Woodford: agreement
Date free text
11 April 1588
Production date
From: 1588 To: 1588
Scope and Content
1. Anthony Muscot, Woodford, gentleman, Ellen his wife; 2. Symon Malorye, Woodford, gentleman, Dorothie his wife; 3. William Foscott, Woodford, yeoman, Joane his wife. Reciting: Assize brought by (1) against (2 and 3) for yearly rents, i.e.: Five shillings for house and lands at Woodford late Renells; 11d. for house and land late in the occupation of Oliver; 2½d for messuage and lands called Jeffs; 1½d for cottage late purchased of Giles Daye. All freehold, and of the inheritance of Symon Malorye. Also 7 ½d and 2 capons for messuage and half yard land, late the inheritance of William Foscott, now of Symon Malorye. Agreement, through judgement of Francis Gawdie, esquire, Justice of Assize: -- William Foscott to pay Anthony Muscot. 3¼d and 1 capon rent for the messuage called Foscottes; -- Symon Malorye to pay Anthony Muscot 3¼d and 1 capon for this house, and to pay all the other rents; -- the arrears of rent to be paid before 1 May next; -- other controversies to be submitted to arbitration before All Saints next. Witnesses: Thomas Lents, John Cheyne, William Muscott.
1 seal, 1 seal tab.
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