunter, A E,
Scarr, J,
James, J,
Chambers, R.,
Burnham, R,
Scattergood, A,
Sismey, G,
Strangward, D,
Haynes, A.,
Mason, D,
Jennings, T,
Christian, R,
Cranfield, V,
Saunders, Janice Ann,
Allen, H,
Baker, Len,
Sergeant, Arthur Phillip,
Wright, Horace James,
Scotney, Robert,
Fuller, G T C,
Newell, Peter H - KeywordsSTEWARTBY, ELSTOW, MARSTON MORETAINE, Calvert Green, Peterborough, Bletchley, Kensington Olympia Exhibition Hall, London Brick Company Limited, magazines, sport, welfare, social activities, obituaries, funerals, heath & safety, SOCIETIES, BUILDINGS & LAND USE, brick making, brickmaking, retirement, trade & industry fairs, blindness, CHARITIES, shooting, clubs, rifle club, nuclear power, dancing, bands, orchestras, accidents, anniversaries, MARRIAGE, weddings, organs, Women's Institute, choirs, Stewartby Bowls Club, football, homes & institutions, Sir Malcolm Stewart Homes, baptism, telephonist, switchboard operator, tug of war, water polo, private fire brigades, welfare
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