• Reference
  • Title
    Lease: (i) John Polhill, Howbury, esquire (ii) John Knight, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, farmer. (i) leases to (ii) Woodfield Farm in Renhold (263 acres). Term 6 years from 11 October 1820, freed from all great or Rectorial tithes. Rent £340, freed from all deductions except land tax. £10 for every acre of meadow or pasture ploughed up, £10 for every acre arable sown with cereals for 2 successive years and not fallowed. Other covenants and conditions as in X 668/203 to 211 [Details given] This deed to remain in custody of solicitor of (i) during said term. Signature of (i). Endorsed witness: Theed Pearse
  • Date free text
    16 Nov 1820
  • Production date
    From: 1820 To: 1820
  • Scope and Content
    Other covenants and conditions as in X 668/203 to 211: Reserving all timber to (i), also all mines and stone quarries, and gaming rights. (ii) to keep glass windows in repair, lead work and solder and thatch of the building, also gates, posts, stiles, rails etc. (ii) will also bank up 80 rods of ditching and banking every year. (ii) to find wagon load of good trussed wheatstraw for the stables of (i) and another for thatching, for which to be paid 20s. (ii) to level all new anthills and molehills. (ii) to pay £5 for every rod of unmended fence. (ii) to provide wagon and 4 horses and an able bodied man 2 days every year to fetch and carry coals. (i) will allow to (ii) the costs he is put to in respect of wages to labourers employed in underdraining the arable. Buildings to be insured.
  • Level of description