• Reference
  • Title
    Assignment and Conveyance by indentures of Lease and Release (4 skins)
  • Date free text
    24-25 May 1788
  • Production date
    From: 1788 To: 1788
  • Scope and Content
    Parties (i) Thomas Woodward and his wife Philadelphia (ii) Edward Emery (iii) William Inskip of Hitchin (Herts.), grocer, and George Inskip of Ickwell in the parish of Northill, yeoman, acting as William Ibbott's trustee (iv) William Wilshere the younger of Hitchin, gent., and Samuel Coxall of Royston (Herts.), clock and watchmaker. Recites Z824/13-15; and contract for sale and conveyance in fee from Thomas Woodward to William Ibbott of all the mortgaged land in Z824/13 (though differently described; see below), except parcel (f) [erroneously described as parcel Z824/13(e) in the recitals and opening parcel clause] which is surrendered to Thomas Woodward below [as parcel (h)] to extinguish the mortgage term to which it was subject, for £1450, and that, requiring £800 to complete the purchase, William Ibbott has applied to (iv) to loan him that amount on the security of the land; agreement to pay and discharge the principal sum owing to (ii), which amounts to £640, out of the £800 so advanced, and to assign the unexpired residue of the mortgage term to (iv) to secure the repayment of the £800 with interest. Witnesses assignment and conveyance to William Ibbott of the parcels below giving effect to the recited contract and agreements. The assignment by (ii) expressly includes the indentures of mortgage by demise and subsequent assignments; and the habendum includes a trust estate (involving George Inskip) to bar the dower and thirds of Philadelphia Woodward followed by a covenant by (i) to levy a fine for the further assurance of the premises but subject [as the habendum] to the unexpired residue of the term assigned by way of mortgage and the proviso for the repayment of the principal sum of £800 advanced by (iv) and interest at 5% p.a. and a yearly payment of £5 for ever to the poor of the parish of Northill charged on the premises by the will of John Atterton and the rents, quit rents, and services due and payable to the Chief Lord(s) of the fee(s) of whom the premises are held. The parcels conveyed in fee: (a) messuage, tenement or farmhouse in Lower Caldecote in the occupation of Thomas Woodward (b) close of pasture adjoining (a) called Home Close (5a.) (c) 4 closes of inclosed pasture or meadow in Lower Caldecote now or heretofore called Bryants Close, Chequer Leys, Taylors Close and Innings Close (9a.) (d) parcel of land in the same (before said to contain 15a 3r 4p but is actually 15a 3r 5p) bounded on part of the east by the homestead or Home Close [i.e. (a) and (b)], parts of the south and other parts of the east by old inclosures late belonging to John Harvey esq., deceased, on the west by land allotted to Thomas Beaumont, on the north by land allotted to Thomas Woodward and exchanged by him to Thomas Beaumont, on further part of the east by the North Road and on the remaining part of the south and east by (f). (e) parcel of land in the same in the Meadows (10a 37p) bounded on part of the E and S and SW by land allotted to John Harvey, west and further part of the south by land allotted to William Pym esq., NW by land allotted to Thomas Baker and on the E by the lordship of Sandy; which (d) and (e) and another parcel containing 4a 29p (exchanged by Thomas Woodward to Thomas Beaumont) were allotted to Thomas Woodward in the Parliamentary Inclosure award for Northill and Sandy. (f) parcel of old inclosed land called Spring Close (2a 3r 38p) at Lower Caldecote, bounded on the E by the North Road and on all other sides and parts by land of Thomas Woodward and which in the award was exchanged to Thomas Woodward by Thomas Beaumont for the allotment of 4a 29p in (e) above ..all which (a) - (f) are in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Woodward (g) messuage, cottage or tenement and close of pasture adjoining (1a) in Lower Caldecote in the tenure or occupation heretofore of Edward Ward, since of Thomas Burridge, late of Thomas Woodward, labourer, and now of William Larman, and adjoining Bryants Close 9as in (c)) Also witnesses the assignment and surrender of the parcel below from (ii) to (i) to the intent that the residue of the unexpired mortgage term to which the same was subject be merged or extinguished in the inheritance of the same. The parcel so assigned: (h) messuage or tenement as in Z824/13(e), heretofore Longlands and now in the occupation of James Bunnage/Burmage [?sic; Burnage] and the close and orchard belonging to the same. Dorse: witnessing by Jeremy Fish Palmer and Thomas Kidman
  • Reference
  • Level of description