• Reference
  • Title
    Folio.347-352 James Braine now residing in St Peter, Bedford.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1831 To: 1831
  • Scope and Content
    I am 60 years of age and was born in Stevington. My father Samuel Braine was the owner and occupier of a farm of two hundred and fifty acres of land in Stevington and upon which he resided until he sold it about twenty years ago. I lived at home with my father at Stevington until I was about 27 years of age and as soon as I was old enough to work I worked with him as any other servant. I first went to plough when very young, I milked the cows and served the hogs and did what he told me to do. When I got older I was the horsekeeper. there was no agreement beteween us but he boarded, clothed and lodged me and gave me pocket money now and then. I was horsekeeper about 14 years before I first left my father. When I was about 27 or 28 I left home and came to Bedford and worked for Mr John Purser at thrashing by the piece. I went to him about Lady Day and worked for him until about Michaelmas when I let myself to him for a year as his horsekeeper at £14 wages. I served the year and at Michaelmas let myself again for another year at the same wages and served until Lady Day following when I enlisted for a soldier but my father bought me off. I did not return to Mr Purser's service. Before my father paid the money to buy me off he said to me "James, I hope you will stop at home with meif I pay the smart for you?" I said "oh yes father I will". I went home with him and after we got home he said to me "Now I hope you'll take the same work you did before" I said "yes father I will" - nothing was said about pay - not a word - one of my younger brothers was horsekeeper when I was away but when I returned he took the cows. I lodged and boarded in the same house with my father until I married. I married on Thursday in Whitsun week in the next year of the next year but one after I returned to my father, at Stevington Church to Elizabeth Sheffield by whom I have five children now living and born at Stevington - Robert, now living in London, a shoemaker in business for himself, Elizabeth now the wife of - Grimshaw also living in London, James, lately removed from Cambridge to Bedford, George now living in Bedford, Eleanor now in service at Cambridge. From the time of my return to my father after I left Mr Purser I served him as his horsekeeper until he sold his farm about 20 years ago. When I married I went to live in a cottage belonging to him on the farm. He clothed me during the whole time and gave me money from time to time as I wanted it but no fixed sum. He boarded me after I was married. About nine years ago I hired of a Mr Yates a bakehouse in Chamber's Yard in St Mary, Bedford at the rent of £14 a year. I hired it at Lady Day. There was a room above the bakehouse in which I and my wife lived. I lived there about half a year when I failed. I paid three quarters of a years rent and all parish rates. I don't know whether my name was in the rates or not. George and Eleanor were the only children then living with me. My son James was then at service as groom with Mr Inge of Biddenham , he was not then 21 buthe has never lived with me since, he has sometimes been for a week on a visit. On recollection it was eight years ago this Lady Day since I took the bakehouse. James is now 27 years old. Signed but not dated.
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