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  • Title
    Depositions of Edward Frederick Tilley, police constable of Aspley Guise, Mary Ann Hedges, wife of Solomon, a railway porter, and Harriet Joyce, singlewoman. In the case of Robert Jefferies accused of stealing a plaid gown, a pair of worsted tweed trousers and a tweed coat.
  • Date free text
    26 June 1852
  • Production date
    From: 1852 To: 1852
  • Scope and Content
    Mary Ann Hedges: on 25 June she had a worsted plaid gown, a pair of worsted tweed trousers and a woollen cotton tweed coat hanging on a line in the yard adjoining her husband's house. On returning the items were gone. She informed the railway policeman at Aspley Guise station of her loss and he went in pursuit of the prisoner. Harriet Joyce: 14 year old living in Aspley Guise. Between 3 and 4 o'clock on 25 June she saw the prisoner in Mr Hedge’s yard at Aspley Guise. She saw him take something off the line there but could not say what. She had seen some clothes on the line when she had gone to the well there. Edward Frederick Tilley: a police constable stationed at the Railway Station in Woburn Sands. Between 3 and 4 o'clock on 25 June the prisoner came to his house begging. He lived next door to the Hedges in Aspley Guise. He was shortly after informed of Mrs Hedge’s losses. He told her he had seen a beggar and he went out in pursuit of him. He overtook the prisoner and saw he had a bundle under his coat. He asked Jefferies if he could examine it. He produced a pair of trousers, a coat and a gown. He took the man into custody and conveyed him before the magistrate’s who were sitting in Woburn. They remanded him.Statement of the accused : nothing to say
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