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  • Title
    Volume II Detailed Diary of Frederica Orlebar : only a few sketches.
  • Date free text
  • Production date
    From: 1861 To: 1863
  • Scope and Content
    (a) Honeymoon: Furness Abbey, Coniston, Lowwood near Ambleside. describes Ullswater. attacks imitation ‘tower’ shooting lodges they move on to Grasmere, describes Langdale area they move to Keswick. 15 August mention of possible engagement of Theresa Rouse-Boughton to Herman Wayne, third son of the Vicar of Wenlock, Shropshire, a soldier. they move to Penrith and take train to Edinburgh stayed at Mackay’s Hotel. stay at Uncle Mowbray’s house, Otterston near Burntisland. go by steamer from Leith. (Frederica first went there in 1859) they move on to Aberdeen to Culter to stay with the Lumsdens, description of house. under August 23, 1861 etc. walk round King Caussie game of croquet 26 August 1861 move to Gairloch by way of Inverness, have an hour in Aberdeen (described) details journey from Dingwall to Gairloch especially scenery stay with St. Johns at Gairloch (refers back to Journal of visit in 1859) Arthur Magniac a member of the party, head of stag Richard Short ‘now’ at Hinwick Hall. Frederica gets lonely with Richard out shooting day after day. enjoyable day fishing at Poolewe. at Gairloch 28 August – 12 September 1861. (b) return south including description of Inverness - Dunkeld Road via Blair Atholl, Killiecrankie Pass, by coach then train to Carlisle from Dunkeld. (c) visit to Acton Scott, firing of Guns etc. to welcome happy couple. visit of the Russells. Frederica attacks women who spend their time after hounds and neglect their children and servants. compared to those entirely concentrating on domestic matters. happy medium Mrs Sartoris and Frederica’s mother (died when Frederica was four) (d) return to Larden September 18, 1861 Celebration got up by local people. Herman Wayne discussed. leave 25 September 1861. (e) visit to Downton Hall, Ashford Hall etc. (f) Return to Hinwick 30 September 1861. Walpoles staying also at Hinwick House. suggestions for alterations to Hinwick Hall. mention of “old salt cellars with Peter Payne’s memorial inside.” (g) grand meeting of farmers to introduce Frederica to the parish signed presentation of congratulations (signed by Richard Orlebar’s tenants) stuck into the volume dancing in the Hall of Hinwick House, then games. 9 October 1861. (h) move into Hinwick Hall - Harvest Home thanksgiving - school feast - housekeeping troubles 10 – 15 October 1861. (i) Visit of Frances Rouse-Boughton to Hinwick Hall - a change of furniture in drawing room two trips to London but a bad time for Frederica, ill and too much to organise feeling of estrangement from the poor, 100 families in Podington alone, let alone Hinwick: tries teaching in the school. unlike Larden poor don’t expect to be visited. ‘boorishness’ of Bedfordshire contrasted to courteous Salopians ‘unrailroaded county’ “felt a stranger among strangers” lack of ornaments at Hinwick Hall, longing for pretty things, ‘new pretty books, or drawing, or music or anything intellectual and refined’ difficulties with their new cook Mrs Jones (Shropshire woman) insisted on them eating roast beef and plum pudding every Sunday. visit of Edward Arnold 4 year old nephew of Richard visits to Tuckers at Pavenham and Colworth, both with pretty contents, to Melchbourne, and the Youngs at Orlingbury. Mary arrives 11 December 1861. Frances and Mary 11 and 13 December 1861 leave for visit to Melchbourne Souldrop church reopened 17 December 1861. Richard shot three days a week; hunting two days a week and doing work for his father one day. taught twice in the Sunday School each Sunday. tells Richard her troubles = Richard’s efforts to be with her more, search for pony and pony carriage. spends Christmas Eve at Melchbourne. Penrose and Hinwick Orlebars to dinner at Hinwick Hall 25 December 1861. Boxing Day get presents including an Ordnance Survey Map of Bedfordshire. to see Boultbees in Bedford and Tuckers at Pavenham 31 December 1861. St. Andrew St. John’s coming of age party at Melchbourne Bedford Times Newspaper Account stuck in 3 January 1862. (j) Visit of Aunt Fanny and Theresa Her three sisters at Hinwick January – February 1862. visit of Cathy March 1862. made paper cutter with two little views of Hinwick House and Hall on the handle for Richard’s Birthday 10 April 1862 Frederica’s birthday, given marked brooch. Mary Orlebar 1818 by Uncle Augustus 15 April 1862. gets pony carriage and old horse from Augustus started drawing again alterations to Hinwick Hall – creation of a nursery etc. 20 May 1862 birth of Richard Rouse Boughton Orlebar and her reaction to the baby. Christened 21 June 1862 change of cook 23 June 1862. (k) Visit to Shropshire. Used newly opened Severn Valley line to Wenlock stayed at Larden 2 – 10 August 1862. stayed at Acton Scott. Mentions Swiss Chalet, buys a pony 10 – 15 August 1862. visit to Downton Hall. see church being built by Andrew out of his own money. marriage of Theresa to Herman Wayne 20 August 1862. newspaper account stuck in sketch of a picnic at a quarry 26 August 1862. Visit to Lamport (includes visit to Spratton, built by my aunt, old Lady St. John, left by her to her daughter Loui Macleod) 26 – 28 August 1862. excursions with new pony. - Richard Rouse Boughton in short clothes Starts class for boys on Sundays 7 September 1862. book of sketches of ‘our fortnight in Wales’ for Sophie (l) Visit to London for Exhibition including a visit to the Crystal Palace, ‘Henry VIII’ – Kean acting 20 September 1862. Cub hunting meet at Hinwick Hall 22 September 1862. Visit of Theresa and Herman Wayne to Hinwick Hall including picnic at Darnells Den with Sartoris family. Theresa etc. to live in Dublin 22 – 25 September 1862. more rides on the pony, getting on better with visiting the poor visit to Mr. Robe at Biddenham including visit to Mr. Howard’s model farm. Church being restored. 8 October 1862. by November giving up riding meet at Keysoe Park 22 November 1862. reading Schiller’s ‘Song of the Bell’ in German starting on ‘transparency’ view of Hinwick Hall by moonlight for Uncle Augustus for Christmas 9 December 1862. Christmas Day – not much present giving, gave money to the Lancashire weavers instead. Given by ‘House people’ i.e. Orlebars senior a copy of “Hymns Ancient and Modern” Visit of Sophie Thruston (nee Russell) etc. 27 – 31 December 1862. Frederica making up quarterly accounts etc. 9 January 1863. description of Richard Rouse Boughton Orlebar as a baby 20 January 1863. a Hunt Ball and two days later a ball of Sartoris at Rushden (newspaper account stuck in) 27 January 1863. account of Ball at Lamport 3 February 1863. Frederica spent next two days reading Rickman’s Glossary of Gothic Architecture. (m) visit to Eastbourne to help Frederica recover her health; read ‘No Name’ by Wilkie Collins on the journey Prince of Wales wedding day celebrated by Eastbourne read Geoffrey Hamlin lead on to advice to her boys in the event of her death: a Christian homily. holiday includes trips to Pevensey and Hurstmonceaux Castles 2 – 23 March 1863. on breaking journey at London purchased a perambulator from Baker Street Bazaar. death of Richard’s grandmother, Mrs. Alston. Heard of it 5 April 1863 buried on 10 April 1863. Richard takes up sketching on Frederica’s birthday 15 April 1863. (n) Birth of Beauchamp Orlebar 3 May 1863. Description of Beauchamp as baby 12 May 1863. Frederica Churched 31 May 1863. Beauchamp christened 14 June 1863. (godfathers: Beauchamp St. John, Uncle Orlando, and Mary Boughton) long piece on pros and cons of hunting, regards it as ‘a necessary evil’ pencil note “I have modified this opinion about hunting” did a sketch book of the chidren’s achievements etc. presented to Mrs Orlebar, senior. account of digging well near Geldart’s new farm buildings 10 July 1863. Mitchells and Orlebars senior go to seaside at Southsea, Hampshire July 1863. Richard Orlebar’s toothache, visit to London to have it out 15 – 17 July 1863. trip to Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire where Frederica and Richard had got engaged 28 May 1861 18 July 1863. Beauchamp short coated 30 July 1863. Visit to Cardales - Mrs. Cardale much loved when her husband was vicar of Podington 1 August 1863. trip to sea, only can afford to send Frederica ‘very poor at the time’ (pencil notes reference debts of Mr. Orlebar) August 1863. 31 July 1861 – August 1863.
  • Published copy available in searchroom as MIC 301
  • Published as a microfilm by academic publishers Adam Matthew.
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