• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions and examination - David Owen the younger of Biggleswade, labourer, charged with stealing one metal watch.
  • Date free text
    16 September 1840
  • Production date
    From: 1840 To: 1840
  • Scope and Content
    Mary Ann White of Biggleswade, wife of William White, labourer - On September 15 she left home about 6pm. When she went out of the house she left the watch now produced and the shell lying on the top of the drawers in her bedroom. She came back about 6.45 and went upstairs about 8.30 and missed the watch. She locked the house when she left and put the key of the front door on the window sill near the door. As soon as she missed the watch she went and told Mr Keogh. John Keogh of Biggleswade, yeoman - about 10pm the previous night from information received he went to the house of the boy David Owen and found him in bed. He woke him and questioned him and told him to dress and come with him. Owen's mother came out of the adjoining room and asked what he had been up to. He said Owen had been stealing something worse than a pair of shoes. After some more conversation she went into her room and brought out the watch and shell. Ellen Clark of Biggleswade, spinster - between 6 and 7pm the little boy came and knocked at her door and asked if Mrs White lived there. She told him she lived next door. He went away towards Mrs White's back door. David Owen [the younger] - has nothing to say Ann wife of David Owen the elder of Biggleswade, labourer - the boy is her son. Between 7 and 8pm the previous evening he brought home the watch and the shell and gave them to her. He told her he had found it on the pavement but did not say where.
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