• Reference
  • Title
    Papers etc relating to the Reverend John Jones period as Rector of Bolnhurst and his troubles there. The problem seems to be that the patron, Fleetwood Churchill, cosidered that he had appointed John Jones to the Living only untill his (Churchill's) son was old enough to hold it. John Jones disputed this, saying among other things, that if he did leave he wanted compensation for improvements made. Also trouble with his successor. The documents have been listed by Dr Williams' Library and a copy of their catalogue is held with the photocopies.The copies,though, are only of of certain of the items, see summary list below. For copies of all the Bedfordshire items see Micf 45. for a further copy of the list see CRT 130 Bolnhurst 6
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1749 To: 1767
  • Scope and Content
    Dr William' Library no: 39.B.13 (1) '1767 A summary of my case relating to Bolnhurst' (7) Letter from William Gery, Bushmead 9 Aug 1767 (34) 'List of the Inhaitants of Bolnhurst, 1750' (35)i Notebook entitled '1754.Boulne-Hurst. Regulations for Monthly Vestries & the Care of the poor....' (35)ii Memoranda concerning this meeting ,1754 (35)iv John Church's account as Churchwarden.1754 (35)v Rules and orders relating to parishioners made at a vestry etc 5 and 12 October 1755 (35)vi Order made at a Vestry, 5 October 1760.'That no expences of eating or drinking at a... meeting... be charged to the Parish'. (36) List of communicants, 1759-61; notes of collections and distributions to the poor; etc (37) Papers relating to the coming to Bolnhurst of Elizabeth Gale (otherwise Lovell) and 2 children, as it was said to be the place of her husband's settlement,1755 (37)viii Memo by James Stonehouse concerning the admission of a patient to St Thomas's Hospital, London (37) ix Certificate for the removal of Elizabeth Barrance from Thurleigh to Bolnhurst, 25 April 1754 (38) i Part of a letter from Joseph Churchill to John Jones regarding lawlessness in Bedfordshire,1753 (38) ii Draft of a letter from John Jones to the Duke of Bedford requesting him to obtain more magistrates for the county, 12 September 1753 (38) iii Copy of letter from John Jones to Dr Ingram at Barnet, Hertfordshire, 27 January 1755 (38) iv Copy of order of Bolnhurst vestry relating to John Carter who had left his wife and children destitute.22 January 1755 (38) v Warrant for the apprehension of John Carter,1755 (38) vi Copy of letter from John Jones to Richard Astell concerning H Hemington, an' incorrigible rogue' apparently of Bolnhurst, 25 April 1754 (38) vii Memo by John Jones of a resolution of the Bolnhurst Vestry to apply for the confinment of Ben Squire in the House of Correction at Bedford, or for his becoming a soldier, 27 April 1756 (39) i Forged sheet with which John Smith and Richard Watson begged for help after alleged losses by fire at 'Little Weston, near Ampthill' with notes by John Jones, October 1775 (39) ii Note with description of these men and extract from a newspaper [Northampton Mercury?] concerning them [1755] (39) iii A subcription list probably taken from these men (39) iv Forged certificate of John Roberts of Cheshire, alleging loss by the cattle plague, detected at Bolnhurst, 22 March 1754 (39) v Subscription list, headed 'Partenhall' probably taken from a 'cheat' (40) i Certificate of banns of marriage between John Elms of Bolnhurst and Sarah Stoakes of Oakley, 1751 (40) ii Coroner's certificate for the burial of John Fairy at Bolnhurst, 18 October 1757 (40) iii 'Bolnhurst.. We agree to meet in this Church once a week ... for Psalmody...' 30 March 1751 (40) iv Copy of notice to be fixed to Wilden Church door concerning dogs worrying sheep, 1754 (40) v Copy of notice offering reward for returning new Bible and prayer Book stolen from Bolnhurst Church, 1757 (40) vi Printed notice of the sale of books and other goods at Bolnhurst Parsonge, October 1757 (41) Letter from T Parslow,Colmworth to John Jones regarding visitation, churchwarden etc 2 April 1763 (42) Letter from T Parslow to John Jones concerning a request to turn a seat into a pew, 12 December 1764, with copy of John Jones' reply, 18 December 1764 (43) Letter from T Parslow to John Jones concerning a charitable distribution of bread, 26 January 1767 (44) Draft of letter to T Parslow concerning a new marriage register,18 November 1762 (45) Note book showing receipts and dusbursements for the years of 1757-1767, of John Jones. NOTE 1757 only copied 39.B.14 A collection of papers within an old leather bound book, relating to John Jones attempt to resign the living of Bolnhurst in 1757, and to trouble with his patron (10) Notes by Jn Jones of the damp situation of Bolnhurst and of his health while there,1750-1757 (11) Declaration by several inhabitants of Bolnhurst of their value and esteem for John Jones, 9 June 1756 (23) 'A short recollection of some ill usuages which I have met with since I came to Bolnhurst' 2 April 1757 39. B. 15 A collection of papers within a cover inscribed 'Papers relating to Boln-Hurst.Records.Parish Affairs &c' (1) Extracts made in 1760 from the grant of the manor of Bolnhurst to Sir John St John 6 Edward VI and from the court rolls of Manor, made circa 1760. (2) Copy of a statement by John Jones 'Extracts from ancient records relating to the manor and Parish of Bolnhurst' 23 March 1761 (3) Extracts from court rolls,17 and 6 Elizabeth I, relating to the parson and parsonage (9) A notebook containing notes regarding the value of the living, extracts from various accounts and assesments, chartiable donation etc 17th- 18th centuries (11) 'Some notices collected from several ancient Maps & other records relating to Boulnehuurst' relating to maps etc 1662-1748 (12) Extracts relating to Bolnhurst, including copy of verses painted on either side of the Royal Arms, 1625 at Brook-End house (14) iii Memorandum of a tithe agreement, 1750 (14) v Letter from John Jones to Mr Hervey at Ickwell concerning tithes due upon a tenants' property 15 November 1756 (14) vi Letter from John Jones to Mr Francklin informing him that there is no land in the parish of Bolnhurst exempt from tithes of corn, 1 February 1759 (14) vii Letter from Jn Jones to Mr Franklin asking him to pay his tithe due on Black- land to the bearer John Cooch, 2 May 1759 (15) i List of catechumens at Bolnhurst, 20 May 1750 ii Letter from Thomas Broughton, with list of books ordered from the S P C K for distribution at Bolnhurst, bought with a bequest of £5 from Thomas Baker, late Rector, 30 June 1751 iii Letter from Thomas Broughton, with list of books sent 13 January 1753 iv Bill for 500 copies of Address against Cock-Throwing, January 1753 v Notes made by John Jones at the Bishop's visitation at Bedford, 13 July 1752 vi Recommendation by John Jones about dilapiated churches, 1751 vii Revew by John Jones of his expenses as Rector of Bolnhurst [part only], April 1756 viii Copy of verses on tombstone of Eden Wadsworth at Bolnhurst,1 March 1755 ix Epitaph 'intended for my friend Solomon Safford of Bolnhurst if he dies before me' 17 November 1766 (16) i 'A true and perfect Account of the Certaintly money [from ye consables Book]' 1 December 1690 ii 'Extracts from the old Register & c' - a list of certain surnames with their occurence. 1586-1710 iii Copy of bequest by the late rector, Thomas Baker, for a school at Bolnhurst, with memorandum by Isaac Keech of his appointment as Master, 1762 iv copy of land tax assesment for Bolnhurst,1750 v Copy [part] of Poor Rate assesment, 1747 vi Memorandum by J.J of loss by poor cottages at Bolnhurst of common rights through encroachments, 1757 vii Note on enclosing of common fields. 'I can by no means approve of it' 3 April 1755 xii List of candidates for conformation, 15 May 1763 39. B. 24 A collection of papers written by John Jones and mainly concerning his period as Assistant curate to John Berridge at Everton, 1755-1756 (1) Audi Alteram Partem'. 'Everton. Review of some Particulars' being a statement of affairs between John Jones and John Berridge. 17 pages (2) 'Submitted to equitable consideration, whether the following Actions be honourable &c' pages 1-15; 'Concerning the interview appointed for payment, in Easter week; and what followed afterwards' pages 25-27; 'some farther Observations' pages 25- 27. 22 June 1756 [see description of Berridge on page 22] (3) Letter from John Berridge,Nothingham, presumably to John Jones, and referred to in the previous statement. 25 August 1755 (4) Letter from Richard Jones, London to 'dear Brother' concerning wine (?) supplied to Mr Berridge.2 December 1755 (13) i Note of period of time spent at Everton, 1755 ii Note of parishioners visited at Everton from 21November 1755 Extracts from 39.B.24: (16) (part) Memorandum concerning Berridge, written by John Jones and concerning his preaching. 2 April 1759 (26) Memorandum by John Jones of his meeting with one of Berridge's auditors. 2 January 1760 (27) 'Mr Berridge is a man full of vehemence & unruly zeal'. Undated note (28) Memorandum by John Jones of a conversation with Edmund Bentham, of Sutton, brother to Dr Bentham, with notes concerning enthusiasts, June 1760 (29) Notes of a long sermon preached by Berridge, 1760 (34) Memorandum of a sermon preached by Berridge at Wreslingworth in 1761.On the back, reflections on Berridge's character. Anecdote of Whitfield, a companion of John Wesley. (35) Notes on Berridge and some of his converts and problems caused with the local clergy.1761 (36) Note of certain expressions heard by Mr Cave of Bedford in a sermon preached there by Berridge. 2 August 1762 (37) Note a attendance at Everton of certain people from St Neots and Berridge's remarks to them, 1764 39.B.28 A notebook with title inside the front cover 'The Rent-Book of the lesser tithes appertaining to the Vicarage of Alconbury...' later used for Bolnhurst. Arranged under names (and indexed).With advice to his sucessors at the end ,and other notes.1742-1760 [at end Dr Williams' Library catalogue of above items and other papers relating to Jn Jones, which were not photocopied]
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