• Reference
  • Title
    Depositions of Martha Deamer, wife of Philip, green grocer, Robert Calver, a minor and James Smith, police constable, all of Luton. In the case of William Ellis, accused of stealing 4 dried herrings
  • Date free text
    1 December 1849
  • Production date
    From: 1849 To: 1850
  • Scope and Content
    Robert Calver: he was against the Eagle Tavern in Wellington Street, above Philip Deamer shop. He saw William Ellis approach the stall, take some herrings and put them in his pocket. He told Mrs Deamer, who asked him to get her husband. On returning they met constable Smith, and afterwards with Smith, he saw 4 herrings be removed from Elllis' hat. Martha Deamer: her statement is crossed out. She explains the position of the herrings and how she noticed them gone. James Smith: was advised the accused had taken the herrings, and on searching Ellis he found them in his hat. Ellis later told him he had taken them from Mr Dreamer’s shop and had been driven to it by hunger.
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