• Reference
  • Title
    Hugh Awdeley’s negotiations with "the Committee" at Goldsmith’s Hall.
  • Date free text
    6 March 1643 to 11 April 1645
  • Production date
    From: 1643 To: 1645
  • Scope and Content
    6 March 1643 Hugh Awdeley was served with a tickett from the Committee att Gouldsmoths hall to this effect viz: That whereas the some of 20,000 was to bee paied to the Scotts for their assistance in the warr for rayseinge whereof an ordinance of both houses was past for forceinge those to lend who should not doo itt willingly 27 October 1643 and that they were informed the said Awdeley was able to lend £500 towards the service therby desired him to manifest his good affection to the business as that which would bee most for his advantage beinge Loath to execute the said ordinance upon any without an absolute necessitie. 21 March 1643 Mr Awdeley appered and paied in £200 and moved the Committee that the money might bee accepted and hee discharged from beinge further charged upon the ordinance which was denied and ordered that whereas Mr Awdeley had a tickett of desire sent unto to him for 500 and had paied in £200 therof and appeared the same day,That if hee paied in £300 more by the 25th of that instant it should be accepted, othewyse hee was to bee assessed by the assessors. 2 April 1644 Mr Awdeley appered and showed three acquittences one of £200 paied 21 March 1643 another of £200 paied the 26 of March and one other of £100 paied the 2 of April 1644. March 1643 Mr Awdeley beinge charged with two horses by the Committee of – paid the some of £16 for one horse and brought in another redy furnished which was valued att £18 and then paied for magazine money besydes what was paied by the tenants [?] 8 Maii 1644 Mr Awdeley beinge moved by the Committee of the revenew to lend £1000 for the present relief of Alisbury and beinge not provided of money to doo itt offered to bee bound for the money if the Committee would borrow itt upon his security which they [?] said they could not doo wherupon Mr Awdeley borrowed £500 of his owne frends with interest and Lent itt the Committee for that service as by the acquittance appeareth. August 1644 Mr Awdeley was moved by the Committee for the County of Wiltes to lend £500 for --------- Horse and armes for defence of that County which for want of money hee could not dooe therupon they moved hym and geve his security for £500 which hee did becom bound unto one Mr Aldworth of London merchant for payment of 520 on the 21st of Ffebruary last, but the principall and interest are altogether unpaid. That one halfe of Mr Awdeleys effect doth lye in county Wiltes for which hee hath not receyved any rent or benefitt for the three yeres last past, but the parliament hath had a greate pte therof and the the residue and as hee is informed the parliament hath placed a garrison of horse in one of his houses and a garrison of foote in the other. That Mr Awdeley he beinge seized of a Herme called Ebury Heerme contane lands called the Neate land in county Wilts wherupon ther was a dwellinge house barne and some owte houses which are pulled downe by the werkemen for the parliament for the better levynge of ther werk and a brest werke carryed alonge where they stood and that wer was once barnes were in twoo other closes which are allsoo pulled downe and carryed away by the werkemen or soldiers of the parliament as hee is informed, that ther are fowre fortes built upon the ferme land all the trees woods and bushes cutt downe the ditches filled upp the mownds fences and gates altogether ruined the ordinary roads soe stopped that the tennts cannott have any free passage to ther grownd the fences broken the lands soe trenched and turfed that the tennts refuse to hold them but with very muche abatemt of their rents soe that ther hath not ben rased for the twoo last yeres a third part of the rent which was formerly paied for the same and in the estimacon of tennts and neighbours be the damage which was donn to these lands doth admount unto 2500 att the Least. 2 April 1645 Notwithstanding the said Mr Awdeleys payment of 500 att Gouldsmyths hall as aforesaid other expressions of his good affection to the publique hee was contrary to the words of the ordinant and forest order of the Committee assessed by the assessors att XVcli and a tickett sent him to this effect; viz By virtue of the ordinances of the 27 of October 1643 and 2 of december last you are assessed to lend £1550 to bee paied the coste for their assistance in the warr and if yowe fayle to pay the some within eight daies you shall forfeit for every day after the eighth day the XXth parte of the some assessed and 2d. in every pownd to the collectors who [?] are appointed to levy the same if you shall suffer yor selfe to bee distrayned. 11 Apris 1645 Mr Awdeley appeared att Gouldsmyths and ther showed forth his forest order and his acquittance and alledged his other forest undertakeing. Losses and damages payed to bee discharged of the ferest assessment wherupon an order was made to this effecte Mr Awdeley beinge assessed £1500 is ordered to pay £500 besides £500 formerly paid within a moneth And to a voluntary acquittance for the same. The residue of the County of Wilts withowt his bills of £1000 The County of Huntington £1000 The County of Rutland £500 On bottom of this page a list of names: Mr Ashe, Mr Tenner, Crill Watkins, Cr Antho: Irley, Mr Bateman, Mr Alexander, Mr Chatet [?], Mr Wareinge. Inside: Ashton Armiger direct et huic inquisicion annexat’ ad inquisend post mortem Robbt Duckenfield nuper de Duckenfield, in dico Comm: Chestr armiger in dicto Comiss: nominat’ defunct per sacrem of Paul Wymington de Birches gen. of Hugonis Wirral de ffallibrome gen. Phillippi Downes of Tofte gen. Leo Henshawe of Henshawe gen. Thomas Titherington of Titherington gen. Robert Holford of Fields gen. Anthony Furnival of Milne House gen. Edward Harpur of High Leigh gen, Alexander Duncalfe.
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