- ReferenceZ890/7
- Title"Abstract of Title to an undivided share in premises no.49 High St., Bedford" 1829-1880 (reciting earlier deeds from 1719) - prepared by Tebbs, Bedford. 14pp
- Date free text1719 - 1880
- Production dateFrom: 1719 To: 1880
- Scope and Contentwith abstracts of: A. Mortgage (lease and release) 12 December 1829 1) John Bull of Bedford, jeweller and silversmith 2) John Beedham of Kimbolton, Hunts, gent. 3) John Green of Bedford, Esq. 4) Nathaniel Beedham of Kimbolton, Gent. Reciting: mortgage by demise for 1000 years dated 23 October 1719 between i) John Darling and ii) Edward Wales, to secure £20, of - all his 1/3 part of all that part of a messuage or tenement in High Street, Bedford, known by the sign of the Ram Inn, then in the tenure or occupation of Richard Sherman - also all his 1/3 part of a messuage and tenement adjoining on the south then in the occupation of William Knight - also all his 1/3 part of a messuage or tenement on the south side thereof then in the occupation of Thomas Davis - also all his 1/3 part of all that messuage or tenement lying backwards eastward of the said messuage or tenement then in the occupation of Richard Smith All which premises were purchased by George Darling, deceased, father of i) from Mrs. Paradine, John Rissh (sic) and ... Franklin, and were by him devised to his three children John Darling, Mary Darling and William Darling and to their heirs to be equally divided between them Subject to repayment of £20 with interest Also reciting Mortgage by demise dated 6 September 1722 between i) James Matthews and Elizabeth his wife (widow and executrix of Edward Wales, deceased), ii) William Darling (brother and heir of John Darling, deceased) and iii) Thomas Woodward and Thomas Vincent. Whereas default was made in payment of £20, and in consideration of £20 then due to ii) and £180 paid to ii) by iii) by direction of Elizabeth Matthews, i) and ii) assign to iii) - all the said 1/3 part late of John Darling in the premises as above Subject to repayment of £200 with interest - the term "since passed without such payment having been made" Also reciting Release and assignment for peppercorn rent dated ... April 1828 between i) Robert Evans, coal merchant, ii) John Dunham, yeoman, iii) Theed Pearse, gent., iv) Joseph Okely, gent., v) John Bull, vi) William Peck, surgeon, and vii) John Beedham, assigning: - all that freehold undivided third part of premises described above To hold to the use of John Bull for life, with remainder to the use of William Peck during the natural life of Bull and for Bull and his assigns for ever Interest in premises granted to Bull for the residue of the terms of 1000 and 1000 years, subject only to the payment of a peppercorn rents to parties Whereas John Bull has applied to John Green for a loan of £600 on the security of the premises NOW In consideration of £600 paid to Bull, he "in exercise of power reserved to him by the indenture of ... April 1828" direct and appoints that premises as above should continue to the use and behoof of John Green - all that undivided freehold third part of messuage or tenement formerly in the occupation of William Knight, afterwards of David Smith, and since of John Benjamin Timaeus, late of Richard Mastin, and then of John Bull, situate in the High Street in the parish of St.Paul's, Bedford, bounded: W: High Street N: Messuage or tenement formerly of William Smith but afterwards of John Gillham, lately called the Ram Inn S: Messuage or tenement formerly in the occupation of Thomas Davis, afterwards of Edward Jeffery, and then or late of John Cavit And also a building late a necessary house but since converted into a washhouse, and the passage leading thereto situate in the lower or back yard belonging to the tenement lately called the Ram Inn over or near the common sewer there adjoining to the upper stable in the said yard, with liberty of ingress and egress to the washhouse through the several yards And also free use in common with the owners and occupiers of the late Ram Inn and the messuage in the occupation of John Cavit, of the pump and well standing in the yard then or late belonging to John Gillham To hold to John Green, subject to trusts etc. Bull also assigns to Green his interest in the two terms of 1000 years in the property Covenant by Bull to repay principal and interest, to insure the premises, etc. Further reciting indenture dated 15 February 1779 between i) Thomas Howard and ii) Thomas Estwick, by which i) demised above-mentioned premises to ii) for term of 500 years subject to repayment of principal [sum not stated]; that default was made in the payment; that by the indenture dated ... April the residue of the term became vested in John Beedham in trust for Bull; that Beedham has agreed at the request of Bull and on the nomination of Green to assign the residue of the term to Nathaniel Beedham; term assigned by present indenture B. Assignment of mortgage and terms 15 June 1864 1)Thomas Leach of Eccleston Square, Belgravia, Middlesex. 2)Sarah Cundey of 43 Hassett Street, Bedford, spinster; Albina Bull of Bedford, spinster; John Day of Bedford, builder Reciting: will of John Green (made 24 November 1840) devising his estate to his daughters Mary Green and Sarah Jones Green subject to an annuity to their mother Sarah Green, and appointing his wife and daughters as executors; codicil dated 23 February 1842 giving to his wife the whole of the annual income arising from his estate for life so long as she should continue his widow; death of John Green on 31 May 1842; will proved in Prerogative Court of Canterbury by Sarah Green on 12 July 1842; Mary Green died unmarried and intestate on 3 June 1842 leaving her sister as heir at law; Sarah Jones Green married Thomas Leach on 14 August 1844; Sarah Green, widow of John Green, died intestate on 12 June 1847; Sarah Jones Leach obtained letters of administration of the effects of Sarah Green and Mary Green respectively, 8 October 1847 Also reciting Assignment of mortgage (lease and release) dated 10/11 June 1859 between i) Thomas Leach and Sarah Jones Leach, and ii) Frederick Heinty [no further mention - nature of involvement unclear], assigning the principal sum of £600 and undivided third parts in premises and in the two terms of 1000 years to Leach; all interest had been paid, and £50 had been paid to Leach but [in 1864] the sum of £550 remained unpaid Whereas Sarah Cundey, Albina Bull and John Day had agreed to pay £550 "out of monied belonging to them upon a joint account" to Leach to discharge the mortgage NOW In consideration of £550 paid by 2) to 1), 1) assigns to 2) all the principal sum of £550 remaining due on the mortgage and all interests in premises and terms etc. C. Assignment of mortgage and terms: 8 May 1878 1) John Day of Bedford, builder 2) said John Day, Benjamin Bull of Royston, Herts., chemist, and Frederick Payne of Bedford, gent. Reciting: assignment of mortgage dated 15 June 1864 (as above) and that [in 1878] the principal sum of £550 remained owing but all interest had been paid; deaths of Albina Bull at Bedford on 13 April 1865 and Sarah Cundey at Bedford on 6 January 1875 leaving John Day as the sole survivor; that 2) had become entitled to the principal sum of £550 upon joint account in equity, and that 1) had agreed to transfer to 2) the said sum and the securities for the same NOW 1) assigns principal sum etc. to 2) D. Will of John Bull made 13 October 1865 John Bull by will dated 13 October 1865 appointed his son John Richard Bull and Thomas Bull as executors, making certain specific bequests and giving to his wife an annuity of £100 as a charge upon his estate devised to his sons; Real estate to sons John Richard and Thomas, subject to payment of debts and funeral expenses, and bequests of £500 to son Benjamin Bull and £600 to daughter Fanny Perry; Personal estate to his wife. Addenda: Death of John Bull on 9 September 1870; will proved in Northampton District Probate Registry, 18 October 1870 E. Will of John Richard Bull made 25 July 1876 John Richard Bull by will dated 25 July 1876 appointed his wife Mary and his friends Robert Barry Stafford of Bedford, auctioneer, and Frederic Thompson the younger of Bedford, bookseller, as executors, making certain specific bequests; residue of real and personal estate to executors to be sold and the monies to be held in trust [no details given in abstract] Addenda: Death of John Richard Bull on 10 April 1880; will proved in Principal Registry of the Probate Division, 11 June 1880
- Level of descriptionitem
- Persons/institution keywordBull, John,
Beedham, John,
Beedham, Nathaniel,
Green, John,
Darling, John,
Darling, Mary,
Darling, William,
Darling, George,
Wales, Edward,
Sherman, Richard,
Knight, William,
Davis, Thomas,
Smith, Richard,
Matthews, James,
Matthews, Elizabeth,
Woodward, Thomas,
Vincent, Thomas,
Evans, Robert,
Dunham, John,
Pearse, Theed,
Okely, Joseph,
Peck, William,
Green, John,
Knight, William,
Smith, David,
Timaeus, John Benjamin,
Mastin, Richard,
Smith, William,
Gillham, John,
Jeffery, Edward,
Cavit, John,
Howard, Thomas,
Estwick, Thomas,
Leach, Thomas,
Leach, Sarah Jones,
Cundey, Sarah,
Bull, Albina,
Day, John,
Green, Mary,
Green, Sarah Jones,
Green, Sarah,
Heinty, Frederick,
Bull, Benjamin,
Bull, John Richard,
Bull, Thomas,
Bull, Mary,
Payne, Frederick,
Perry, Fanny,
Stafford, Robert Barry,
Thompson, Frederick - Keywords
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