• Reference
  • Title
    Deposition of John Sibley, blacksmith of Wheathampstead (Herts), against Edward Oakley
  • Date free text
    30 March 1840
  • Production date
    From: 1840 To: 1840
  • Scope and Content
    In September he was journeyman to William Gamby, blacksmith at New Mill End, and lodging at the Swan, New Mill End. He was at Luton Statute and Edward Oakley came with him to New Mill End. Oakley went past Mr Jones' and did not go in. As they were going along the road Oakley gave him a pistol - he did not give Oakley anything for it. On Tuesday morning he heard Mr Jones had lost a brace of pistols. Mr Gamby had heard he had a pistol and asked for it. He gave it to Mr Gamby and told him Edward Oakley had given it to him.
  • Level of description