- ReferenceQSR1850/1/5/47-48/a
- TitleDepositions of Maria Hallworth, widow of Maulden, Thomas Hallworth, farmer of Maulden, Sarah Flint, wife of William, and William Keating, police constable of Barton. In the case of John Cousins & Thomas Johnson, accused of stealing a silk cape
- Date free text2 January 1850
- Production dateFrom: 1849 To: 1850
- Scope and ContentMaria Hallworth: on 31 December, she was at the Coach & Horse in Barton, run by William Chandler. She had laid her black silk cape on a table and when she returned it had gone. Thomas Hallworth: on 31 December he was driving towards Barton and met the accused. Sarah Flint: the accused slept at her husbands beer shop and lodging house in New Town Street, in Luton, on 31 December. Next day they sold her a cape for 2 shillings. William Keating: he apprehended the accused at Flint's lodging house in Luton. He was given the silk cape by Sarah Flint. Johnson told him he picked it up on the road from St Albans. Cousins agreed with this.
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