• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition and examination - Thomas Allen
  • Date free text
    15 December 1841
  • Production date
    From: 1841 To: 1842
  • Scope and Content
    William Stamford - he keeps a grocer's shop in Woburn. Yesterday afternoon he served a person in his shop and at that time had 4 half crowns and some copper in his till. He had a light in his shop and the shutters were not closed. When the person paid for the goods he opened his till and put in some half pence - a person in the street might have seen this. He was in front of the counter and reached over to open the till. The person left the shop and he went downstairs. Two minutes later he heard the noise of a pair of scales moving on his counter. He went to the shop and saw Allen against the door as if going out. He asked what Allen was doing there, and he asked if he sold bread. He asked Allen what business he had with his scales - he said it was not the scales but the latch of the door that made a noise. He is sure Allen was going out. He had laid hold of him but let him go. He went round the counter and saw two half crowns were gone from the till. He ran after Allen and overtook him within 20 yards. Allen was with another man, also a stranger. He took hold of Allen and accused him of stealing 5s. The other man ran off down the road. He sent for a constable who searched the prisoner and found only 3 1/2d on him. He did not hear Allen touch the till. He is sure it was the scales that moved. The till was shut. He believes nobody else could have been in his shop before he saw Allen there. Thomas Allen - he knows he never did it. Stamford heard the latch of the door and not the scales. The door was open when he went in. He had nobody with him. There was a young man going past him who walked on - nobody ran away. Stamford shouted out that man's name and seemed to know him.
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