- ReferencePUBZ3/7/40
- TitleFolio.62-64 Solomon Thompson of St Paul, Bedford, saddler.
- Date free text1 November 1828
- Production dateFrom: 1828 To: 1828
- Scope and ContentI am about 33 years of age, was born in Luton where my father resided but I do not know if he belonged to that parish. He has been many years dead. My mother now resides and for some time past has resided in an Almshouse in the parish of Luton and receives three shillings and six pence weekly from the parish or from charity I cannot tell. When I was about 14 years of age I went to Mr John Hellens to learn the trade of saddler and harness maker. On the 11th day of November 1811 I was bound apprentice (with the consent and approbation of my mother Ann Thompson, then a widow) to the said John Hellens for seven years from the 24th day of June 1809. I served the whole seven years with Mr Hellens at Luton. Myself, mu mother and Mr Hellens all signed and sealed the indenture 9which is now produced and appears to be properly executed and attested). I have since worked at my trade as a journeyman in London, St Albans, Bedford and other places, but have not done any act since to gain a settlement. In the month of August 1822 i was married at St paul to my wife frances by whom I have two children namely Caroline aged about sx years and Mary Ann aged two years.
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