• Reference
  • Title
    Conveyance (Release) in trust: (i) Ralph Willett of Morley, Dorset, esquire (who survived George Byng of Rowtham, Middlesex, esquire, deceased, his co-trustee in a settlement recited below) (ii) Sir George Osborn, Chicksands Priory, baronet; John Osborn, Chicksands Priory, esquire, only son and heir apparent of Sir George by Dame Elizabeth his late wife, deceased (iii) Thomas Dunn, Lincolns Inn, Middlesex, gentleman. Recites numerous documents and other matters [details given]. A mansion house, several messuages and much land in Campton; and a farm house in the Church End of Meppersall, and many parcels of land. [Copy]
  • Date free text
    18 Feb 1794
  • Production date
    From: 1794 To: 1794
  • Scope and Content
    Details of recited matters: Reciting indenture tripartite 2 April 1771 made between: (I) John Bannister, esquire, and wife Elizabeth; Elizabeth Bannister, spinster, their daughter (II) Sir George Osborn (III) Ralph Willett and George Byng, trustees. Being the marriage settlement made previous to the marriage of Sir George Osborn with Elizabeth Bannister, which itself recited a mortgage made by Charles Spooner, esquire, upon his estate in the Island of St Christopher unto John Bannister to secure sum of £10,000 and interest at 6%. Release by John Bannister to Byng of the mortgage interest in the St Christopher estate, with power to call in the capital sum and reinvest in other property, the income to go to John Bannister for his life, and on his death (if his wife survived him) to pay £200 to Sir George Osborn and the residue to Elizabeth Bannister the mother; after death of both John and Elizabeth Bannister to pay whole of income to Sir George Osborn; on death of Sir George Osborn to distribute capital among younger children of marriage, or if there is an only son, to the only son or only child; in default of children capital to be at disposal one half Sir George Osborn, one half Elizabeth his wife; Reciting that marriage was solemnised, and that Dame Elizabeth Osborn died leaving John Osborn as their only child; and that John Banister died leaving Elizabeth Banister his widow; that the £10,000 was several years ago called in and laid out in purchase of £13,295 17s 4d 4% Bank Annuities; that mortgage had produced £600 per annum and thus the £200 per annum to Sir George was one third, and an agreement that Sir George should have one third of interest from 4% Bank annuities; Reciting that in or about the year 1788 Sir George Osborn contracted with James Bevan of Chicksands Lodge, Bedford, gentleman, for the absolute purchase of a capital messuage and other messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments at Cambleton alias Campton, Bedfordshire, for sum of £2100; Reciting also that Sir George Osborn contracted with the Reverend John Phillips of Olford, Somerset, clerk, for purchase of a certain messuage and divers lands and heridatements in Campton for sum of £2000, and so Sir George applied to Elizabeth Bannister and Ralph Willett and George Byng to allow money for these purchases to come out of fund of marriage settlement; which was agreed to, provided Sir George entered into certain covenants, and sufficient annuities were sold to produce requisite capital; Reciting indentures of Lease and Release 15,16 July 1788 between: (I) James Bevan (II) Nicholas Wescomb, esquire (III) Ralph Willett and George Byng. Being Conveyance by James Bevan to Ralph Willett and George Byng in consideration £2100, the capital messuage or mansion house with appurtenances in Campton, and divers messuages, cottages, closes, lands in Campton; Reciting indentures of Lease and Release dated 29,30 August 1788 between: (i) Richard Lovesey, gentleman (ii) John Phillips (iii) Elizabeth Staines, spinster (iv) Ralph Willett and George Byng (v) William Manning, esquire. Being Conveyance by John Phillips to Ralph Willett and George Byng for £2000, messuage and farm in Cambleton alias Campton and 90 1/2 acres arable land and 11 acres meadow and 14 acres pasture with appurtenances. Reciting indentures 4 November 1788 between: (i) Ralph Willett and George Byng (ii) Elizabeth Banister (iii) Sir George Osborn. Being declaration by Ralph Willett and George Byng that they held above premises in trust for Sir George Osborn and his assigns (i.e. in trust for Sir George Osborn for his life, then in trust for son John Osborn, but if he die under age 21 in trust for Sir George Osborn his heirs and assigns) and covenant that when John Osborn attained age of 21 years he would confirm and ratify purchases; Reciting death of Elizabeth Bannister 1789 and subsequent death of George Byng; Reciting that Sir George Osborn was seized in fee simple in a certain other messuage and farm and lands in Campton which he had purchased of Sir Charles Ventris Feild, baronet, and in another messuage or farm house and lands at Meppershall which he had purchased of Sarah Birch, widow, and that in the year 1792 he had occasion for the sum of £4000 and so applied to Ralph Willett and asked him to raise the same by sale of sufficient part of remaining sum of £8992 10s 4d Bank Annuities to lend the same on mortgage of said farms, which was agreed, and sold £3944 6s 6d of Bank Annuities which was secured by Lease and Release dated 17,18 July 1792 between: (i) Sir George Osborn (ii) Ralph Willett. Several messuages, lands and hereditaments in Campton and Meppershall to secure £4000 and interest; Reciting that John Osborn attained age 21 on 3 December 1793, and became entitled to all property subject to life interest of Sir George Osborn; Reciting that Sir George Osborn and John Osborn lately came to an agreement that sum of £5120 out of remainder of trust funds vested in Ralph Willett for absolute purchase of premises in Campton and Meppershall comprised in mortgage recited above of 17,18 July 1792, which should then be settled to uses, and reciting further arrangements concerning remainder of Bank Annuities, and Conveyance (Release) by Ralph Willett at request of Sir George Osborn and John Osborn to Thomas Dunn: -- capital messuage or mansion house in Campton -- two closes of pasture in Campton adjoining capital messuage and called Ten Acres Close and Coney Gear containing by estimation 21 1/2 acres -- pightle of pasture lying between Garden Wall and the highway there containing by estimation half an acre all of which were late in the tenure of Sir Charles Ventris Field and John Field -- messuage cottage or tenement in Campton formerly in tenure of Robert Drables -- messuage cottage or tenement in Campton now or late in tenure of [...] -- 13 1/2 acres arable in common fields formerly in tenure of William Noddings and late of James Clearson -- 3 1/2 acres meadow in Campton formerly in the occupation of William Noddings late John Endersby, William Nutkins and John Rogers -- messuage cottage or tenement with yard in Campton abutting north on the street, formerly in tenure of Richard Crowder or his assigns -- messuage or tenement with yard and hempland in Campton abutting north on street and east on hempland belonging to aforesaid messuage or house, formerly called the Crown and heretofore in tenure of John Austin and late of William Dickins -- four pieces or parcels of meadow formerly occupied with last mentioned messuage lying in four places in Back Mead containing together four acres abutting south on Woodhall River and grounds and formerly in tenure of Sarah Law, widow, and now or late of John Endersby and William Nutkins and John Rogers -- messuage cottage or tenement with barns abutting north on hamland belonging to said house, formerly called the Crown and also the hempland usually held occupied or enjoyed with the same abutting south on the Green -- six ley lands containing by estimation two acres in the Low Field in Campton abutting north on Burnham Mead and south on Ampthill highway, formerly in tenure of Henry Tamsley and late of James Clearson -- messuage cottage or tenement with yard and hempland adjoining in Campton abutting south on hempland belonging to house formerly called the Crown and east on street, formerly in tenure of or in the occupation of Mary Weston, widow -- messuage or cottage with yard and hempland adjoining in Campton, late in tenure of Thomas Lincoln, abutting north on street and southwest on close of Joseph King and late of Mrs Sparhauke -- piece of Midsummer meadow ground with appurtenances in Campton containing by estimation five acres, late in the tenure of Thomas Phipp, abutting north on Hardwick River and grounds and south on highway, meadow ground heretofore of Daniel Goldsmith lying on both sides -- other messuage or cottage with hempland and orchard in Campton, formerly in tenure of Henry Tansley -- two roods by estimation of arable in common fields of Campton formerly in the occupation of Henry Tansley and late of James Clearson -- half acre arable abutting north on common highway and south on headland, now or late of Mr Charles Millard, land late Joseph King lying on both sides in Shefford Field, being every years land and late in the tenure of James Clearson -- meadow common called the Prior in Campton, sometime in possession of Francis Wells, draper, and late of John Endersby -- those heydons of meadow in Campton in Polehanger side once in the occupation of said Francis Wells and late of John Endersby and John Rogers -- those heydons of meadow in Polehanger side also sometime in the occupation of Francis Wells and late of John Endersby and John Rogers -- piece of ground at Towns End of Campton once in the occupation of Elis Tray and late of John Ivory, formerly inclosed out of waste ground of Campton on which there was once a barn standing -- pole of meadow in Lammas meadow in Campton lying on east next ground called Austins meadow belonging to said Sir Charles Ventris Field and abutting south on Woodhall River sometime in tenure of Joseph Squire and late John Endersby and John Rogers all which said messuages, arable lands, meadow etc were late in tenure of George Honeybone, his undertenants or assigns and also all 'other the Messuages, Cottages, Closes, Lands, Grounds, Meadows, Pastures, Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever of him the said James Bevan, late the estate and inheritance of the said Sir Charles Ventris Field situate lying or being in Campton otherwise Cambleton' (except one cottage sold by James Bevan to Perkins, esquire, and now in the occupation of William Endersby, and one cottage sold by James Bevan to John Whitbread and now in his possession, and except three acres of the meadow ground sold by James Bevan to George Hicks, being part of Midsummer Meadow Ground containing five acres, now or late in the occupation of Thomas Phipps abutting north on Hardwick River and grounds) all of which capital messuage and grounds were granted and conveyed by recited indentures of Lease and Release 15,16 July 1788 to use of Ralph Willett and George Byng; -- and also all that messuage or tenement and farm in Campton -- 90 1/2 acres arable land -- 11 acres meadow in Campton -- closes of pasture containing 14 acres whereof - one close adjoining said messuage or farm house - one close is called Callenders - one close is called Cyotrs in Campton all which were late the estate of Godney Phillips, deceased, and were him by will dated 23 June 1759 devised to John Phillips and were late in the tenure of Thomas Phipps; all which last mentioned farm and lands were granted by recited indentures of Lease and Release dated 29,30 August 1788 -- also lands and messuages in indentures of 15,16 July 1788 and 29,30 August 1788 if not included above -- messuage or farm house in Church End of Meppershall, late in the occupation of James Cooper and since of George Fowler -- several closes and parcels of land - pasture close Calves Close - a pightle or close next the messuage or farm house, 3 acres on west of messuage - close of pasture formerly plowed on east of messuage, by estimation 5 acres - Crooked Close pasture, 8 acres by estimation - four closes of land and pasture called Freys Harryetts alias the Upper Harryetts, the Middle Harryetts, the Nether Harryetts and Wood Close, containing by estimation 11 acres 3 roods lying near a messuage formerly in the tenure of Stephen Wright - a meadow lying next the River west called Drowser Mead, containing by estimation 6 acres - parcel of meadow lying next the river under Compton alias Campton Town side, containing by estimation two acres - all those lands in the Lords Fields -- one piece of arable adjoining Crooked Close east, by estimation 8 acres -- piece arable adjoining Crooked Close south, containing by estimation 14 acres -- piece of arable adjoining partly unto 14 acres south and next Foxhill close, containing by estimation 8 acres -- piece of arable next land formerly Grey Longvile, esquire, south and a certain baulk there north containing by estimation 10 acres -- land in field called North Lords Field - one piece next land formerly Grey Longvile east and common baulk west, containing by estimation 6 acres - Money Hole piece next a common baulk south and west, by estimation 5 acres - Ask piece shooting down on piece of sward east, containing by estimation 5 acres - piece next a little balk of the said Grey Longvile, by estimation 5 acres - piece of arable called Poulters Hill piece, by estimation 14 acres being inclosed on both sides with quickset hedges - piece of arable, by estimation 30 acres called Drowser Piece - piece next land formerly Mrs Newdich abutting west on great balk called Reybury Balk, containing by estimation 18 acres - parcel of arable next same balk containing by estimation two acres -- land in the Town field of Meppershall or Campton - piece 6 acres called Churchill piece abutting on little Brook east - piece of leys near a messuage late in the tenure of Stephen Wright, and Crooked Wood north and a balk east containing two acres - lands in Red Land Furlong - Six lands containing 3 acres of which one half acre lies next other land late Richard Emery south abutting on a Highway east; one piece of four lands containing 2 acres lying together abutting west on headland late of Mr Henry Kempton and east on highway from Meppershall to Shefford; a single half acre abutting on said headland west and highway east on the north side of the four lands - lands in Bandland furlong - two acres lying together in four lands abutting on a Little Brook at the west end - three acres of land in Chappel Field abutting towards Dun Mead north - one piece of land next the Parsonage land south and a lane leading to Meppershall north containing two acres containing by estimation 154 acres 3 roods 19 perches all of which were once in the occupation of James Cooper and afterwards of George Fowler, and now of John Bell at yearly rent of £73 in Meppershall and Campton; -- messuage or farm house in Campton with all barns, stables and outhouses, formerly in the occupation of John Gudging and late in tenure of James Bevan his undertenants or assigns -- close of meadow called Cobcutts close containing by estimation 17 acres 3 roods 24 perches -- close of meadow called Shakespears Close containing by estimation 16 acres 3 roods -- close of meadow or pasture called Shakespears Mead containing by estimation 8 acres 1 rood -- close of meadow or pasture called Baldocks Mead 8 acres 13 perches all which farmhouses and premises were formerly in tenure or occupation of Francis Hayes and afterwards of John Gudging under yearly rent of £52 [sic] and late were in the tenure of John James Bevan -- that other messuage or farm in Campton, formerly in the occupation of Thomas Herbert and late of James Humberston and late of Thomas Hart -- close containing by estimation 3 acres 1 rood -- close called the Hill Pasture Ground containing by estimation 21 acres 1 rood -- close of meadow called Bush Close, by estimation 16 acres 2 roods 36 perches -- close of meadow called Cow Pasture containing by estimation 11 acres 1 rood 18 perches -- three closes (formerly one) called Stuble Closes, otherwise Great Severalls and Little Severalls, containing by estimation 36 acres 2 roods 9 perches -- arable close in common field called Columbine Field containing by estimation 14 acres 3 roods 23 perches all formerly let to Thomas Herbert at yearly rent £75; -- all those springs of wood or woodground containing by estimation 3 acres 2 perches formerly in possession of John Field all now in possession or occupation of Thomas Hare and John Phipps at yearly rents amounting to £132; -- and all other properties comprised in recited indentures of Lease and Release 17,18 July 1792 to hold to use of Sir George Osborn and assigns for his life, then to use of John Osborn. Covenant of Ralph Willett that property not incumbered Covenant of Sir George Osborn that he has power to convey Office copy made 20 February 1794
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